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Infinite Kyo

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Everything posted by Infinite Kyo

  1. Akuma by Mr Ansatsuken the effects plus the fact you can make him shin akuma and Oni and stuff its pretty awesome
  2. Whoever thought of mixing streets of rage and 2pac is a fucking genius lmao
  3. -It was great man the pancakes were awesome Kiryu agrees too haha Kiryu pays attention to what Darkflare said and started thinking -It seems the owner has a plan im curious to hear what it is As am i maybe things will get interesting finally Kyo turns back to Lightflare -Dude you got any idea what he's planning? @LightFlare_Da_Realest
  4. Kyo and Morrigan walked into the lobby where people were gathering. Kyo strolled over to Kiryu who was leaning against the wall seemingly thinking about something. -Yo man so this is where you were! so did you like the pancakes? -yeah they were great, very tasty....where is Morrigan? Morrigan appears behind Kyo seemingly out of nowhere -Right here! hehe so Kyo i meant to ask you who was that person you were talking to back there? -Oh that was Lightflare i've known him for a while...dude is strong. one of the best fighters i've seen -Oh really........how interesting.... as Morrigan gave a mischievous grin. and the trio sat down on a couch and continued their conversation.
  5. -The Knights of the Forsaken huh...sounds rough. this whole city has an uneasy feeling to it not like my home at all........I wonder if anyone else i know got teleported here......although im sure if Iori got teleported here he will hunt me down eventually hehe. so whats the gameplan now? As Kyo converses with Light Kiryu finishes his breakfast -oi Morigan tell kyo im just gonna head off to the lobby now no point in staying here once ive eaten -Alright i'll do that Morrigan takes another sip from her cup of coffee while Kiryu walks out of the caffeteria
  6. Kyo turns around after hearing his friends voice -Yo light i didn't see ya there, you look good man . although your epic beard is gone kind of a bummer hehe As Kyo walked towards Lightflare Morrigan chuckles heartily. as the mech Hisui delivers Kiryu's pancakes and Morrigans coffee they sit down at a table and Kiryu starts digging in -hmm haven't had much experience with a knife and fork but it cant be that hard heh -oh this Coffee is great.....it seems that Lightflare gentlemen and Kyo know eachother thats quite amusing -It seems like that yeah Kyo leans on the table holding his pancakes in one had he then stabs the top pancake with his fork and shoves it in his mouth. after that he begins to talk to light -So whats been going on man? this whole situation seems a little weird i must admit. i dont really understand it all myself.
  7. The trio entered the cafeteria the smell of hot and fresh food filled the air while Kiryu caught the scent of something different than what he is used to. -hmm whats that smell? it smells great whateer it is. -I think thats Pancakes dude.....wait have you had pancakes before? -hmm cant say i have are they any good? -heck yeah dude i had em when i was over at America for the King of fighters tournament...in fact lets order some right now! Kyo and Kiryu walk hastedly towards a mech hisui, Morrigan floated behind them as well -Hey there can me and my friend get two small stacks of chocolate chip pancakes with syrup? With a glass of Orange juice?...you dont mind OJ do ya Kiryu? -No nat at all -Could i ger a cup of coffee, black with one sugar? -well i guess thats all....or did we order too much? @Darkflare
  8. As the morning sunlight shines into Kyo and Morrigan's room. Kyo sits up still half asleep and lets out a big yawn he then turns to see Morrigan sitting on her bed deep in thought. -Damn you're awake......did you even go to sleep? im still half dead here....what time is it? As Kyo grabs his jacket off from the front of the bed and puts it on Morrigan stops her train of thought and begins to answer -I woke up maybe half an hour ago, i was just thinking about something....... can i ask you a question? -well yeah i guess what is it? Morrigan gave a somewhat heartwarming smile and got up from her bed her wings came back. and she started floating in the air in a position similar to sitting in a chair. -I......may have taken some of your energy while you were sleeping and i peeked into your mind through your dreams.....who was that red haired man he looked furious Kyo gave her a puzzled look and laughed under his breath, then thought to himself -(This chick.....looked in my mind? ugh so thats why i felt half dead when i woke up).....thats Iori Yagami he has been trying to "kill" me for a while now something about our families blood and past and stuff, these days i think he just does it for fun really -He had quite a vengeful stare in his eyes, he seemed interesting......anyway shall we go meet with everyone? i think i heard some people downstairs a couple of minutes ago As Kyo and Morrigan move into the hallway they bump straight into Kiryu, Morrigans chest bouncing off Kiryu's in the collision. -Oh my Mr Kiryu you should watch where you are going also your chest is so firm. -(This woman...good grief).....well rest assured ill watch where im going from now on so it seems like you too slept well? -Yeah for the most part....except for Morrigan waking me up! -What? i just wanted to have some fu- Kiryu interrupted Morrigan mid sentence abruptly -Look lets just go and get something to eat...im starving They both agreed and made their way down the hallway To get their much deserved breakfast.
  9. While Kiryu was sleeping peacefully he was suddenly woken up by something Kiryu: what the hell.......why does my chest feel so heavy? Kiryu then looks up at his chest and sees Morrigan laying on his chest giving him a playful and curious. look Kiryu got up quickly as he was startled at the succubus' sudden appearance. Morrigan: oh sorry did i wake you? i came to see what you were doing Kiryu: you need to keep your voice down.......and how did you get in here anyway? Morrigan: oh thats a secret......so i went and took a look at your dreams out of boredom.....you have been through many hardships it seems Kiryu Kiryu gave Morrigan a surprised look and leaned in towards her speaking in a much softer tone Kiryu: look i dont know if i mind a succubus doing weird stuff like that leave my dreams alone Morrigan: well its not like i had a choice i needed energy from somewhere! Kiryu: *sigh* Just keep your voice down Kirimuri is asleep over there too y'know Morrigan: oh maybe i should go play with him too! Kiryu: i dont think thats such a good idea.....he'd probably enjoy that a little too much.....can you leave so i can get some sleep? not to be rude but i was sorta enjoying that sleep Morrigan: oh alright...but i wont give up just yet mr kiryu Morrigan gave out a chuckle and then seemingly dissapeared into thin air. Kiryu then layed back down in bed and started thinking about things untill he fell asleep
  10. Thank you for your cooperation. I hope everyone enjoys their stay Kiryu chuckled under his breathe and walked into the room he then took off his suit jacket and sat cross legged on the bed thinking about the events that have happened Kiryu: "well it certainly is weird being in a completely different world.....dont know what lies ahead but i hope im ready" Kyo and Morrigans room As Kyo lays on the bed with his arms behind his head staring at the ceiling he thinks about his current situation he closes his eyes. and opens them again to see Morrigan floating above him. seeing this Kyo was a little startled Kyo: what the hell are you doing? Morrigan: well i got bored and decided to see if you were still asleep....it looks like you're not which is good because i wanna have some fun! Kyo: why do i feel like your definition of fun is twisted as hell? just let me sleep in peace and if you touch me i'll burn you like a log on an open fire Morrigan: oh fine you stick in the mud but dont think i will give up so easily Kyo pulls the blanket over himself while Morrigan floats over to her bed as she lays down she sends her bats away again before she too pulled the blanket over herself too.
  11. The trio followed the robot maid to their room they opened the door and looked around, the room was quite spacious with 2 beds one single, and one queen sized a small one person kitchen with a fridge and small apliances such as a microwave, a toaster etc Kyo: yo this room is awesome! Morrigan: its quite lovely i love what they've done with the interior Kiryu: it sure is bigger than any room i've ever slept in Kyo: so there are 2 beds and 3 of us.....who stays and who goes? Morrigan: im not going! i like this room Kiryu: nah its fine you two can stay i'll look for another room im sure i'll find somewhere to sleep heh Kyo: well alright man if you insist im sure the other rooms are nice as hell too As Kiryu nods his head at them he continues down the hallway Kyo then closes the door and turns around to see Morrigan sitting on the queen sized bed Morrigan: i hope you weren't thinking of taking the queen sized bed because i am awfully tired.........or you could sleep in here with me there is room for two Kyo: nah i think i'll pass......im just gonna take the single bed Morrigan: geez you guys are no fun wont you at least play along im bored as heck over here!? Kyo: calm the hell down i dont wanna hear it right now.....besides im pretty sure that robot maid would kick our ass if you tried anything like "that" and how do i know you wont steal my soul or something? Morrigan: oh i wont do that........that'd be too boring anyway there alot of ways Aensland succubi feed off their *ahem* victims sometimes they can extract peoples fantasies you know peoples lewd thoughts and stuff? like how a teenager would imagine his teacher nake- Kyo: OK STOP RIGHT THERE TOO MUCH INFO......i need to sit down (this chick is all types of messed up and weird) As Kyo sat on the single bed he took off his jacket and sat with his back to the wall, while Morrigan's wings desolved into bats and then the bats dissapered they both sat on their beds going to continue the conversation even if Kyo liked it or not. Meanwhile Kiryu continues walking down the hallway then stops at Kirimuri's room the door was half open so he knocked on the door slightly before opening Kiryu: oh Kirimuri this is your room....so can i sleep here? Kyo and Morrigan are sleeping in the other room and there sorta wasn't enough beds to go around @DuckMannnn
  12. Melina's question broke Kiryu's train of thought he then begins to answer her question Kiryu: yo Melina its nice to see you....these two are Kyo and Morrigan Morrigan: its a pleasure to meet you Kyo: yeah what they said nice to meet ya
  13. As the Discussion continued in the meeting room Kyo stepped up to tell them what he had learned while traveling to the slums Kyo: we did see a lot of soldiers it was sure weird.....there were a hell of a lot of criminals around though Kyo then turns to Lightflare Kyo: its been a long time hasn't it man you sure have changed. at least in looks haha @LightFlare_Da_Realest Kiryu: Kyo maybe we should get back on track here how about telling everyone that thing that attacked us Morrigan stares at Lightflare with a curious gaze from across the room. Morrigan: (oh my what an intense amount of spiritual energy) Kyo then turns back to Kiryu Kyo: alright, alright so anyway I could sense this weird ominous energy coming from one of the abandoned buildings in the slums. I went to check it out and.......I found something really weird and creepy. basically it was a pitch black version of me with red eyes and it uses purple flames instead of normal ones like mine. some kind of doppleganger or something it was weird it was a pretty close match. it copied every single one of my moves Kiryu and Morrigan showed up a little bit after Kiryu: I've thought a lot of stange things in my day but that was certainly unique it was faster than I could see too. Morrigan swooped in and saved me id be dead right now if it wasn't for her the shadow-thing fled as soon as he found out he'd been outnumbered he was so fast we couldn't even hope to catch it
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