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Everything posted by Cook4251

  1. Now we have TWO GAMES OF M.U.G.E.N.

    Street Fighter x Tekken(2013)

    Smash Ultimate(2019)


    Basically, every fighting game is becoming M.U.G.E.N with updates and patches and updates and patches... did i mention updates?

  2. My reaction to the toxic smash community:


    1. MugoUrth


       I wonder how they will make his Power Wave work. Also, there is a lot of potential for stage ideas. I'm predicting it's going to be Geese Howard's Tower. 

  3. If anything, I'd like to see Metal Slug's Marco Rossi make it into Smash. Terry is fine too.

    1. Private Mucho

      Private Mucho

      Hmph. I'm pretty sure it's going to be Ralf Jones from Ikari Warriors, for two reasons. First is that his moveset translates amazingly well into Smash. And second is that Ikari Warriors was on NES, that's right!

  4. Leroy Smith gave off an IP Man vibe the way he handled Lei, Law, and Feng in the trailer. Am i the only one who noticed that?

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- This Is Cool! I Do See That IP Man Vibe, Yo! I Don't Know Why...But I Also Get That Sho-Nuff Vibe From Him! Who's Tha Masta!!?? LOL! I Hope He Makes It To MUGEN Someday! (o^.^)-b


  5. So i'm trying to use 1.1 and all i'm getting is a black screen when loading the stage. Any help please? It'd be greatly appreciated.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PlasmoidThunder


      If it's set to OpenGLScreen, then 1.1-exclusive content will display like that.

    3. Cook4251


      I thought it had something to do with WIndows 10. What should it be set to?

    4. PlasmoidThunder
  6. DLC-COM - i mean, Cash-com- i mean scam-COM- i mean,  CAPCOM  has really changed over the years.

    1. HelloMyNameIsAAA


      I think ADS-COM is the word you're been searching for.

  7. Life update:

    I i was hospitalized for almost a week due to finding out that i am a diabetic and that really hit me hard this year but i will beat it that i promise you. I'm on insulin shots so i can get my body back on the right path.

    1. Nep Heart

      Nep Heart

       Diabetes is super scary due to how common it actually is and can hit anyone at any moment. Hang in there.

    2. Cook4251


      My sister is pre diabeticand it hit me outta nowhere but i will beat it. :)

  8. I'm gonna take a break from here and mugen. My life as of lately has been nothing but mental abuse, bullying, and my mind can't take it anymore. Don't know when i'll be back but i just need some time to get myself and my mind back together. Just need ta focus on myself for now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Noside


      I would love to beat those motherfuckers asses who bully you, seriously.

    3. LightFlare_Da_Realest
    4. Cook4251


      EXECUTIVE CQC BRUH! But yeah, thanks for the laughs guys. 🙂

  9. My reaction to seeing The Belmonts in Smash:



    1. Noside


      Ikr, I shat my pants, awesome!

  10. When P.O.T.S Styled first came to the scene: Yay!

    Later on: Yay... -Flatly-

    Now: Yay... -Rolls eyes and sighs-

    1. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      P.O.T.S Style is very overrated....I mean seriously, it's 2018....use a different style, is it really that easy to program P.O.T.S Style onto characters? it's too much and I had enough, no more

    2. Cook4251


      It was fun in the beginnning, but now it's gotten stale and repetitive to the point where it's like, not enough effort to be put into it. I still like it, but now it's like a zombie outbreak in Mugen City. Once you get bitten, you get that itchy... itchy tasty feeling to the point where anyone will just hype(and convert) anything to pots style ya know?

  11. Apparently, everyone is shocked about terry being turned into a female. Do you guys NOT remember when Miss X was Iori in drag? This is SNK people. Why are y'all surprised? Ash Crimson who looked like a trap, single handedly took over the world, but seeing Terry turned into a girl, blown everyone's mind?

    1. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      Let's not forget the cheap bosses in the fighting games SNK made....must I bring up Geese from Fatal Fury?

    2. ArtistofLegacy


      There's a difference between crossdressing and genderbending.

    3. Cook4251


      Like i said, this is SNK where crossdressing and genderbending is an everyday thing at the office. 

  12. Quick question: Is there a collection Thread of Ryouchi and The Magic Toaster's stages?

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Yes! It's Under The Creator Galleries, Yo! Ryou And Magic Toaster Are Awesome! ^_^


  13. Yakuza 3 has to be my least favorite out of the series. It's a good game in all, but it was mostly just slice of life with a tiny bit of drama(Until the end). 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cook4251


      Don't get me wrong, the substories and other mini games are great, its just that the story didn't get good until about the end point of the game. I won't say it is HORRENDOUSLY BAD, it's just bad in terms of storyline wise for the game.

    3. Ultra Fatality

      Ultra Fatality

      I Hear ya i still planed on getting it anyway 

    4. Cook4251


      Same here, but the only substory that i liked was "Hometown Girl". 

  14. So all 66 characters from the Smash series will be in Ultimate. But the fanboys still find a way to bitch and moan and bitch and moan and bitch and moan. There's just no pleasing Nintendo fanboys, huh?

    1. Flare-Gamer-64


      "Everyone is here!!!"



      But to be fair, yeah the Smash Fanbase is pretty hecking toxic. Even more then Pokemon's fanbase sometimes.

    2. SSBKing65✯


      Not me, heh. That was the most amazing Smash Bros reveal ever!

    3. TheRedBeast


      me too i cant belive now XD

  15. Game 1 of the finals and JR Smith is already a meme. XD!

  16. *E X T R A T H I C C before diabolical laugh*
  17. Really proud of myself. My channel has 50'000 views. Underrated but grateful. 

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Congrats Cook4251! That's Awesome! Keep Up The Good Work! ^_^

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