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Mugen Free For All


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Everything posted by Flare-Gamer-64

  1. This guide is super useful. I even have it bookmarked. Thanks.
  2. Yey Moar stuff to reupload onto Mugen Archive. Nah I'm not downloading them just because I'm greedy for points on MA. Fun fact: I didn't have Madotsuki until now.
  3. I have a mash-up of Gourmet race and Crash Bandicoot's stormy ascent. Most certain this loops.
  4. Another crappy Riolu: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-IrZPjdlBlgPW6hUg87ZStl7r3SGX-LD
  5. Eventually there will be a whole line just for Marill and Azumarill thanks to Joey. And now YochiThMaster333 made a second Azumarill for his Sonic vs Pokémon fangame. EDIT He commented just before me, lel.
  6. This version of Sagat sounds cool. I will test him soon.
  7. I have a song from Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold. Sakura's theme. Shouldn't cause any problem's cuz Alpha tracks loop by default. You can download the song here: http://www.gamethemesongs.com/Street_Fighter_Alpha_2_Gold_-_Sakura_Theme.html
  8. This Papyrus A.I patch was made before the Mega update. So put this besides the old Papyrus.
  9. Enderloce_Peo64's Sandslash edit https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-F-a-arffxIQg8V8dr1Uobuft2pR-tZS
  10. Joey shat this out. File name is Super Rotom: https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/0Bzv4UbA19nJdbGdqbTFxNE0tSHc
  11. I have a song from Sonic Forces. It has lyrics but Sonic songs often loop so I don't think there will be any problems with this one.
  12. All three of them have dead links. And I really wanted these ones.
  13. Will we get free stuff? Like a Christmas palette pack?
  14. I made some for you https://imgur.com/c3GloWm OddishsTUFF's Chara https://imgur.com/KZuvd2I Fourth's Papyrus https://imgur.com/LbbTk96 Pizzasause's Toriel https://imgur.com/3Tzp9Do Mega X Toriel https://imgur.com/bi2ghls Retro Flowey's Sans https://imgur.com/Fu6ZusI Gameandwatch909's Sans (Standard) https://imgur.com/6aXUYmX Xmas Sans https://imgur.com/HvYgRms Glitch Sans https://imgur.com/ieVy3kr Thanksgiving Glitch Sans
  15. Alright mate. Gramsen's website: http://blog.naver.com/PostList.nhn?blogId=sumin2393&skinType=&skinId=&from=menu&userSelectMenu=true All of his Undertale characters can be found here. Toriel by Mega X: http://www.mediafire.com/file/s9ohvve278s28f6/Toriel.rar I will reupload the outdated Toriel when I can. Frisk by Easlfre (edited from Gramsen's version): http://www.mediafire.com/file/q4zxo5qaa6q4b9p/GramParson's+Frisk+by+Easlfre.rar Asgore by Easlfre (again edited from Gramsen's version): http://www.mediafire.com/file/170i3b53gdks5o2/GramParson's+Asgore+by+Easlfre.rar I will edit this post when I get back. I will add The Older version of Glutch Sans. It's in my drive but since Google is fucking with drive and mobile that means I can't link him RN.
  16. Papyrus clones and Sans clones by AngryBirdCoolerV3 (Unfinished): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0FdfmAoPsinaG45WGpWbTBTXzg Papyrus clones UNOFFICAL update by babamugen (It was on Mugen Archive. put it by Pizzasause's edit since it's edited from that Papyrus): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1bgfevW7dBGtiglkbQ_G0UOykPPeSp5wS Muffet clones by babamugen (Again, it was on Mugen Archive): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-dSYtGPTYimW7W8zuVw0jbH8ij684ANi Gaster Blaster by babamugen (Yet again, it was on Mugen Archive): https://drive.google.com/open?id=11goRfZjkDEAgJFq2kDvBwxt4pi4Va6ks A few crappy unfinished characters by babamugen: http://www.mediafire.com/file/8nxlvg55qsz5af5/SHITLOAD+OF+F*CK.zip
  17. Sorry I didn't know you had yet to beat the game. Hate to spoil you like that.
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