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Everything posted by LegatoSkyheart

  1. ...my Downloaded Games to it, I want to know is can it brick my System if my Wii had been Hacked before? Like if the Wii was Hacked, but I still had Legitamate downloads would my Wii brick my WiiU because it had been Hacked before?
  2. Read somewhere that the PS2 version of Japan's CvS2 had Online, while the American version had Xbox Live. Oh well, if CvS2 hits the states it might actually get the Street Fighter 3 treatment I hope.
  3. Japanese version of CVS2 for the PS2 had Online Play. Chances are this game has it.
  4. not to mention the 640x480 stages can also be stretched to 1280x720. However for whatever reason 1080p and 720p Mugen Resolutions just crash my Mugen at times. Even on Stages that it runs very well on.
  5. I will play the heck out of it. the Picture was taken from my iPod and man, iPod cameras SUCK.
  6. Dead or Alive 5 Collector's Edition. Sweet huh?
  7. That's Great News Ryon! Now they don't have to ask permission! lol Good news that the Site is back! Now I can post pictures and junk!
  8. A DDOS attack? right? Why would they do this? Guess some men just want to watch the world burn....
  9. The Difference between this one and those is that THIS Anime is BASED on The Console Wars, rather than it actually being an Anime Based on a Video Game. The Characters are only based on the Franchises. Which means, The Character who's based on the Sonic Franchise is going to start out great, but slowly become useless and terrible while the Nintendo Franchises will start out good and have a few stumbles and will probably betray another kingdom who then becomes Sony and Weakens the Nintendo Franchises, but ultimately in the end, The Sega Franchises will lose.
  10. LET ME TELL YOU.....the short story. A long time ago when I was in Band in Middle School I had a group of friends who decided to name themselves after Music Terms. Allegretto, Minute, etc... I said I wanted to be Legato. Well after Band I went to Art Class and it was a free draw day. I decided, why not draw that one character I kept drawing. I drew him and at the time, I had named him something different, but I figured, this guy deserves something better, I remember the name Legato and decided to call him such. Since then I've expanded on his Figure and Abilities he's supposed to have, his weapons, the People he meets, eventually I had a full blown character, but I've never actually MADE a Story for him. At least NOTHING WRITTEN. The Story of Legato Skyheart the Last of the Phoenix Tribe has never once started being made by my hand or even started, even though I know of who he faces, who he meets and who his last encounter is and how the out come of the story works, I haven't started doing ANYTHING with it. Up until now, The Name "Legato Skyheart" is nothing more than my Username Persona. I use it nearly on EVERYTHING, if the Account is named "LegatoSkyheart" It's usually me. The Long Story of my Username is "Legato Skyheart the Last of the Phoenix Tribe" story, That's not what I want to call it, but that should give you a gist of what the Story is kinda like, (but not really.)
  11. Announced today at Nintendo's WiiU Press conference.
  12. I can see Sega being portrayed as the Hero in this Anime while Nintendo is the Evil Kingdom. But in the end Sega loses.
  13. I too forgot the GFFA Youtube channel pass and junk. PM someone?
  14. This used to be a thing way back. Only fools without the knowledge of Mugen will fall for this.
  15. Sounds like now and days you go to a school and what you see isn't a School, but a Prison.
  16. I got a couple of stupid things I've done stories. I know I do, but i can't seem to remember a whole lot so here's some. 1 time me and my friend Pat were at this mall for a Band Trip. During these Band Trips we would play Mario Kart on the Way and Back from the Town we had to go to for Competition. Well when we get to the Mall we see the Stacker Game. I play one round and found out, I'm REALLY good at it. So Good everyone crowded around me to watch me play. The Whole Time I wanted to get my friend a DS so he could play Mario Kart with Us on the trip. $1 DS right? neat. Well we spent just about all of our money playing the game and all I did was just get to the very top and lose every....single......time..... Found out Next Week that I had to save that money for another trip that weekend. Another one is more recent. I was at Dallas this Weekend with my Friend Rokz and my Cousin for AnimeFest. I woke up Early One Day and I take a shower and junk and got ready for the day. I decide I'll play Symphony of the Night on my Vita. Well I'm playing the Game and just got the Mist Form and Bat Form. I was so Happy! Thought I could past this one part in the Game and went through it and died twice. The Third Time I was looking at my iPod figuring out what I actually needed to get through and without me knowing I accidentally pressed Delete File and Deleted my 1 and only Save Data. just stood there going what have I done?? Friends woke up at that moment.
  17. LOL I am almost certain that this thread is about to go to a dark place. So I'm going to lock the topic unless someone else decides it's okay.
  18. man Crono you don't know what you missed. (and what I missed) Lots of New Faces and junk, lots of new Characters. Things are great. How are you man?
  19. man I remember when I watched this on Cartoon Network. Made me respect the show just a little bit more.
  20. I can't remember a School Story that's too interesting unless there was a school buddy to remind me of the times.
  21. cause the Troll Face is a better Troll than Hazama.
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