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Status Updates posted by Scrombo

  1. Happy holidays, guys! Haven't been keeping up with M.U.G.E.N. in years, but I haven't forgotten all of you all!

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Merry Christmas, Ballsdeep69! 🎄 (^_−)☆


  2. Yesterday marked my 3rd (or fourth?) anniversary in MFFA. Man, time flies.

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Congrats,Yo! MFFA Is Awesome! Keep Learning and Keep Having Fun!


  3. I've been staying up past midnight browsing MFFA over the last few days. Not sure why...

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- MFFA is a Awesome Place! Full of Wonderful Things To Be Discovered!

    2. Dissidia


      You should visit their discord. It's pretty neat.

    3. Scrombo


      CoolAnimeHustler: You can say that again!

      Dissonance™: I didn't know they had a discord. Thanks for the info

  4. Finally got internet in my house again, so I can finally play some Mugen after months of waiting. Missed you guys. <3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Scrombo


      Thanks, man. It's nice to know you're still here.

    3. Ryon


      you dont need internet to play some mugen, silly boy.

    4. Scrombo


      Heh, true, but I need it to redownload everything I lost (which was my entire Mugen roster). Silly Ryon

  5. Man, when was the last time I was active around here? Without a laptop, I can't visit the forums often. :'( I miss you, guys.

    1. SSBKing65✯


      Hey BD, you should try to save up money and use a computer when you have access.

    2. Scrombo


      Not a bad idea, actually. I'll do what I can.

  6. Today's my one-year anniversary since I joined the forums! I'd like to thank everyone here for making my time here worthwhile. This is my second home, and even if I can't log on much, I love these forums with a passion. Thanks for having me here! I really enjoyed my stay.

    1. Kazagami


      Glad hearing that. 

  7. Merry Christmas, guys! Hope you all have a jolly day today!

    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      And you too. Hope you get balls deep in some presents!

    2. SSBKing65✯
    3. Galvatron


      Merry Christmas Man! :-)

  8. Happy birthday to OxyontheWolf & juryrose728! Hope you guys had a blast!

  9. Happy birthday, Galvatron! Hope it's a good one!

  10. Happy birthday, Ryon! Hope you have a good one!

  11. Happy birthday, Sweetfire! Hope it's a *ahem* SWEET day for you. AHAHAH...But seriously, happy birthday, brother.

  12. Happy birthday, Dumanios! Hope you're having fun!

  13. Happy birthday!

  14. Hope you guys had a safe and fun day today! 

  15. Pretty sad that Pokken didn't receive as much revenue as was expected, but hey, at least we have K.O.F XVI, SF5, Tekken 7 to satisfy our fighting game cravings. 

    1. Big Green

      Big Green

      Not to mention the ever evolving platform of MUGEN itself, although there isn't a concrete competitive scene.

    2. Scrombo


      Very true. It would be great to see Mugen getting a little more recognition, but we know a few reasons Mugen isn't competitive. Still, it's always growing, so there's always something new to toy with.

    3. Big Green

      Big Green

      Also, Pokken is still getting a Wii U port next year.

  16. Man, I feel like such a child whenever I go to college. I like running around stores, touching buttons, spinning around in the hallways, and just fapping around everywhere I go until class starts. :3

  17. Happy birthday, SSBK! Hope it's a good one this year!

    1. SSBKing65✯


      Thanks BD69. It's pretty good.

  18. Sometimes when I'm feeling down, I go to this site and my sorrows wash away. Man, I love these forums.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Scrombo


      Galvatron, glad to know I'm not alone :-)

      Brawl, thank you so much for this.


    3. 00EccoTenshi


      MFFA is without a doubt an awesome community.

    4. Big Green

      Big Green

      People call this a second home for a reason.

  19. Capcom confirmed Karen as a character in Street Fighter 5. She looks good, and the new stage looks great in my opinion.

    Thank you based Capcom.

  20. Saw the K.O.F XIV teaser trailer. I'm actually pretty hyped for it. For you guys hating the graphics, keep in mind the game could be in very early development. Remember the first time we saw Street Fighter 4 and 5? Give SNK some time. They might not disappoint.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Scrombo


      I do have to admit that the models look rather bad, and as the boss said, Kyo does have some awkward movements. I still want to have faith in SNK. I've never actually played a K.O.F, but this is a chance to try one out. Fingers crossed that things get better soon.

    3. Noside


      I'm a KOF veteran and believe me, this ain't getting my attention.

    4. Cayne


      Capcom vs Snk 3 would have made more sense, but SNK wasnt trying to share since they havent beem doing so great. I havent played a KoF since PS2.

  21. Coded a webpage for an assignment on my web class in college. So far, coding isn't too bad. Maybe I can start fiddling with some code in some Mugen creations. I might be able to get some interesting results.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Scrombo


      Thank you! I appreciate the comment. I've always wanted to know how computers work. Sure it might be hard at first, but I think I can pursue a career that utilizes this knowledge. Good luck with you career! I'm sure I won't regret this potential career choice.

    3. Demitri


      teach me everything you know

    4. Алексей


      @Ballsdeep69, No problem! Thanks, it's been going well thus far.

      @Genesis, I'm a horrible teacher :|

  22. That feel you feel when you make your first palette, but you feel you can improve, but at the same time you feel like a b0ss. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cook4251


      #ThugLife Man it feels good to be a(Palette) gangsta :)

    3. RobotMonkeyHead


      Hells yes.  That's the feels that drives the mugens. :)

    4. Scrombo


      @SSBK - Thank you for the nice words. People like you make me happy to be a part of this forum.

      @Cook and RBH - Yes, definitely!

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