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Everything posted by OskeinO

  1. yea when halo was hot in its prime now the game just got dumb on the 3rd one reach was ok i guess and guess what HALO4 comes this year! as if they can even make a reasonable story. Falwell bungie.
  2. Im shocked scryed is getting a movie! that anime was boss! can't wait to see it as for eureka 7 I just hope the new story line won't confuse me like the first one did.
  3. well its gotta end sometime this year its been extended for so long look at detective conan its got like 600 something episodes and I haven't even started that lol
  4. you know I wish sega would make a new SOR series on PSN store that would be epic
  5. Final Fantasy XIII-2 Could be a ton better but I'll waiit till the end

    1. Ultiɱℯciɑ


      Anything is better than the XIII series :(

    2. ArtistofLegacy


      XIII Versus looks cool

    3. Ultiɱℯciɑ
  6. haha I freakin gave that game back as soon as I beat it due to the fact that sega decides to make this like a 4hour game to beat I mean its called generations put more levels from each console in it. Its fun but its lacking on the replayable side.
  7. funny how i talked so much trash on pokemon yet i still bought this game and I liked the white legendary better but then again I have both since a friend of mine cloned his for me http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//smile.png shockingly I'm halfway done with my pokedex lol can't really tell when I played this.
  8. the only thing I actually liked with this one was fighting Cheap annoying extra boss Omega Zero and getting his biometal other than that this was fairly easy never did play the sequal to this.
  9. Vegeta and evil buu were my murk team http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.png
  10. love auhrons work cuz chars play as they should and he doesn't really have to make it stand out trying dis now.
  11. the extra buttons is cool but I'll wait a bit i just don't wanna use 20 dollars on that yet. funny how it takes them till now to release that to america but they could have just released it the time monster hunter tri g came out in japan.
  12. that was me for halloween rockin dreads though I am jamaican. Just wanted to be a rasta for a day & give that high look XD lol
  13. try it again it should be fixed and I won't warehouse the other two.
  14. ok! way to go capcom! glad leon's back in the story and since wesker's dead i'm assume that guy is like the new wesker only good.
  15. animes that are extended to that of one piece and naruto get too much exposure. Bleach is the same way. I'm a fan of bleach but animes like Samurai champloo or even Darker than black are some of my favorites. Bleach isn't the best but its something different and honestly I'd say the best anime of all time to this day is DBZ series.
  16. heh funny i was gonna make this post when finally got the chance to come back well this is me. BEHOLD! don't know whey they came out so big o.o"
  17. honestly even with ultimate tenkaichi this is the best DBZ game out there.
  18. [Preview] Bosque Guerra Picina Tokio Voladores Lluvia Hildas Destruction Hildas Destruction Gemini [Download] http://www.mediafire.com/download/njpt25zqs278idu/Vanguard+Princess+Stage+Pack.rar [Comment] These are about all the vanguard stages I know of from long ago I do remember there was another one I forgot who made it though otherwise I'd have it here. anywho enjoy!
  19. I beat this is in a week really was worth the buy to me but yea Xenoblade is sick i picked that up too the British voice overs aren't bad which for once i didn't had to put it to jap lol game is freakin long though which i don't mind
  20. don't know about you Ryon but I'm pre-ordering that friday after playing that demo its like I'm playing a ps3 game and I know that sounds crazy but to me thats how it looks. can't wait also snake eater 3DS comes out the 23rd of Feb
  21. i also heard they give a you a special video on the last guardian i wanna play that so badly.
  22. yea but still looks fun though http://mugenfreeforall.com/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png
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