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Mugen Free For All


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Everything posted by LegatoSkyheart

  1. GGPO and Mame is still up in the air. Just as Bruce said. I might have the Tournament go as when people get to it (meaning Time wouldn't be an Issue too much since you play at your own time though you still have to finish all matches by a certain date.), but I would like for there to be Video Footage and I remember Mame had a Video Recording thing. Also what I want to do is to see if Streaming is possible so people could see what we do or something, might make a Mock Fighting Game Night Test sometime or something.
  2. I feel like the First Thread is a bit cluttered with all the Q&A so I'll just make that the FAQ thread and such, but here Is just STRICTLY for Sign Ups. If you want to be in the MFFA Tournament just say "Here" or "SIGN ME UP!" I know some of you have signed yourselves up in the other thread, but I would like for there to be a clearer list of people rather than hunting down for people's "Here". So here ya go and remember the games is Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter and the Deadline for Sign Ups is the 25th. GET CRACKIN' AND HAPPY GAMING!
  3. The Requirements at the Moment are that you would need a Mame Emulator of Sorts, I had GGPO listed as the Default since it's so easy to use, but considering the fact that you would need Open ports for you to go online I would allow other means of joining the match. Just like the Last Tournament if you can record the matches please do so. The Tournament won't start till sometime in September because I got some things to tend to from now to the end of August.
  4. Oh? well then that could be a problem. I used GGPO just a while ago and it was fine, Never thought about that being an Issue. Would everyone like to switch over to Mame then? If peeps want to keep going with GGPO then head over Bruce's Thread. If ya want to go Mame then we shall, I never thought Ports would have been an issue, sorry.
  5. Updated. Sign ups for the Next MFFA tournament are today till the 25th. The Actual Tournament won't happen till early September so it should give you guys a decent time to brush up on your skills. Also The Game is Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter. Good Luck.
  6. So far a total of 7/8 of you want a tournament. 3/3 of you want a Versus Capcom game. and 2/3 of you want it to be on the Weekend. I'll see what I'll come up with and will post results soon.
  7. Smash is a fighter. It was used in the first ever Mugen Free For All tournament. Which was appropriate because the winner got a Wii Gift from the Wii Store. However the rules have changed to fit everyone's needs. We use Mame and one of the fighters in Mame like what Bruce has mentioned. Shall I update the poll to the game options? It seems people are interested.
  8. This was the last game and last tournament we did. Also is Killiara or whatever you use for Mame still up? *UPDATE* The Tournament is now under way! You have all had time to speak and it looks like most of you are in agreeance with each other that we should have a New Tournament. (11 Yes vs 1 No) Seeing that Most of you want a VS. Capcom game I have decided to go with Sign Ups are from Now till This Next Coming Sunday, (the 25th). The Actual Tournament date won't be till early September, but ya'll have plenty of time to hone your skills by then. We will be using GGPO for this though We could go to other means if necessary. Hope this is ok for you all. All you need to sign up is to go to and say "Here".
  9. If they get rid of that 24 hour check in and the mandatory Kinect I'll be interested. but I'll stick with WiiU and PS4 here.
  10. MEGAMAN SMASH GET HYPE. btw who has Animal Crossing New Leaf?
  11. It'll take a awesome exclusive to get me to buy the system. But I may not even get it because of it's Kinect system scans.
  12. You should look at my other Posts. I've had Melee, what you see is Code Veronica.
  13. This is a feature that should be on all forums honestly. I some what hate it when a thread that is completely irrelevant gets brought back up.
  14. indeed, It inspired me to make custom covers for the rest of my Gamecube games. They just had Gamestop logos and such before hand. not real covers. Just printed ones. Heck look at Megaman Anniversary, it's using a WiiU case.
  15. oh wait it's not that kind of screenshot is it?
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