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δΈ­ι‡Ž δΈ‰ηŽ– ( 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓭)

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Everything posted by δΈ­ι‡Ž δΈ‰ηŽ– ( 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓭)

  1. Most likely anything that doesn’t say custom or has any other series next to it.
  2. Nah. Don't. You're fine. You're actually making a valid point. We need more good Disney characters in MUGEN.
  3. Poor Capcom. They got destroyed at EVO.

    1. Yagoshi_The_Yoshi
    2. gui0007


      Capcom gave to Abigail a lot more of steroids than they gave to Ed.
      Also they censor Jedah as i expected.

      ArcSys and Bandai Namco simply destroyed Capcom.

  4. Thank goodness I asked. XD Valkenhayn is next after Terumi as well.
  5. I'm good, actually. I have AT&T and they stated that even if the bill passed, it would not invade privacy and sell internet history. Comcast said the same. Oh, and the bill actually passed. Trump just has to sign it. http://thehill.com/policy/technology/326145-house-votes-to-send-bill-undoing-obama-internet-privacy-rule-to-trumps-desk
  6. YES. I LOVE IT. I don't fucking care how terrible it is! Someone finally converted a Senran Kagura character to Mugen! Three cheers for KaL! <3
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