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Kaguto Shin Sabaki

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Everything posted by Kaguto Shin Sabaki

  1. Alrighty Brock. Also don't worry Sendspace is just back up since my mediafire is going bonkers.
  2. THIS IS THE BIGGEST REQUEST SO FAR BUT I GOT IT DONE FOR MY BUDDY WIN. Iori by Quickfist Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/1f81i4 Broly by Infinite Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/vxjrb4 Goku Z2 by Balthazar & Cybaster Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/mxmgzu Zero by Duck Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/xj5v83 Cell by CHOUJIN (I call him Arcade Cell cuz of the style the creator was going for) Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/wrs3sj
  3. Well I tend to feel bad if I can't provide but if you're ok with it I'm fine.
  4. Are these for the actual character's that have already been made or just sprite sheets? Cuz I'm not really good with swapping sprites and stuff I only stick to what I actually know in terms of doing things though I would like to learn without having to go through really long processes cuz I know a lot of creators change up the order of certain sprites when editing a character.
  5. Pretty much that last part if I can't make it on infinite's I'll do it on quickfist's since in my opinion his is the second best CvS Iori out there plus he has good color separation now for infinite's I read that someone was making a palette color separation for him but I never saw a release for it.
  6. His skin, shoes and the brim of his jacket are linked so it's really difficult to pull off a wolverine palette at this point also I wanted to ask for the evil Iori palette that you want in the specifications do you want a shadow like palette with blood red trimming or just a standard darker default palette with a skin tone like evil ryu and ken's?
  7. I know once this is all done and over with, you'll have made a ton of phenomenal palettes but I do hope you'll have just as much fun making them as I had coming up with and requesting them. Here's a little bit of motivation from me to keep your spirit high : Yeah I'm having a blast now before I forget unfortunately the wolverine palette for asura can't be done for this version (linked palettes again) but to make it up to you I shall make a Pandora's Rage palette for him instead. As for your other requests I'm getting that done with as we speak I'm just getting idea's while I'm doing them so it's like "Oh I gotta make this kinda palette for him." xD I'm gonna blow a fuse at one point but whateves I love it.
  8. Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 : I know this is A LOT, I'm fully aware of that but like I said, you can finish them at your own pace as none of these pals are all too urgent (does not mean I want to waith a month before they're all finished lol). The main two reasons why I request this of you is to test you so I can see how good you really are and because I have faith inyou thanks to your previously made palettes which where impressive to say the least. ;) I'll get right on it.
  9. I've never tried it out before and with a lot of the FX's being more detailed and a lot more time consuming Idk if I'd be successful without photoshop.
  10. Another set of Pandora's Rage palettes. Nameless by K.O.D & Vans Heihachi Mishima (Old) & (Young) by chuchoryu AkiraYuki by chuchoryu Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/9tzs35
  11. Well gentlemen Trust and believe that I'll be chucking out more palette's but yes I need a small break I did make a page an a half worth of these xD
  12. Sure I'll DL him and make the palette for him when I get the chance man.
  13. Well it's actually by Neocide it's why I put his and teen gohan's name's together since they are from the same author.
  14. Another version to the wolverine palette for Iori requested by Win Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ulc8yb
  15. Some more palettes just for fun. Ssj God, New Mugen, Ssj God and Cellza. Teen Gohan & Cell by Neocide Nameless by K.O.D & Vans Ultimate Gohan by MiaoYu Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/o64zmq
  16. I can make the hair blue if you want it's not linked to any to any of his clothes thankfully.
  17. Wolverine palette request by Win for Quickfist's Iori Yagami. Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/oquyxe
  18. Or if you have various screenpacks you can use one for the characters you don't have in your main mugen it's kinda like having two different games from the same series ya know?
  19. Pandora's Rage palette request by Sham. War Madara Uchiha by LegendTTA Superman New 52 by Hannibal/Kal-Elvis and Friends Kuuga by Ruina&Azuma Batman by Alucard Link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/f5aqcr (Mediafire is going all weird on me right now so I had to switch where to put the pals)
  20. Well as mentioned his SFF is limited unlike quickfist's his hair and pants are linked so I unfortunately had to work with what I had and a lining of the shit is linked with the top of his jacket for some reason so that's why I couldn't do the wolverine one for you though I could do it on quickfist's if you want. Thanks Brock.
  21. Thanks man Imma start working on them right now.
  22. Ok I'll get right on Kuuga and I believe I have the batman have to check but if not I'll just DL him I have the superman and I'll DL Madara
  23. Pandora's Rage palette for Monkey D. Luffy by Xasor Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/l2dcr6d48lv6brr/Pandora%27s+Rage+MDL.act#39;s_Rage_MDL.act
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