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Everything posted by SSBKing65✯

  1. Marge Simpson released and others updated by Warner Preview: Warner's returned to Mugen! And not only that, updated his old stuff along with Marge as well. DL: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B5yCXwutk55Rb1B6N3pnc3FZaVU?usp=sharing
  2. Previews: My Devil My Angel Two similar stages from the Arcade/Sega Saturn fighting game Astra Superstars, where a devil (or angel in Fooly's case) would transform into a clone of your character. The Devil variant has the original theme while the Angel variant has the enhanced Saturn remix of the stage's music, Painted Portrait. Download: https://yadi.sk/d/iXX37jEU3LYCiB
  3. Here's her AI patch: https://yadi.sk/d/RSrHHDgq3L8kni
  4. She was updated again today with more new sprites and effects.
  5. Well, see ya Green and good luck in any coming trials you face.
  6. Another AI patch for her from Air: http://ux.getuploader.com/Air_MUGEN_op/
  7. She's Sankiti's orginal character. http://ux.getuploader.com/3092/
  8. Happy Birthday Gui0007.

  9. Hunmer (Hammer): It's the almighty item from Super Smash Bros & the original Donkey Kong in Mugen! Created by Mikaduki. DL: https://yadi.sk/d/o5lEtJcs3KK2s9 Sledgehammer: An edit of the original Hammer character with a deep voice by Gyuki. DL: https://yadi.sk/d/-VeHS0A_3KK2sC
  10. Bandanna Dee: A decent BD for Mugen, using his trademark spear. With his growing popularity, he's now the Toad of the Kirby series. Created by RoundOne. DL: https://yadi.sk/d/Z4dpn_e63KK279 SNES Dedede: It's King Dedede in SNES style, attacking with similar moves from Kirby Super Star. Created by Tam Tam. DL: https://yadi.sk/d/qFMvzaxG3KK27G
  11. 1st: A giant hexagram with other smaller hexagrams as helpers. 1st spins wildly about and shoots it's smaller siblings to attack. Created by H.a.T. DL: https://yadi.sk/d/xA3tR71g3KJohS Nabla: A triangle that litters the screen with all kinds of memorizing shapes. Created by BK. DL: https://yadi.sk/d/QGssANWn3KJp4i
  12. Preview: Kirbey is a strange wordlike version of Kirby who resembles Japanese kanji and fights with human limbs. Created by mother earth. https://yadi.sk/d/TIHAl1qi3KCmCR
  13. As it says these are Cafe & P-tan's AI Patches. Don't know if it's all of them. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9IrimXPzK5ka2IxQTJnZjJZSzQ/view?usp=sharing
  14. Siburin got a big update today, which includes her hypers. LVL3 Finisher:
  15. I did as she was updated today, cmd fixes and some new palettes. I got a new link up.
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