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Everything posted by JokerintheButt

  1. I wonder if this version is better than the actual ahuron version. anyways thanks for reporting This.
  2. wow that was an intense-hardest Match there :P but you have do it again and I approuve that, great match as always.
  3. Kill Ebola Chan Kill her with fire.

  4. Both of them are wips by Borewood.
  5. his Fuerte Doesn't Even have an grab and missing Sprites on the taunt.
  6. I think 2GB is more great than download 15 Part of links that's pretty fucked up.
  7. this guy hate really chuchoryu. http://tinyurl.com/md5h2cj

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Kanbei


      Really I know hes a bad author, but that was uncalled for.

    3. Алексей


      Was this really necessary?

    4. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      We all saw this coming sooner or later, there are always the one that crosses the line.

  8. 1 answer is = character unreleased/infinished. 2 answer = I will send u a link.
  9. Crap Yeah more Pokemon character in KOF XIII style.
    1. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      i'm sorry but who the hell gets turned into poison?

    2. Gaulbetti


      Lol, a bunch of Midnight Bliss sprites in KOF style.

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