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Everything posted by NijikakuFan61

  1. Tommy started jumping up in the air, clearly trying to attract a guard's attention. Tommy: Hey, you! Right there! C'mon! Beat the shit out of me! Or are you too much of an idiot to do that!? What the guard didn't know was that Tommy had a plan; he was going to let the guards beat down on him until he was beaten enough to enter his One Man Army mode.
  2. Tommy grabbed the Taser rod, using his fire powers to overcook the electricity and cause the rod to explode. Tommy then noticed the frag grenade. He proceeded to grab it and throw it back to the knight.
  3. Tommy looked over to Yui. He was still fighting against the guard that sneaked up behind him, but he couldn't just let one of his own friends down like that. Tommy: ...I'll try my best, ma'am.
  4. Tommy got hit by the bullet; however, thank god for alien regeneration powers! He ducked under the knight, before uppercutting the gun out of the knights hand and taking it from him. Thanks for the gun. I'll be taking it now. Brother can teach me how to use it better later. Tommy proceeded to turn around and aim the gun right at the knight; he didn't know how to use a gun, but now was a better time then never. Tommy proceeded to try shooting the knight on the kneecap in order to dispatch him.
  5. Tommy managed to sneak away from the guard who had knocked him down, and got back to where Mirfah was. Alright! Time to let them know how it feels when they're the ones getting hurt! Tommy thrusted one of his hands out and shot out three fireballs, slicing each one to multiply them into more fireballs. He then proceeded to send them all to the same guard that had knocked him down just minutes ago.
  6. Tommy took advantage of being knocked down by slicing at the guard's legs. Grr... take that, you bastard!
  7. 7 I'm always ready. Tommy proceeded to summon a fireball, before slicing it in half with his one-armed scissor; the blade absorbed the fireball, causing fire to appear all over it. He then proceeded to charge at one of the knights, slashing right at him.
  8. So, you wish for a fight? Very well. I won't dissapoint. Tommy threw the other grenade away, back at the guard. He then proceeded to pull out his one-armed scissor. We could've negotiated instead, but I guess I have no choice but to defend myself. Don't worry; I'll make this one quick. BGM: Heavy Ready for this one, brother? @Agni Blackheart, your call!
  9. Tommy cheered on Hina for managing to hit Byakuya. He decided to have a little fun with this. Haha! Not so smug now, are you!? How does it feel to have karma bite you in the ass?
  10. Tommy growled aggressively; he knew what Byakuya was up to, but he wasn't going to let Hina lose no matter how hurt he got in the process. Heh... seems like it's time for a Teen Age Riot... BGM: Teen Age Riot Tommy amped up the volume on his guitar, making sure that it would match the exact same amount of noise that the song itself created. He kicked off the song's riff, deciding to sing along just so Byakuya would become more distracted. Everybody's talking 'bout the stormy weather, and what's a man do to but work out whether it's true? Tommy turned over to Agni, Mirfah and Yui, mouthing a "you can join in!", still playing his guitar the entire time. Tommy proceeded to turn back to Byakuya. Looking for a man with a focus and a temper, who can open up a map and see between one and two...
  11. Tommy continued playing his guitar, doing his best to distract the stranger to the best of his ability. (This better work... this better work... this better work... this better work...)
  12. Tommy simply looked at Agni with a "what the hell, man!?" look on his face. Tommy: B - but... brother... I was only trying to help... Just the thought of Agni, one of his own "brothers", getting upset caused Tommy to get upset as well; he became so demotivated that he ended up dropping his guitar. Tommy looked at the guitar, and suddenly smirked as he realized what he could do to help, picking up his guitar. Tommy: ...I have an idea... BGM: The Way You Used to Do Tommy: Even if I can't interfere, I can still find ways to help Hina out! Tommy began playing his guitar; he didn't care if he'd end up getting the stranger's attention, that was the whole point. Tommy was using himself as a distraction.
  13. A sudden lightbulb appeared over Tommy's head. He sent a fireball over to the stranger, hoping it would hit him. Tommy: Did anybody ever tell you how painful getting burned was?
  14. Kyosuke: Seems like some dickhead named Hakumen's going to be giving a speech at the north part of Slum Village... hopefully it's not laced with arsenic and bullshit.
  15. Tommy cheered Hinamori on for getting first hit on the stranger. He then proceeded to smirk at the stranger. Tommy: Not so smug now, are you!? C'mon, Hina; you can do this! Don't give up now!
  16. Tommy stared down the stranger, holding his guitar the entire time, still not afraid of him. Tommy: Then I'll face that nightmare and take it down, no matter how many times it hurts me back.
  17. Tommy sincerely wanted to help Hina out, but that was against Agni's wishes, so he chose to back out instead. Tommy: At the very least, can I play some fight music? I'm sure it'll be useful for getting her motivated. Tommy pulled out his guitar just in case Agni said yes.
  18. Tommy simply stared at the figure that was in front on him; he didn't show an ounce of fear on his face as he aimed it at the strange figure. Tommy: You lay a finger on my friends and I'll make sure that your head'll be served on a plate, you bastard.
  19. TEAM 3 BGM: Teen Age Riot still playing. ...what the...? BGM: Bela Lugosi's Dead ...are those real people...? And why is there blood coming from some of the webs? Tommy immediately pulled out his one-armed scissor, ready to fight whoever was making the webs.
  20. I'll make sure to write that down. Frank smiled at the man, before turning around and pulling out his notebook, writing the tip the man had told him so he could remember later. Thank you, sir; you've been very helpful today. Frank put his notebook in his pocket.
  21. Mirfah forgiving Tommy genuinely surprised him; however, Tommy extended his hand either way. Wow... you're really forgiving me that quickly. Tommy smiled. T - thanks, Mirfah... I... would've never expected that. Tommy turned over to his other teammates. So, let's get this show on the road, shall we? Let's make sure no one screws up; that's our number one priority! We're a team; everybody sticks with everybody else! Got it? BGM: Teen Age Riot
  22. Tommy looked over at Agni. All that yelling had gotten Tommy prepared for whatever would happen next. I agree with Yui... Tommy smiled, trying to do his best to prolong the inevitable. ...maybe we could share Agni instead?
  23. Lucina's yelling completely broke Tommy; he stayed standing, too petrified to move a muscle, crying the entire time. W - what a nasty little bitch... why would she yell at me like that!?
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