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Posts posted by DarkRuler

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    By Tamago Kanten

    It is the boss of Darius Twin. The character was made separately by the two creators.

    He initially created by kuzu-bei, but now you can find only the Esnip.

    However, he produced no differently by Tamago Kanten creator in the link I posted its creator, has been raised. kuzu-bei version unlike this version is quite difficult to win.

    This version is a version of the Tamago Kanten

  2. Posted Image

    This is the final boss of the King of Dragons, SNES version is already made ​​of only the full-game, but this version of the arcade sprites and sound were recruited. Yet mature about 5%; completion time if you want to take quite a bit.

    The character was in production on hold, but the fact that a character named Legend Cirno again later released video will.

    P.S: Wyvern did not cancel the production. Only changing only the production period. This Legend Cirno, too.

  3. Boss character from King of Dragon is based on the arcade version, I made ​​Kawaks to extract the sprites.

    Yet, because the animation is not complete there is only one lift, this screenshot.

    Note that a total of six pallets. Yet I do not want to raise the image.

    And Screenshots standing motion and walking motion is two animation of the motion (the same).

    Posted Image

    2012/10/25: add a new WIP character to change the name of this topic to date.

    His name is Great Dragonian. Also, I handmade Kawaks sprite work. Pallets for his color, because there is too much, but he has

    only one. He is soon to be released will be more likely than previously described Wyvern.

    (Wyvern that many of the sprites alone are substantial, not only that part of the image floating in the air as the target of the boss image is stripped off.)

    His screenshot here. Screenshot link under the video also provides.

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