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A person

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Everything posted by A person

  1. Penelope didn't think about nabbing a bag before, but since there just so happened to be some hanging up in the shop, she decided that it'd probably be a good idea to grab at least one big bag. Penelope: (Hmm...I think I'm going to need something pretty big for all of these clothes! I hope she doesn't mind me grabbing one...) Considering they were in a probably really expensive shop, she was going to have to grab one of their better bags to make sure it didn't bust open during an intense moment, which she knew was going to happen a lot. Probably. It is an adventure, so of course there were going to be intense moments. This was just like some of those games she had played! She proceeded to snatch up a bag large enough to hold several outfits and a little more luggage, and nodded to herself. She turned towards Melina, and started to trail her. Suddenly, a chime was heard in the shop, followed by an announcement. Penelope: Alright, I think I have everything I need! And it sounds like I was just in time, too! She quietly hoped Melina was not like her mom. She would often take a lot of time in stores, and even after saying she would be done soon, she would still take almost an hour to search around. But Melina had to be more about business than idle shopping!
  2. Penelope: Ahaha...thanks... Yet again, she felt like she was being a burden. As long as she didn't mind, though...and there we are! She found just the outfit she was looking for: another of her current outfit. Penelope: Aha, I found what I want! I gotta get it! You can't go wrong with the same outfit as always! She didn't take very long to snatch up several of the hoodie...dresses? Hoodies? Whatever they were, she took up a few of them and started to lug them around. They were all hers, and nobody else would get them!
  3. Penelope: Ready freddy! She quietly thought about what she should get. And then she remembered: no money! This was going to be a big problem...probably. As long as she avoided the expensive clothing, she would be fine. Hopefully.
  4. Penelope quickly entered the lobby, shrugging her shoulders. Penelope: Uhhhh, I...don't have anything to pack, remember? All I've got are the clothes on my back!
  5. Saying that Penelope was nervous was an understatement now. Her face turned as red as a cherry; a girls' night out?! And that weird sport mixed in?! That didn't sound like a good thing to her! Penelope: I'm...ummm...I-I'm n-not sure if that's a good ideaaaa! Like, what if some big guy finds us, or a super scary monster?! W-we'd be in biiiig trouble then! She was willing to say just about anything to get this crazy lady away from her. She really did not want to get involved in weird stuff like that. Was that even legal?!
  6. Penelope wasn't quite sure how to take this, but for some reason it made her really nervous, especially the part about the weird sport. What was it even called, anyway? Penelope: Ehehe...oookayyyy...I...um...I think that's going to be okay?
  7. Seeing as how everyone else had finished talking about their backgrounds, she figured that the spotlight was probably on her at this point. Their stories were as eventful as she thought they would be, except for Lilith's, that was really boring...but she wouldn't say it out loud. Besides, she couldn't top their stories, and her's was probably even more boring than Lilith's! She gulped. Penelope: Oh...I guess it's my turn, huh? I'm...not gonna try to hype this one up. Penelope: I lived a normal life, waaaay in Maloto City. I studied hard in elementary school and I was a huge favorite in my class. and anyone who tried to bully me wound up getting bullied themselves. I never got into fights or anything, but some people really didn't like my personality. My mom and dad used to watch boxing fights and that one weird sport where you grab the other guy in the weirdest way so that he has to tap out, and they always pointed out flaws and stuff. I probably couldn't do stuff like that myself, but I used to think I could. I never got the chance to put anything I learned from them into practice, either, so it just kinda...faded away. I didn't have to struggle much...well, not until now, of course. Penelope: But I'm sure that everything will turn out a-okay, hehe! Sooo, that's basically my story! Are we gonna head out soon? Since she had already satisfied herself while everyone else was explaining their stories, she wanted to get up and go as soon as possible, before the urge to eat took over yet again. It was irresistible!
  8. Penelope would finally finish off her plate. Fortunately, it was just in time for her to catch wind of the plan. So she still had plenty of time! Like it mattered, though; she didn't have anything to pack! Instead of cutting someone off to talk about herself, she instead opted to sit and listen for a while. She knew her turn would come up soon, anyway.
  9. Penelope had at least bothered to seat herself at their table before digging into the mountain of food she had, but she was no longer aware of the world around her. She was now solely focused on the food, the need for food, and her desire to eat every single crumb of food. She did have the manners to use silverware, though! And she somehow kept the food localized to the plate. She seemed to be intent on making sure none of it was wasted.
  10. Penelope would finally burst into the cafeteria, taking deep breaths. She had to run down so many stairs to get here...but at least she made it on time! Hopefully! Penelope: Haaah...I'm here, everyone! Don't leave yet! I gotta- As soon as she spotted the food, her mind was entirely cleared and her hunger soon made itself evident to her. Her eyes sparkled at all of the food on display. All of that beautiful food on display, and for her to eat! Ohhh, this day was already turning out great! Penelope: ...EAAAAAT! She immediately ran at the buffet, snatching up a plate and some utensil before piling on whatever she could fit onto the plate. She was going to fill herself up to make sure she was good to go for the rest of the day. She didn't care how things would go immediately after; all that mattered was now!
  11. Penelope finished up in the bathroom, and promptly yanked the door open, making a mad dash for the hall. However, she'd spot something out of the corner of her eye: the note that Raina left behind. She decided to check it out, though it was probably going to tell her how she left. But it'd still be worth it, probably. She'd kneel down and pick it up, reading what was written on it. She was right: it was only telling her where she was. Without wasting another moment, she was on her way out the door and down the hall, towards the nearest staircase. She was panicking internally; did the leave her behind? They did seem like they were in a hurry...she really hoped they didn't, otherwise, she was in biiiig trouble!
  12. After having a rather pleasant dream, Penelope would finally open her eyes, awakening in the hotel room. Her back was hurting, and she felt something wet on her cheek. She sighed, then slowly stood up, grunting as she did so. Penelope: (Man, I guess that was a really bad idea...it felt like a nice pillow, though!) Trying to find a reason to ignore the pain, she glanced around the room for a moment, noticing that Raina was gone. The bathroom door was open, so she couldn't be in there. That only left one spot. Penelope: (Yikes, I'd better hurry up!) Having no time to spare for groaning over not having any of her things, she proceeded to quickly make her way into the bathroom, attempting to quickly rush through her morning ritual. She hadn't noticed the note that Raina left behind in all of this, but luckily hadn't managed to stomp on the piece of paper in her rush. Maybe she'd find it after she was done.
  13. Penelope looked as though she wasn't going to be waking up any time soon, despite the position she had on the couch. A dribble of slobber snaked out from between her lips and slowly crawled its way down her cheek, inching closer and closer to the brim of her hood. Her snoring also seemed to be getting louder...
  14. Penelope: W-wait, there's only one bed?! Uhhh... That wasn't how she imagined the place would be like. She heard there were usually two beds in each room, not one! Did Lucent accidentally get the wrong rooms for them? Oh well, she had to make a choice. Though she really wanted to sleep on that fluffy cloud of comfort and joy, she was probably also going to have hard time waking up from that cloud. It was probably better for her to take the harsh road this time around, if she wanted any hope of waking up on time. Penelope: Nah, you can go ahead and sleep on it! I can sleep anywhere, so I should be fine with a chair! And without hesitation, she promptly seated herself upon the lone couch in the room. Now she could properly reflect upon the day. She still wondered how she got here. Someone couldn't have just taken her over here, somebody would've definitely seen it, and she'd have been somewhere else instead of behind a dumpster. Her Mom would've also called a search party by now, with how protective she was of her. Just what was going on here? And all of these other people here, Hyde and Raina especially, they looked like they were in the same spot as her. Except they could probably cut and shoot their way out of it. She, on the other hand, couldn't do that. She was going to have to do something about that, and watching those fights helped to give her some ideas. Soon, she was going to have to start practicing, and going into swordplay looked like it was the best thing to try out. But getting home was a high priority. She promised herself that she would get back home, but she also needed to find out just what was going on here that would bring all of them together. Maybe she was overthinking it, but it's not every day a lady with dark powers, a light show-making shrine maiden, a guy with some red energy, two possible aliens, a big guy with crazy powers, and a flirty booby lady came together. Her eyelids started to droop. It looked like her body was telling her to worry more about sleep than the day, so she decided to doze off. She quickly dozed off, neglecting her nightly rituals. She wasn't home, after all, so she she didn't really have a way to do all of that stuff anyway! She could get away with slacking off for a bit, right? She quietly wondered what tomorrow would bring while she slept.
  15. Penelope smiled brightly. A room high up? This was going to be awesome! She loved looking out from high spots, it made her feel like she was the queen of the world! But, then again, in a big city like this, there probably wasn't going to be much of a view. Oh well, at least she could claim she was bigger than the ants below! Penelope: Yeah, that sounds great! Let's go, go, goooo! She didn't hesitate to make a dash for the room specified. She just had to get there first!
  16. Penelope didn't hesitate in trying to get into the room first, attempting to open the door without the keycard. After a few attempts and almost yanking the doorknob off in frustration, she would finally realize her mistake. Penelope: Oh, haha, I forgot we needed a card, err...do you have it? At this time, she wasn't bothering to reflect on anyone; she just had to see the room! It had to be absolutely massive, like a room out of a mansion! But after a bit, MAYBE she would take some time to reflect upon today's events. Maybe. She probably wouldn't though.
  17. Penelope quickly took notice of Anwalt's presence, but hearing him agreeing with Lilith only made her more upset. But she couldn't really challenge their judgement, could she? After all, they were adults, and she was always told to respect their opinions. She let out a sigh of defeat, but almost immediately perked back up. After all, at least she was still getting to spend time with someone cool! Penelope: Well, okay! Looks like it's gonna be me and you after all, Raina! She grinned at the girl. Though she really, really wanted to get her own room, sharing a room with another girl was going to probably be even better than being in a room alone. In her mind, she was squealing in joy. Her excitement was also slowly beginning to well up inside of her. It was only a matter of time before that bomb went off again.
  18. Penelope: Aww, what? Just because we're young doesn't mean were gonna get in trouble or something! What iffff...he and I shared a room together? This was totally unfair. How could they pair them up with adults? In fact, why wasn't Raina getting paired up with someone, too? She looked even younger than her! But she decided to keep her mouth shut; trying to get other people in trouble with her usually wound up with her getting in deep doo-doo.
  19. Having been finally spoken to, Penelope nearly instantly broke free from her trance. She looked around for a moment, then at Raina. She had no idea what the previous conversation was about, so all she heard was "...sharing a room with me." Penelope: Huh? We're sharing rooms? Not that she'd mind sharing rooms with someone; after all, they were still in a big ol' celeb hotel! Being alone would've been too much for her, anyway!
  20. Penelope was still freaking out, despite the fact that she wouldn't be having her own room. She didn't seem to notice that the statement was made, nor that Lucent was there...or anyone, really. She was in her own little world. Penelope: AaaaaaaahI'mgonnedieofhappinessandcoughuprainbows! It was probably going to be a while before she finally calmed down. Or moved. Or did anything but freak out. One of the staff would probably have to escort her out. Or maybe someone else. Anyone. Really.
  21. Penelope was nearly about to faint. She'd never been in a hotel like this, let alone get her own room in one. This was like a dream come true for her! Y'know, besides the fact that she was lost and had no way to phone home. But who cared at this point; she was finally living the life of a celebrity! Internally, she was freaking out. Externally...she was freaking out. Penelope: AaaaahomigodI'msohappyrightnowIcouldexplodeeeeeeeee! It was probably going to be a long time before she finally calmed down. Now, if only she could actually get to her room without bouncing off the walls or accidentally tearing off the doorknob...
  22. Penelope: Ah, enough time for a nap! Buuut, if we're resting before the trip, then I can see everything on the way there! She dug around in her pockets for one of the most important things she had: her phone! But it looked like it was...MISSING! Oh God, it was missing! Whoever did this must've really wanted her to vanish...and had to be really sadistic! Her phone was her lifeline in times like this; if she didn't get lucky, she'd have probably curled up into a ball and died on the spot! But she had to act like she didn't care! Anything to keep her worry visibly down after that little scene earlier.. Penelope: Urgh, but my phone's gone...*sigh* This is gonna be such a boring trip...maybe taking a nap would be a better idea.
  23. Penelope proceeded to slooowly make her way to the group, trying her best to make herself look as inconspicuous as possible. She didn't want to interrupt their super important chat, but she knew they knew she was coming along. She hoped, anyway. She wondered what the heck Canned Door City was, though. It wouldn't hurt to ask, she thought. Penelope: Umm...what's a "Canned Door City", and how far away from here is it? Can I take a nap during the ride?
  24. Oooh, a hotel. She wondered how fancy it was. Maybe it was one of those hotels she usually saw celebrities hanging out in, that'd be so nice to be in...just the thought alone made her squeal out loud. Penelope: Eeeeeee, I can't wait! She didn't vocalize her thoughts afterwards though. The mention of Hyde had brought him to mind after she had a moment to fantasize about the luxurious hotel that would treat her like a true queen. Maybe she'd get a chance to talk to him about the fight, since, if he was a beginning, it'd be a great way for her to gain some more beginning tips! Or so she thought. That WAS a pretty ridiculous fight...
  25. The ruckus from the fight had caused Penelope's attention to turn from the conversation to the screen so many people were so focused on. Something good must've been happening, and she kind of regretted leaving her spot earlier. Observing how the fight was going so far, it didn't take long for her to notice what was going on. Again. Yikes, hopefully this wasn't a constant with all of the fighters... Penelope: Gosh...is that dark stuff, like, really common? I really hope it isn't...
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