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Everything posted by Flare-Gamer-64

  1. IkuTronHD made their own Gardevoir. It has the ability to create it's own playstyle to fit your desires.
  2. It's about time we necro this thread. After all, smesh. And you'd be racking in those downloads if you were to release it before December. So how about we revive this boys?
  3. Anyone else ever had a experience where you have been working towards something but then somebody else completely ruins it? #feelsfuckingawfulman

  4. Blacklisted link. Plus an alt is above.
  5. That moment when your going through your recycling bin and accidentally restore a bunch of content you don't want.


  6. That log out bug returns. Again.

    Hooray. What joy.

    1. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      Somehow I don't find that surprising -_-

    2. Oliver As Latias

      Oliver As Latias

      Happened yesterday at night. And oh boy, it's time they fix this one... once again.

  7. I don't see anything wrong with it. What sounds could be improved exactly? Besides it takes hours to make soundpacks since you have to go all over the web to find the episodes and then have a CHANCE to get a sound that fits.
  8. 30 minutes till we crash into the sun boissssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss





  9. There's already one. It's on Aperson98's edit. But the Stan and Roger soundpacks would be worth it in the long run.
  10. Square Enix E3 Thoughts:

    Tomb Raider again? I mean I don't dislike it but nothing I find too crazy. Combat looks good tho. Also how long till the SJW's attack this series for the 50th time?

    StromBlood is just more of that classic final fantasy goodness.

    Monster Hunter World DLC is neat.

    Should of said this in the Microsoft thoughts list but I couldn't give two shits about Captain Spirit.

    Dragon Quest is more of the same thing like Final Fantasy and that ain't bad.

    Babylon's Fall could be interesting.

    NieR is something I need to try someday.

    Personally debating if I should get Octopath

    I got scared at first that the KH3 trailer would be the same one.Thankfully not. But it was more or less 80% the same.

    Final Fantasy 7 rem-Wait it's not here? YOU WHAT?! Aww rip. Guess it's never coming out then.


    1. Noside


      I think we had enough of Tomb Raider and it's not so transcendent as other popular franchises, they just have to let it end.

  11. XBox E3 thoughts (In no order): 

    Studio Mdhr, for the love of god, please don't make the new Cuphead DLC XBone exclusive.

    Dante can use Za Warudo now. Nice.

    Every JUS author just pissed them selves. 

    Ori and the wisp of willows or whatever it is looks amazing

    Why are there so many shooters?

    Kingdom Hearts 3 is pretty epik.

    Gamestop will now have Battletoads. The search is over.

    Cyberpunk reveal was pretty alright. But please D O N ' T be a shooter.

    Tomb Raider... I'll be honest and I forgot it was even in this.

    Nobody gives a shit about PUBG lol.

    Fallout. Well it's cool. That's all I have to say.

    1. Flare-Gamer-64


      Alright post updated. I was updating it while it aired. Now it's finished.  If I forgot something please comment. 

  12. @GarfieldfanMUGEN You can thank SootHouse for this image.


  13. Yes. It would make life hella easier. Though alt links should still be a option. Although I do think I should personally send a message to the feedback form about community weekends. Mainly about making it more clear what it is and changing the banner to make it more obvious it is a community weekend. And as of late I've been including alternate links when possible. However to reply on Dark's comment, well Sol sure is something. With his outdated memes and his rather interesting pages on the wiki.
  14. FUCK. YES.

    Look it might not be the most impressive of edits but my god am I happy this simply exists.


  15. Hello peeps of the free for all. It's mah birthday. I actually opened my birthday presents two days ago though. I got a SNES mini and I'm gonna play the living hell out of it. Currently playing Megaman X on it. I also got Kirby Star Allies and DK Tropical Freeze with new Funky Memes for my Nintendo Switch.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. YochiIsC00lest333


      Happy Birthday, FG64!
      P.S.: BTW, I born in 2001 like you.

    3. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Happy Birthday Flare-Gamer-64! Keep Being Awesome, Yo! ^_^


    4. Cook4251


      Happy belated b'day ^^

  16. I've taken down my reup of Sash Lilac (for reasons I will not answer.) and that is final.
  17. Is this actually going to be added? If so nice.
  18. DIO link dead :/ Btw all this is awesome guys. Thank you. And here I thought barely anyone cared about this awesome mod.
  19. Spread the word. This is extremely important. This Will affect you, even if you don't live in the EU. We have to stop this from happening!

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Thanks For The Heads Up Flare-Gamer-64!

  20. Wah Wah Daze... (Super Mario Series Waluigi X JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's Jotaro)
  21. Can we please add John Kevin by SirKrigeon? https://drive.google.com/open?id=15duvzEEQr4hAWiH4mT_RzyHeeUchO9qJ Based off this series:
  22. The person who caught Yagoshi committing tax fraud.
  23. It's never happening by the look of things. Besides Freedom Fighters 2 Plus was basically that. Although MUGENHunter did draw a Vector the Crockodile portrait. So there was a possibility it was being made. However it as been a long time since MUGENHunter has been online. So yeah enjoy the information you just read.
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