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Posts posted by Solarflared

  1. 19 minutes ago, jenngra505 said:

    1: Squirtle's Dynamic Punch could also cost power for consistency. (Because they're both heavy versions)

    2: The reward doesn't seem that high when Fire Blast does almost as much damage and Seismic Toss does more damage.

    3: ...OK I guess, it's easy to fix anyway.

    4: Ask Dragonrod for a hurt sprite if you decide you want to make them hittable

    1: (shrug)

    2: It's a command throw. What were you expecting?
    ...oh wait, you also talked about Fire Blast. Hm...damage nerfs  it is, then.
    3: Who knows? Maybe I'll switch them back. Maybe we'll keep it.
    4: Definitely one of the things we'll need to do in a future update.

  2. 1 hour ago, jenngra505 said:

    More Charizard feedback:

    Sunny Day is a bit OP, I recommend making it cost some power bar.

    Flare Blitz does too much recoil damage for the move to be worth using.


    The fact the code name is Lizardon prevents most peoples special intros and winposes against this Charizard or just versions of Charizard in general from triggering.

    The strikers are invincible.

    1: If me or Gladiacloud were to do that, we'd have to make the other assist moves cost power too, simply due to consistency.

    2: Eh, it's supposed to be a "high risk, high reward" kinda move, but perhaps the recoil could be turned down at some point.

    3: Well, I did a similar sort of thing for my Jigglypuff (giving them the internal name of Purin) because the normal name is prooobably rigged by some characters to register him as a female. Then again, we have Bridget.
    4: Well...one, Dragonrod didn't provide any gethit sprites for Squirtle and Ivysaur, and two, isn't there one fighting game that has unhittable strikers? Vanguard Princess, wasn't it?

  3. 2 minutes ago, Sans said:

    * ...and now how about Rising Fire from Magma Dragoon by GladiaCloud and Storm Tornado from Storm Eagle by Ron Berka? Also Shotgun Ice from Chill Penguin by MUGENPlayer21?

    I think I might be taking only three suggestions per person, Fist Dracon Sans.
    Just to make my workload easier when I DO get to doing the actual Mimicked specials themselves.

  4. 4 minutes ago, KaiserHero ~Christmas~ said:

    I'm intrigued to know what you mean, but that is not why I'm here, unfortunately.

    Please try not to post like that again. It may make you look bad.

    Thank you.

    Got a bit impulsive when I saw this thread.

  5. 3. If I was to hazard a guess, I guess they meant Infinite's Cloud Strife, who uses a lot of his moves from the source.

    And what's the thing about 5,6 and 7?

    I'm not so sure about Hero's Bow, Charge Shot or PK Flash, really.
    Mainly since they're also attacks Kirby could get by inhaling their respective owners. I want some of Jigglypuff's mimicable moves to be different from Kirby's copyable ones in Smash (Well...most of them, since three Neutral B's, Fireball, Homing Attack and Hadoken are already on the list as of this writing)

  6. Mario's Fireball

    Something from MegaMan

    Cloud's Blade Beam (maybe even with alternate Limit Break version)

    Reimu Hakurei's Hakurei Amulet from Touhou Hisouten

    Link's Arrows (specifically the Arrows from NapoleonJanomite's Link)

    Samus' Charge Beam

    Ness' PK Flash


    Yes, all of those 7 characters have been MUGENized already.

    1: I was just thinking about that!
    2: Mega Upper.
    3: Someone else did something Cloud related but I don't know which version they were talking about.
    4: Perhaps. I was thinking the dimensional warp thing in Rice's version as an option.
    5, 6 and 7: 

  7. Here are some ideas ; 


    Sonic's Spin Dash

    Scorpions Get over Here

    Lu kangs fire ball


    1: Maybe. Might switch for something else, though.

    2: Someone else already suggested the Spear move.

    3: Err...maybe just one MK character and not two, I guess.

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