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A person

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Everything posted by A person

  1. Penelope: No, no, no! Nothing at all, noooooothiiiiiing! Now she was just digging herself deeper... She tensed up as he came in for the pat, only to be given a pleasant surprise with a gentle one. Still, she didn't wanna tick this guy off... Penelope: Lightflare, huh? Hehe...he...I'm...umm...my name is...Penelope! And I'll...I'll do that, yeah! I'll do that for sure! He wasn't so bad, she thought, so maybe she shouldn't try to be so touchy...at least, not right now. He probably would've blown her away if he really wanted to, so she let out a sigh of relief. She pouted upon hearing the revelation that it was just a tease, but she couldn't really be mad at him for it. Penelope: I guess I need to be careful around you, huh? Hehe! Penelope: But your bro, is he kinda embarrassed by you or something? I only saw him for a bit, and then he went poof! Is he in that training place or did get up and go without you? She had the right mind to take a gander in the training area, but that'd probably be a bad idea, considering she didn't know how many people were in there. Plus, they'd probably all be sweaty and stinky! Eeeewwww!
  2. Penelope: Pffff, as if! He's just...u-uhh...he's too old for me, anyway! Yeah! There's no way I'd fall for him! Nuh uh! She hadn't realized the trap she fell into.
  3. Her strength was going to rise in the right moment...what did he mean by this? The statement echoed in her head. She had read many mangas about heroes going up against the odds, and in their moment of crisis, they'd suddenly get a bunch of strength and rise up against their foe. She liked it, but she always thought it was pretty cheesy, too. But could it happen in real life, too? And with her? It sounded silly, but maybe, just maybe, if she believed hard enough...it would come true. The mere thought of having some form of potential strength just hiding within her was enough to bring out her smile and make it shine like the sun itself. Penelope: Wooow...do you really think so? Then I gotta do my best to get better! I'm gonna train really hared when everything's done! Seeing Lightflare approaching, she decided to shut up. That display of power he did in that fight still had her shaken up, so being next to him was enough to make her slooooowly slide away from him and a bit closer to Anwalt. She stifled a yelp as he spoke directly to her. She managed to muster up the courage to wave her hand at him and blurt out a shaky greeting. Penelope: H-hello there, uhm...h-hero? She could feel her throat trying to choke out any further words, she she decided to stop speaking at that point. It was obvious that she was absolutely terrified of this guy, and she didn't quite understand why everyone else was so calm around him.
  4. The sudden greeting give Penelope quite a fright, causing her to jump slightly. Sure, she was lost, but she was expecting to see them first, not the other way around! But at least she was found by someone, at least that! She turned to face Anwalt, a smile on her face. Penelope: Whew, am I glad to see you! I absolutely loved watching the fights! It makes me glad I didn't get dropped in, though...I would've gotten slaughtered out there! She sighed. Seeing the result of the Hyde/Lightflare fight was still getting to her. She was the underdog of the party, so if Hyde couldn't rise up, she probably wasn't going to do the same, either. Not instantly, at least, but she knew she'd get there one day! Penelope: That last fight has me kinda bummed out, though...I thought cheering hard could help Hyde win, but I guess that Lightflare guy really has all the stops covered. Iiiit also makes me kinda scared, y'know? I'm the underdog of our little group, so seeing him get pushed around like that makes me wonder if I'm gonna be cut out for something like that. But! She perked up again. Penelope: I think I learned a few things from watching the fights, so maybe I can try them out when I get the chance! Also, that was a really cool fight between you and Raina, all of that stuff being thrown around and those lights she kept tossing out, it was really awesome! Buuut, I don't think there's anything else for us to see, is there?
  5. Well, that was depressing. Looks like all of that cheering didn't work. Penelope: (Geez...that's depressing...) Since it looked like the others weren't going to be called in for more fights, she proceeded to stand up and stretch. A loud crack could be heard as she stretched her back. Penelope: (Ouch! It feels like I've been sitting there for months! I really need to get some exercise in...) Not wanting to draw anymore attention to herself, she quickly made her way towards the exit to the lobby area, glancing around to see if she could find her little party. They could definitely find her, right? She probably stood out like a sore thumb while she was stuck in groups of people who knew what they were doing. Her hair was super messy, too, even more of a way for them to find her. All she needed to do was not get lost, and she'd be fine.
  6. Penelope's eyes hovered from person to person as Hyde closed in on his target. It was do or die now, and Hyde was obviously aware of that. She thought about what she'd do in a situation like this...and she'd probably just give up. But maybe she could do as good as he was...and maybe that's why she wanted him to win so bad. Penelope: Gooo Hyde! Gooo Hyde! You can do it, you can win! Just one knockdown! Juuuuust one, and you've got it! It's alll yours! She seemed to be forgetting that he was actually behind and not ahead, but whatever; all that mattered was Hyde showing Light who the boss was!
  7. Penelope was on the edge of her seat at this point. So much had happened so fast that she didn't even realize that Hyde had basically gone hyper mode, and the end of the fight was approaching fast. And Hyde was probably going to lose if he didn't do something quick. She was finally beginning to understand this fighting thing, not that she'd do it still; she may have seen some cool stuff, but it wasn't like she could do any of it in practice. But maybe, juuuust maybe, if she decided to try it...but that was later! This was now! She had to cheer on Hyde! He had to win! Penelope: Come on, Hyde! You can get him! Knock him doooown! You're so close to winning! Just keep...um...pushing, yeah!
  8. Penelope: (Whoa, that doesn't look like it should happen!) The sudden darkness that took over Lightflare made Penelope afraid. Wasn't this supposed to be some kind of friendly fight thingy? Why was he going nuts like this? Was there more to it than she thought? Whatever the case was, it was clear that Hyde wasn't going to last long if he got hit by it. There was only one thing to do. Probably. Penelope: Move, Hyde! MOVE! I wouldn't wanna get hit by that, and neither would you! It looks like it might not just hurt a lot, too!
  9. Penelope gasped. ' Penelope: (Whoa...he actually got one!) It must've been her cheering. She had to keep it going now; with the knowledge that cheering someone on actually did power them up, it only motivated her to intensify her cheering. Penelope: Yah, yah, you can do it! Gooooo Hyde! Hit him with all ya got, and keep him on the ropes! Then you get him, and you win! You just gotta keep up the pressure and watch out for the flashy thingy! She felt like she was getting a lot better with this battle observing thing. Maybe she could be an announcer one day!
  10. Penelope observed the fight going on in the arena eagerly. The aura of the guy Hyde was facing was pretty creepy, and Hyde's attacks having no effect made it look like the guy was playing with him like he was a toy. It was actually really hard to watch. He probably wasn't going to last very long at this rate, so it was time to act! Penelope: (Yeesh, it's like he's fighting a moving wall!) Penelope: Go, Hyde! You can do it! Take it slooooow! Take it sloooooooow! I...I think that's what you do!
  11. A person


    A very accurate conversion to MUGEN! Fun to play, controls are accurate, and she has all of her moves. The hard part is trying to chain them together in order to get the damage you need! The addition of a guard cancel is really helpful, though, since it feels like she's often put on the defensive due to a lack of versatility, but Teleport does help with getting her out of a bad situation. Another job well done, Valgallah!
  12. Penelope sighed after Anwalt had his last knockdown, with all of her anticipation for a comeback draining away in an instant. The guy fought hard, but not even her cheering saved him. Hopefully he wouldn't take the loss too hard. Penelope: (Poor guy...hopefully his bro didn't see that!) Despite his loss, though, they both did great to her. The best thing to do now was the congratulate them. They looked like they'd both need some cheering on in order to keep going, especially Raina; who knew what could've possibly waited for her after this! Maybe she'd get a super cool rival that'd challenge her or something! Penelope: Woo-hoo, you both did really good in that fight! It was so awesome seeing all of that light stuff Raina did, and that one thing where you tore out a chunk of the floor, Anwalt! I wanna learn that stuff, too!
  13. Oh geez, this is some list...but I know who to choose! It's always nice to have more obscure games represented in MUGEN, so using that as a motivation, the choice was easy.
  14. In Valgallah's poll for who the next character should be, might I suggest voting for Laozi? There are no RinGo characters in MUGEN as far as I know, so she would be one of the first!

    1. Gaulbetti




      I want Black. Favorite character in FK.

    2. A person

      A person

      Bah, a fair argument...

  15. Now you even managed to get RinGo's sprites? Way to go! Definitely adding this one to my list!
  16. So I guess BBCTB doesn't have the "every ending is canon" thing apply to it as there is, in fact, one true ending in the game.I wonder what makes this game different...

  17. As Penelope watched Anwalt find his victory in jeopardy, she couldn't help but wonder if the result would've been far different had Lucent stayed and watched. After all, she usually did better whenever someone close to her was watching her, mostly because she wanted to make sure she didn't wind up embarrassing herself in front of them. Maybe that motivation is what he would need! Too bad she couldn't provide it...then again, it would be pre-tty embarrassing if he lost in front of such a huge crowd...maybe this is why Lucent decided to walk off. Maybe he was going to take it a step further and act like he didn't even know him after this...yeesh! Imagining what could possibly happen if he lost this one, she decided to do what she thought was best. Penelope: Ehh...umm... Penelope: ...gooooo Anwalt! You can do it, you can win! You've got this one, dude! You just gotta...umm...focus! Yeah, that's it, focus! (Sorry, Raina, but I think the guy needs it!)
  18. Needless to say, Penelope was fully entranced battle. It was clear that she actually was getting somewhere with this "observing" thing, but it was very obvious that she wasn't going to be spraying bullet thingys in all directions, throwing boulders at people, and taking shots like they're little pebbles. This was like seeing a real-life super hero comic to her! Anwalt's statement did manage to break her out of her trance, more so out of the shock of someone not wanting to watch the whole thing go down rather than fully take in the slau- show in its entirety. Penelope: Whaaaa? You don't wanna watch your big bro get his a- I-I-I mean, watch him fight to the end? This looks like it's getting pretty intense!
  19. Penelope: Hmm... It was pretty obvious that she couldn't do any of this stuff. Even if she really wanted to. But it also seemed pretty obvious as to who was superior in this fight. To her, at least. She rubbed her chin and squinted her eyes, studying them a bit closer before giving her answer. Penelope: Nowhere! Penelope: But why's that Raina girl not just, y'know, spraying those light thingys all over the place? I think she could win easily! Is she...umm, what's it called...ah, that's right! Is she "holding back"? Y'know, like this isn't her true form or...something?
  20. Penelope's breath was taken away from the view at the top of the arena, the sheer number of people that were already present being enough to revive the embers of excitement already within her. Penelope: Woooow...this place... Penelope: ...IS TOTALLY AWESOME! Immediately looking for a place to sit at, she was soon directed to the seats Lucent pointed out. Penelope: What are you waiting for? Let's gooooo! She immediately grabbed Lucent's left hand with her right hand, and began to pull him towards the seats. She was clearly very eager to get into the arena and watch the fights go down, despite never having even gotten into a scuffle with a sibling before.
  21. I knew about the notes, but I didn't know they actually had some of the assets available on the wiki. That's pretty nice of them.
  22. The doors leading out into the arena made Penelope think that there were actually multiple arenas. How did people get to watch all of the fights, then?! Penelope: Uh oh...I guess there's more than just one arena here...umm...hopefully we get lucky with the one we pick! Making things easier for herself, she proceeded to choose the first door and opened it up.
  23. Looks like it's your turn. Happy birthday, old geezer! 

    1. LightFlare_Da_Realest




      What?! Can't here ya! My hearing aid is on the fritz!


      Thanks bro. :awesome

    2. Sinjik


      Happy Birthday to the one and only LightFare!

    3. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      Charges up!



      Thanks homie!



  24. With how these stages are designed, I wouldn't be surprised if you happened to be one of the devs, Valgallah. Some of these stages have 0 references or artwork that would hint to their intended appearances in the game's files...
  25. Penelope: To the seating area! The girl proceeded to lead the way through the double doors, holding a door open for Lucent to enter the area through. Penelope: This is gonna be sweeeeet!
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