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Legendary DeMoNk@I

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Status Replies posted by Legendary DeMoNk@I

  1. My fallout save didn't save...And deleted itself I guess...FUUCCCCCK.

  2. Hmm space dandy is actually cool. Im diggin the soundtrack. im checking it out on Adult swim. i fell off with this channel i see. I shoulda figured id like it since my creators of cowboy beebop did it

  3. On Fallout: NV, I'm surprised I was able to kill off the Brotherhood of Steel at level 23. I also have Arcade Gannon and ED-E with me.

    1. Legendary DeMoNk@I

      Legendary DeMoNk@I

      That side story with dead city casino was a pain in the ass lol

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  4. never put a drink with ice over your gaming system.

  5. Who remebers paperboy on NES?

  6. someone is making a resident evil 2 remake r4 styled now everyone wants to make one too. it turned into a race.

  7. If MFFA dies what other site you would use as home site?

  8. go play with your big heded anime dolls of mugen

  9. got told small kids werent allowed at my cousins wedding so i didnt go,...keep seeing people in my family posting pictures of small kids atthe wedding .......glad i didnt go,asshole

  10. This is the song that doesnt end cuz it goes on and on my friend...some people starting singing it not knowing what it was but theyll continue singing it forever just because..

  11. So JEM the cartoon gets a Live action movie.....god damn it wheres my Voltron movie!

  12. So JEM the cartoon gets a Live action movie.....god damn it wheres my Voltron movie!

  13. The louder you make your noises, the stronger your punches become!

  14. I hate noisy apt neighbors -_- Then they want to call the cops when you spaz on em smh

  15. JJBA in a nutshell: When lazy and insane people fight...

  16. "Don't start a day with the broken pieces of yesterday" -- Koopakoot

  17. Sick of fake people. wtf. I was watching this movie the other day and this guy died in it, then I Googled the actor and guess what? He's still alive. He didnt really die in the movie. Disgusting.

  18. MUGEN has kinda died for me.


  20. Sony has officially announced that The Last of Us Remastered will be coming to PS4 this summer, the PS4 version will run in 1080p in 60fps, with high-res character models, improved shadows and lighting, textures and gameplay improvements.

  21. So how messed up is the USA?

  22. Undertaker isnt dead...its a hoax. i wish folks would stop puttin crap out there like that. Even though we dont know these stars it still isnt funny. Karma can fatality bite you in the ass^^

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