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Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

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Status Replies posted by Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

  1. So a friend of mine told me the Jewish religion had fake/non-binary genders. He even showed me a Tumblr post. Oh, and the (two) genders had pretty weird name such as Tumtum.

    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Thats as painful as the rednecks who scream to cuss Allah, but praise the Lord. Allah = Father G0D, same individual. Or the ppl who say Voodoo is a cult black magic. Its a religion, similar to Hinduism, alot of gods. There will always be a moron and a buffoon around every corner. Next time he says some dumb shit like that, send to Chabad.com.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. That Opening tho!! :D :D
    This new arc will be EPIC!


    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      After the Trunks FEELS-Sword, my hopes for this series are in the toilet. I have my highest hopes up, and I like that AT made a female SSJ, added more Shinto religion, made sure all the fans know the Saiyans are Asian to end that dumb debate. But... Female Broli will probably just be a one shot. Arale is gone. Bulma will drink all the air time. Goku does SSJ Green. Vegeta gets slapped out the ring. AT will never officialize the Goku vs Superman debate. He will never officialize the Goku vs Saitama debate. And at the end, Trunks becomes the new Goku by using the power of love and hugs and kisses. End.


      In my highest dreams, I hope Arale becomes a adult upgrade and one of the heavyweights, Roshi becomes relevant, Roshi teaches Goku some new moves like Sleepy Boy and Electric Flash Surprise Attack and Full Power Kamehameha, and Pan becomes the new Legendary Super Saiyan and the hero of a new series. One where she's 25-30, not fucking 12. A Legendary SSJ Pan with Roshi's moves and backed up by a adult Arale who can sink a continent with one punch would be beast AF.

  3. Has anybody seen the Dragon Ball Super episode that came on Adult Swim tonight? It was kinda funny seeing how everyone is doing regular things.

    Hey, was Android 18 in the episode? I think she was.

  4. Soooo Female Broly is now canon



    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Me too! When Pan flew into the stratosphere as a infant, she did it just like Broly. So here's hoping shes a LSSJ too. DBS has been good again, getting back to the DBZ and DB style storytelling. No more more waifu Trunks stuff please

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Has anybody seen the Dragon Ball Super episode that came on Adult Swim tonight? It was kinda funny seeing how everyone is doing regular things.

    Hey, was Android 18 in the episode? I think she was.

    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Watch the original Japanese version with subs. The voice actors do a great job and bring the characters to life. In the english version, it's very cringey. Everyone sounds like a bunch of adults from the suburbs playing with dolls.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. Another chillhop compilation, this time I selected a couple of my favourite OSTs from the anime Samurai Champloo. (rest in beats Nujabes)


  7. well damn season 4 of death battle is gonna be LIT


    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Lets hope they stop pulling matches and taking dives

  8. What's a waifu?

    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Virtual Ho. That you wife up and stay loyal to. Pick some unreal girl, and make that your wife. Or if you like guys, get a husbanddu.


      Either way, they all run to a true player. Because I know how to treat those bitches.



    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. Only really logging on to ask that some of the old pages be checked up, seeing as how the bulk of them are broken. I want to know how to remove Simul (but keep Turns and Single team modes), have a Human vs CPU gamemode, and get myself a CvS Captain Falcon, but all of their topics are broken. I'm not asking it be done ASAP, but I don't really see anyone bringing it up and I'd really appreciate it if the site admins were to fix pages such as these.

    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Thank you for logging in! But, if you have any working links to dead links, it would be greatly appreciated if you just posted them up.

  10. Blazblue: Clusterfuck Fiction. (Not gonna spoil anything, just see for yourself.)

    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Guy who looks like beautiful woman with sword fights 14 year old girl in skirt over gems, feels and love. Enter 1980s  screaming rock guitar.

      Am I close?

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  11. Check out a chillhop compilation I made. There are 15 songs, hence ~45 mins. I dunno why did I name this playlist "Life" lol, probably because there was a part where I wanted to represent love, one that portrays the beginning of a new day and one that shows the lonely, meaningful nights


    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Now, see, THIS is what a modern Charlie Brown score should be. None of that little kid cartoon bullshit.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. For some reason, I can't go on any threads. I just get a 404 error.


    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      "Oh I know who you are, Chris Hanson, but see I-I calls you Chris Handsome. I watch your TV show all the time. So, you can go ahead bring them cameras and polices waiting outside. It don't make me no difference. Now, I tell you what…I like ya and I want ya. Now we can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way the choice is yours. "

       -> The Booty Warrior

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. ryou i suggest put a diff color for decent/nicely made works (for those who cared about quality)

  15. Every year I never feel like I have a New Year's Resolution is it that I'm just too young or is it just me?

    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      You make a resolution when you want. And you follow it. It takes 3 days to form a new habit, so if you can keep something up for 3 or 4 days, then its a habit. Who needs the new year to make a resolution?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  16. Looks like i forgot to say this here, but before the site goes (temporary) offline, i want to say a a secret revelation, please don't judge me, but...


    I am gay.


    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      So what? Youre stil loved and valued, my dude.

      But the day you love Sonic Boom is when we're gonna have a problem.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. The god is dead, I lost hope in humanity, the whole planet is going down but still I love you guys (no homo). Happy holidays.

    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Did you know that there are entire generations of earthworms and insects who have never heard, seen, tasted, smelled or touched a human being? So, effectively, humans don't exist. Never have. And never will. According to them. There's no proof for humanity. Imagine their philosophy. Wild stuff, huh.


      Its just a interesting little odd fact.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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