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A person

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Everything posted by A person

  1. Penelope: Thank you very much, Miss! Now, to play the waiting game! She knew she wasn't going to be the only one watching...hopefully. She'd be pretty lonely...and scared!
  2. Penelope: Eheheh...th-thank you... The mere thought of getting into the arena was almost enough to make her run out of the arena. There was no way she would last even a second in there. She'd pass out after taking a single step into it! She took the money and handed it to the receptionist, wanting to get to her seat as soon as possible. Penelope: Here you go! Umm, so...do I just pick a seat and sit down when I get in?
  3. 20 gil a seat...she could definitely pay for that! She dug into her hoodie's pockets...only to find no change at all! Penelope: (Aww, man...I don't have any money on me, either? I'm really in a bind, then!) Seeing that she had no other choice, she decided to walk behind Lilith and tap on her shoulder, speaking in a whisper. Penelope: Hey, umm...do you happen to have enough money to pay for a seat I can use? I...umm...don't have any money on me, either...I'm sorryyyyy!
  4. Click the picture in the top of the post they linked to download her.
  5. Penelope: Let's go, go, go! She quickly stepped into the elevator behind Lilith. Who and what would they see in there, she wondered? Did it look like a big ol' stone arena she read about in books, was it maybe some kind of cool one with laser fences around it? Did they use weapons down there, too? Was it simulated? Her mind kept going through all of the possibilities, and it made her visibly more excited as time went on. It almost made her look like she needed to use the restroom as she started to squeal and hop around lightly.
  6. A person


    I'm loving this birthday present a lot! I'll make sure to test and see if the bug's gone when I get the chance! EDIT: Sorry for the wait. The bug looks to have been fixed.
  7. What was Penelope's ki like? Just a small ember. Anyway, she was too busy gawking at the people in the club to notice anything possibly unusual with her fellow party members. After all, it's not every day you get to go into a place full of people who just wanna dance! Which meant that she was also on her best behavior...didn't wanna piss off one of the big mean brutes! Although that'd make for a good story at school, her parents would be really mad if they found out. Penelope: Woooow...look at all of the people! Maybe I should use that observation thing to learn how to dance! It was easy to tell that this was her first time inside of any club as she continued to ramble about how cool everything was. The blaring music and chatter all around didn't perturb her in the slightest.
  8. A person


    She's not from Super Mario Galaxy, but from a game called Shoujo Mahou Gakuen, a fighting game. You can see it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0I97jPPH7NE Anyway, I've been waiting eagerly for her release. Can't wait to test her out and see what you've added! EDIT: Plays similar to how she does in the source game, although I see that you increased the cost of Jenny Slasher(not to mention actually making it consistent and not cause the game to crash, nor make her permanently float in the air) and changed Jenny Sonic from being used by mashing X to 646 X/Y. Although I do like the improved version with the use of Y, I'm still curious as to why you changed it to something a bit more complex than before. Jenny Slasher definitely needed a nerf, by the way, so I welcome the one you've done. Removing the ability to spam Jenny Tackle does make her weaker as well, but the damage makes the change necessary in my opinion as an Updraft Escape can be used to grant her a second tackle, although it's much slower. Will update this as I find out more! EDIT 2: Should've seen that Monika palette... EDIT 3: Found a bug with her 5y. If she hits an opponent with her 5y while standing close to them, it will allow her to rapidly cancel any moves she may be doing while the gust is hitting them, allowing for someone to spam Jenny Tackle multiple times, though I've only managed to use it 3 times in a row without canceling it into another Jenny Tackle or move. So far, it's the only bug I've found, but it's a great conversion of her from what I've played, and something like that is very tame when compared to what happens in the actual game. Excellent job once again!
  9. Penelope: Oh, sweet! No wait time! She hastily followed behind Lilith, blowing a raspberry at those in the longer line as she went in. Sucks for them!
  10. Penelope: I guess this is gonna be a long day, then... Despite not wanting to sit in a line all day just for a few answers and some entertainment, she was able to see a positive in it as it would allow her to get even closer to her new friends. It all depended on the answer of the big mean guy letting people in at the front door, of course.
  11. Penelope: Ehehe...it's not so bad when you're used to it. By now, she was beginning to finally allow the world around her to make itself known to her. The sheer amount of people around them gave her cause for worry, but knowing that they were already at their destination...actually made it worse, when she thought about it. And Lilith's comment about their new relationships...at least she wasn't getting involved in that fighting! She'd be able to keep her new friends easily! Until they left her, of course. Then, it'd be a problem. Her attention was soon drawn to the club ahead. Penelope: Wow, that is a really long line...umm...are you sure it's gonna be this obvious, though? Isn't there, like, a back entrance that'd work out better? I've always heard the bad kids at school talking about those, and it'd definitely be a lot better than sitting in a line like that!
  12. Penelope: That's right! I must be good at this investigating thing already! Although it would be a simple feat for anyone else, for her, noticing Raina was like learning how to tie a cherry stem into a knot with only the tongue. Something she was already good at and proud of!
  13. Penelope sighed. Penelope: I'm pretty sure I was the victim of a prank. I woke up next to a stinky, rotten dumpster not too long ago, and I know for a fact that I'm not a sleep walker, and I know that I wasn't in virtual reality before this! She let out a low growl. Penelope: I'm pretty sure I know who did it, too...and I'll make sure I don't let them get away with it. My mom and dad have to be really worried now! Her anger soon evolved into sadness. Penelope: And I know that it's going to be a long time before I can see them again...I don't even know my way back home from here... The shadow of sadness covered her eyes for a brief moment before the light of joy washed it away. Penelope: But I know that, as long as I keep going, I'll find my way back home! Right now, though, I might as well take in all of the sights around me, and make some new friends while I'm at it!
  14. Penelope: Err...well...I guess I could use it to beat up some bullies at my school... Penelope: Actually, yeah, I'll try that! I'll be Super Penelope in no time! Just gotta pay reaaaally cloooose attention! She tried to practice paying attention by looking up at the sky, trying to point out the shapes of the clouds. That was when she noticed a flying...person...in the sky. Penelope: Hey, it worked! I see someone in the sky!
  15. There are quite a few more that have yet to be converted, but this is a good amount of them as it is! Some of these weren't even implemented in the game yet, although their assets are still available.
  16. Penelope: Oooh, even better; I like looking for stuff! Maybe I can even sneak a peek at the fights, too! I wanna see how big mean-looking guys fight each other!
  17. Penelope muttered something under her breath quickly, but suddenly lit up with happiness, clearly excited to both see this "Bottom" place and to get to know these two. Penelope: Our luck turned around! I told you, Lilith! You gotta be direct to get what you want! Penelope: I'm Penelope, and this is Lilith! It's nice to meet you two! But Anwalt's comment made her pause for a brief moment. Penelope: Oh, umm...and I'm not really the fighting type, either...I'm just...kinda good with a sword. Penelope: But Lilith's really strong, and she's gonna fight in there, so I'm gonna watch! Of course, this was just a really stupid assumption in the spur of the moment, but hey, her gut feeling has only let her down fifty percent of the time!
  18. Penelope: But sometimes you gotta be direct to get what ya want! I just got unlucky this time... The nudge from the impact did raise an alert flag, but when she saw who did it, she immediately relaxed and waved it off. Penelope: It's okay! I'm not hurt, and you look like you wouldn't hurt a fly, anyway!
  19. Penelope: That's a really cool name! Perfect for someone equally as cool! Her enthusiasm might well have been radiating from her. Penelope: It's nice to meet you, Lilith, and I know we're gonna be really good friends! She was about to hold out her hand for a handshake, but she was then interrupted by a sudden voice. Penelope gasped. Penelope: We just found our mean-looking guy... Penelope: Nah, I don't have a map, but you have to be looking for this "Bottom" place, right? Riiiiight?
  20. She had no idea what a "meathead" was, but a dance club sounded like it'd be pretty fun. Why on earth would something so innocent have something so dark underneath it, though? And with a name like that...just thinking about it gave her the creeps. ???: Umm...okay! I'll try to stay really close! Seeing as how they were apparently going to be sticking together for a while, she decided that this would be the best time to introduce herself. That would definitely ease her mind. ???: By the way...if we're gonna be together for a while, then maybe we should introduce ourselves! So, I'm Penelope! What's your name, miss?
  21. ???: Then we just look for some really mean-looking person and then we have our person! Should be a piece of cake for the two of us! She started to scan the area for anyone that could apply for the category of "mean-looking person". And since this was a bad part of the city probably, it would only be a matter of time!
  22. The girl proceeded to release the woman from the hug. It actually felt nice being able to do it to someone after being dropped off here by who she presumed was a certain someone. ???: Well, it's not like I get a chance like this everyday, hehe! Anyway, where to? I wanna check out every way, but you wanna find this arena place first, right? So I'll follow you!
  23. ???: Yeah, thank you! She tried to pull the woman into a tight embrace with both arms to truly show her gratitude. Or perhaps to try and soften her apparent hard shell.
  24. ???: Yep! She was determined to get her way...and to get out of this presumed hellhole. Seriously, who leaves dumpsters full of smelly garbage and puts girls next to them?
  25. ???: I can fight! I learned how to use a sword in school! I just...umm...left it at home, so I'm trying to find my way back! She then got an idea. ???: Hey...if you're new, and I'm new, then why don't we explore the city together? I bet it'll be really fun!
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