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Everything posted by NijikakuFan61

  1. (crying) L - let him go! I don't want to lose another brother! Tommy let go. I - I already lost most of mine a long time ago...
  2. TEAM 2 Frank approached a nearby civilian. Excuse me, sir; I happen to be a professional photographer. I'm currently doing a new scoop and trying to find out some research about the guards. Could you tell me about them, please?
  3. Tommy knew that there had to be somebody close by to him... but who? Just that thought scared him; it was blatant, considering the fact that he was shivering slightly, even while trying to hide his fear. M - maybe a bit of guitar playing might help the f - fear... Tommy decided against it; he wasn't getting backtracked no matter what happened. ...no. I'm not going to get myself distracted when I have bigger concerns at hands. Tommy looked at Agni; maybe if he could get his attention, he'd help Tommy become less scared. B - brother! I'm scared! What's going on!? Why do I feel like someone's right behind us!? @Agni Blackheart plz
  4. Wait, what!? Tommy immediately jumped off the roof... and caused a small crack in the ground, but at least he landed feet-first, and didn't get knocked over either! Shit! Wait for me, brother! We're going through this together! We're like a family! We stay with each other no matter what happens! No matter how stupid someone acts! We have a bond that'll never be separated... well, except for Mirfah, but that's beyond the point.
  5. Hmph. And I thought Ed was a grump... looks like I was mistaken. Tommy noticed a nearby building; this gave him an idea. (...maybe I might be able to stealth-attack whatever creature is making that if I just catch up to the team without it seeing me... it seems like a fairly good idea in my book... plus, no guards will be able to catch me if they can't see me...) Tommy used a fire boost in order to launch himself into the air, high enough to land on the building he was eyeing. Heh. I can see Agni from here. Maybe I could even get his attention to he could see how high up I am... he might be impressed for that one... Tommy proceeded to perform parkour, leaping from roof to roof in order to catch up with his team, as well as his "brother". Once he was close enough... Hey, Agni! Can you hear me from up here!?
  6. Edward didn't want his thoughts to be revealed. N - no... it's nothing. I'm fine.
  7. (God, why does she even think that I'm a "fine person"? I'm not a fine person... honestly, there's almost nobody I care about other then my brother... I stopped caring about most things a long time ago after most of my family died...)
  8. ... Edward hesitated about telling his name, but eventually decided that it had to be done. ...my name is Edward Thompson?
  9. The thing that Tommy had noticed confused him greatly. ...am I the only one seeing this right now...? Am I hallucinating or something...?
  10. Tommy immediately realized that he had accidentally called some attention to his team. Oh... I - I screwed up... Tommy cringed slightly when he realized that. Suddenly, something else caught his attention.
  11. Kyosuke simply walked away, putting his pistols in his pockets and whistling innocently in order to not get any attention drawn to himself.
  12. Tommy: Alright... Tommy had held it in with Mirfah up to this point; however, his judging of Tommy due to him calling Agni his brother finally pissed him off. He decided to make his anger blatant by creating a small explosion of flames behind him. Tommy: Can I just say ONE FUCKING THING!? The reason why I consider him my brother is because he's arguably the ONLY FUCKING PERSON HERE THAT'S TREATED ME NICELY SO FAR OTHER THEN YUI! Nemesis is such a fucking temperamental bitch that she'd probably turn me into a fucking pin cushion JUST FOR A MINOR SLIP-UP! Meanwhile, Magnum's so occupied with his important little "job" for him to EVER FUCKING CARE ABOUT ME! Tommy turned all his attention towards Mirfah, probably the person he was most upset at. Tommy: AND I HAVEN'T EVEN MENTIONED YOU YET! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU TO JUDGE, WHEN YOU HAVE SUCH A SHORT TEMPER THAT AGNI HAD TO FUCKING PUNCHED YOU IN THE FACE JUST TO MAKE YOU CALM DOWN!? Tommy was so angry at Mirfah that he ended up pointing right at his face while he was yelling at him. He turned towards Agni... that anger had turned into tears. Tommy: ...I'm sorry for yelling like that... eight years of pent-up anger over having your own race wiped out can change a person...
  13. Tommy heard exactly what Mirfah had said, and immediately walked over to him. Tommy: Well, actually, I did get some answers... Tommy cleared his throat, ready to give his speech. Tommy: The lady that I had asked said that the guards were patrolling earlier and had a confrontation with two guys, both of whom I have no idea in term of names. Yet again, it was only two of them, but they were apparently pretty strong. Now their leader, whoever he is, has become more vocal, apparently. He wears s mask apparently and is known as Hakuman, no idea who he is, but I believe her. He supposedly is a Royal Knight, don't know what that is, assigned to this area for a special project, don't know what it is. But what that is is unknown, even to me. She said that apparently, "he says it's to make our community a safer place". Tommy smirked at Mirfah, before turning over to Agni and smiling. Tommy: Is that enough information for you, "brother" Agni?
  14. Tommy smiled. He had finally been rewarded for asking correctly. Thank you for the help, ma'am. I'm forever grateful.
  15. Tch... I gave up on caring a long time ago... but my little brother's going to be much more eager about the whole "saving the world" thing... Edward sighed. ...in that case, I guess I have no choice but to say "yes'.
  16. Not exactly... Edward suddenly remembered something that he, in fact, did have. ...well, much like my fellow teammate Seth, I might have forgotten my powers...
  17. My name is Edward Thompson, member of the famous Thompson family. Edward shrugged. Well... famous on my home planet, anyways...
  18. Tommy: Okay! Tommy hugged Agni. Tommy: Anything you say, brother. Tommy approached another random person, prepared to ask the exact questions that Agni wanted him to ask. Tommy: Excuse me, ma'am; I happen to be a private detective, and I'm currently investigating an ongoing problem; do you have any idea about what's happened to the guards?
  19. Tommy approached a random person, thinking of a question he could ask him. Tommy: Uh... excuse me, mister... Tommy drew a blank and decided to ask the first question that came out of his mind. Tommy: ...have I told you about our lord and saviour, Jesus Christ, yet? Tommy turned over to Agni to look for approval. Tommy: That's how I'm supposed to ask questions, right?
  20. Kyosuke: ...was it really necessary to be using "gangsta lingo" just to make yourself sound cool? I mean, you were trying to blend in so they could trust you, but couldn't you just have done it in a more low-key way?
  21. Affirmative. Tommy was definitely coming along. So, the first person I see I get to ask a question to, right? Tommy paused for a second, still walking the entire time. ...well... that's how it worked last time I asked questions to people...
  22. Alright, then! Let's go, Team 3! Tommy's face lit up at the idea of being able to help his own friends. I can't wait to be of assistance!
  23. Tommy: Um... I don't think I get it... could you explain again...? Tommy thought for a few seconds, then remembered some of what Agni had said. Tommy: Wait... am I supposed to ask questions about what these thugs we just saw are doing?
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