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Status Replies posted by thekillnator

  1. thats right..i like ropes.

  2. I'm innocent.

  3. I watch intelligent anime for intelligent people like myself

  4. LOL @ people who cant appreciate anime and feel the need to mock it for 0 reason.

  5. How do you get the wood?

    1. thekillnator


      By waking up in the morning and you will have wood.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  6. iam your daddy *slaps* whos your daddy? *slaps*

  7. Cars was The Ultimate Lifeform before Shadow made it cool

  8. Has anyone seen Darkflare lately? He suddenly disappeared.

  9. I knew this was going to happen: well at least Ryon didn't use his wrath this time. =I

  10. Dunno if I've said this before, but I suspect that bronies are really all part of a terrorist organization.

  11. Naruto Shippuden new opening is bad according to everyone.

  12. It's a nice day out. /proceeds to stay on internet/

  13. What if King of Fighters characters starred in Attack on Titan?

  14. Another season closer to SUMMER!!

  15. This is your left, that's your left. This is your right, that's your right. This is your right, you're gonna die.

  16. Minecraft movie..nintendo vs sega movie..new star wars movie..whats going on?

  17. The Seahawks won! Nostalgia Critic: Hooray! Hoo hoo hoo hoo!

  18. woohoo new Net is FAst as hell lmao ,but i have adata plan, but i have unlimited from midnight to 5 am, so ill see u guys then lol

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