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Status Replies posted by Solarflared

  1. so i was out with my family today  and then i spotted a Marvel vs Capcom 2 arcade machine in this old pizza store i never left that place untill the dude kicked me out because it was closing time lmao gotta love mvc2 i used Ken,nash and Wolverine 

  2. New way to start a World War 3 - just mentioned Saitama name in Goku or Superman thread. Boom!

  3. So KOF 2003 has no strong attack command... Odd.

  4. I'm never gonna get over the fact that Jet Set Radio and Splatoon fit so well together.

  5. Aside from both revealing Pokkén Tournament's release date and showing off a new Kirby game, the most recent Nintendo Direct was pretty underwhelming.

  6. tfw you cannot do a 360 motion input without jumping :(

  7. Holy crap...I never thought it was possible, but apparently Saitama can actually instantly kill Tiryu without having to wait for its summon time to expire!

  8. So TeamFourStar's channel got taken down... wow, just fucking wow.

  9. Just saw this while reading some tips in Smash.


  10. I'm going to remaster one of MugenHunter's mugen full games soon. I'll start with it today :)

  11. So..I got a negative for saying that I wanted Marvel 4 to happen.


  12. Oh No! i'm a Cube!

  13. Oh, the avatars are squares again.

    So...All these squares will make a circle.

  14. Suddenly square avatas

  15. I decided to try D4 Kirby again yesterday, for like the first time since one of my earlier rosters. I'll take back a lot of what I said about him, like being too hard to play as, he's actually got some cool combos, and I translated the readme, so I understand it as a whole better. He didn't lag my computer, and all of the abilities he has are pretty amusing, too. Still, though, not my favorite Kirby... He can't air block or recover, plus, being able to attack backwards while back dashing is a bit pointless...

  16. I decided to try D4 Kirby again yesterday, for like the first time since one of my earlier rosters. I'll take back a lot of what I said about him, like being too hard to play as, he's actually got some cool combos, and I translated the readme, so I understand it as a whole better. He didn't lag my computer, and all of the abilities he has are pretty amusing, too. Still, though, not my favorite Kirby... He can't air block or recover, plus, being able to attack backwards while back dashing is a bit pointless...

  17. "I'm French, we never surrender!"
    "Yes, and I'm Japanese, we never flew over Pearl Harbor. WE GOTTA GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE!"

  18. Who nominated Elsa in January's COTM? O.o

  19. Ich ging nach Indien und sah die führer auf einem eiscremekarton. Ich denke, einige leute nicht über dem zweiten weltkrieg in seiner gesamtheit gelernt haben.

    - Gildus

  21. I just realized.
    Kylo Ren's Lightsaber is pretty similar to Henry Cooldown's Beam Katana, except its red instead of purple!

  22. Season finale of RWBY on Saturday, peeps! I hope they don't kill off Yang :/ (Spoilers, sorry)

  23. time to throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks
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