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Everything posted by tehdevil

  1. So many nameless now testing him now, thanks for the new winmugen11 brotha
  2. it says it is 2002 unlimited match but it doesn't really play like he is in the source game
  3. I like the bgm that you use in the video
  4. Hi, can anyone recommend which characters and stages should I add in my Mugen debug of the following list:
  5. http://goodeyedcactus.wordpress.com/
  6. Kaede updated 21-8-2014, this time added his SDMs and a win screen:
  7. http://page.freett.com/ikrgmugen/garage.html Terry, Ryo, Kasumi, Geese and Haohmaru updated
  8. Another Kyo? Wow, another test to this one, more and more Kyos
  9. based on the video, Zelgadis' Kyo doesn't have kofXIII's Kyo moves but Opirus version has
  10. Another Kyo sounds great, gonna test him later
  11. yeah 1.1 seems like it is compatible with old version of Mugen only, my bad
  12. I wonder why is there a mini K' on his hand when he does his QCBX2+P Desperation Move:
  13. https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=6e75371007e5d7f9 Awakened Kaede from Last Blade 1
  14. yeah, in one of the King of Fighters 99 manga, either Iori or someone said that he looks like Orochi and resemble him
  15. But this time it is Orochi version of K' remind me of one of the King of Fighters' Manga, I think it is King of Fighters XI where Mukai chained K' into the Orochi Serpent seal, then Krizalid was there too and later Orochi posses into K's body, it is slightly based on that version I guess I always thought that K' looks similar to Orochi, either it is their hair color or facial expression...
  16. and Capcom then followed by Guilty Gear and Tekken, Tekken is my least. Actually, it is capcom but when I read the tutorial that Vans and Koopakoot made about kof tutorial, I am interested in SNK first
  17. http://page.freett.com/ikrgmugen/garage.html
  18. Most of my Mugen game contain characters from their original fighting games, I actually enjoy characters from their fighting game, like have King of Fighters 98's Kyo to fight against King of Fighters 2002's Kyo or maybe Capcom vs. SNK 2's Iori to fight against Mizuchi from Neogeo Battle Coliseum is pretty cool, a dream fight from different fighting game fighting against another fighting game. I also adore some non-fighting-game in MUGEN, some of them are interesting to see and converted to Mugen, a non fighting game character being playable in Mugen as fighting game character is interesting. I voted fighting-game in MUGEN" only because I am fan of fighting game and I rarely play games that are not fighting game
  19. I can't describe the awesomeness in this screenpack because it is too
  20. Warusaki3 did not make Vega/Balrog and Balrog/Mike Bison
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