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Everything posted by NapoleonJonamite

  1. Finding spriters willing to help without needing payment is hard.

    1. Alex S.

      Alex S.

      I would help you but I have other stuff to do. Do not give up searching though.

    2. Trinitronity


      You know what I could also suggest to you?

      You could possibly try franken-spriting. It's an eaiser form of spriting.

      You might not get satisfying results immidiately, but after a while, you get better and better.

    3. NapoleonJonamite


      Considering that what I need requires way more than just franken-spriting, that suggestion is probably not going to work.

  2. I have a Sailor Saturn. She's currently getting the HCF update that the others have.
  3. I'm still waiting on the new, more accurate sprites for Link. So, he's still on those old sprites from Ax, so I should mention that the visual element added to him is a new Hyper Combo Finish setup. The Sailors received this new HCF as well.
  4. I remember updating Link back in April, fixing some gameplay issues and in doing so making him 1.0 exclusive. This month, Link, and a few of the Sailors received a new visual element, and Mercury gained a gameplay fix that was way overdue. Download here: http://mugencoder.com/authors/view/napoleonjonamite Have fun, everyone!
  5. The stance is one of the things being updated with the new sprites. Just give it time, and we'll be on our way/
  6. Thanks. Only thing I'm finding annoying is the current color layout on this Moon's sprites. Removing sprites from the current setup and adding the stuff in mine is basically fine, but what's bad is that I can remove sprites that come with other characters (She had a Tuxedo Mask/Kamen summon and a super with her and the other Sailors) and their colors are still in her color map. So basically, she'll need a new color map and simple palette series after the sff has been compiled.
  7. Okay, I've been thinking some of doing something that would essentially be a re-skin of something I have already released. In this case, it would be Sailor Moon using her classic uniform. I recall there once being a Sailor Moon released a while back using the same sprite style as the ones in all of my Sailors. Only thing I've noticed is that this one doesn't everything that my version has in terms of sprites. A good amount of the sprites available in the original are just like the ones in mine, here's the standing animation of the original "Classic" Moon next to mine: As I go through them, I'll state which sprites/animations I'd need done in the classic uniform. There are some moves I'll leave out of mine when remaking the classic one. I know this isn't either of the original projects I had planned, but this is something I can easily do while I wait on the needed new sprites for both Hayabusa and Joker.
  8. Link has been updated! More fixes done. NOTE: He has now become 1.0 exclusive due to one of the fixes involving the AI Jadeeye had originally made. If you want him to work in Winmugen, you're going to have to ask someone to patch him. Next up, the new sprites and hopefully color separation on them.
  9. -I've noticed the problem with the Spin Attack. It seems to work fine if you use mugenversion=1.0, but with the winmugen version the damage gets ridiculously high. I have yet to make it stable for both versions. This maybe a problem with the open source code from LimitedMoon's Ken. -I thought I extended s.HP's hitbox enough for the overhead (I also thought it was s.LK), guess I need to adjust it some more. -Going to take another look at the guard.hittimes v. ground/air.hittimes. Could have sworn I had the numbers work. -If I increase the cornerpush too much, then say goodbye to his ability to really do a chaining similar to MVC. -Yeah, opted to slow the animation down to where it's impossible to have a chain like that. The way it was before, there was even a corner "infinite" where you could link s.HK into the Hookshot, then continue. -Will fix. X-axis misallignment? -Yeah, I'm probably going to turn the pillar effect into an explod and give the Megaton Hammer a hitbox. Maybe add some extra damage to each version. Reason it's so fast is that I do want it to be chained into after a normal.
  10. Updated again today! Fixed a major bug with his s.HK.
  11. Updated! Just fixed a few things, and added an alternate snd file with his Brawl voice.
  12. Updates for Link will be coming later. Just need to do some more for the alt. snd file.

  13. Got all that done (Removed the Low hit on s.MK). Only thing I can't seem to resolve is the whole thing regarding s.HK. I have adjusted the x velocity on the ground hit, adjusted all the hit corner pushes, yet it can still "chain" into the launcher. It also, sadly helps create a "corner infinite" when the Hookshot is thrown into the mix.
  14. Learn something new every day. Thanks Daniel.
  15. -Not quite sure I understand the flagging thing. -Will look into it. -Will fix. -Whoops, will fix. -Should it be faster or slower? Or are you saying that a low hit is a bad thing? -Such is the plight of using your own template without checking all the code. Will fix. -This is referring to the hittime attributes, yes? Will adjust. -Will extend the hitboxes some more on those. -Will adjust. -No reason, that's just how the code was when I copied it out of Sailor Saturn. -Should probably remove the D in the hitflag. Thanks for the feedback, Rice. I'll get to it soon.
  16. Link has been updated. Bug fixes that were way overdue finally got dealt with. Just need the new sprites.

  17. Well, it's been a while, and I found I had a couple of things I needed to fix on Link prior to receiving his new sprites (Still in progress). What's fixed? -Boomerang damage bug fixed -Sword Dive damage adjusted What's left? -Alt. snd with Brawl voices Download here: http://mugencoder.com/authors/view/napoleonjonamite
  18. Tell me I'm not the only one getting this random little detour each time I first attempt to access the site. I will either Google or enter the url for MFFA, and upon doing so during first access, I get detoured to a site called "url4short.info" which is laced with virus software. Second time entering, it's MFFA for real. I really don't think this should be happening, but it has been going on for a while now, and it has me concerned. Last thing I think anyone would want is to get sent to a site they didn't request and get their computer loaded with viruses.
  19. I know it's April Fools, but what I get when I come here is no joke. Anyone else getting sent to a url4short.info when they first try to enter the site?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JokerintheButt


      nope i understand what you mean and when i try to enter on this forum i get this crap too. !!!

    3. Darkflare


      We all do actually. I just wait for it so I can immediatly close it and reload the page.

    4. PlasmoidThunder


      I just type mugenfreeforall.com into the url bar. It's Google's fault.

  20. How? By adding crap that makes little to no sense whatsoever like you did? By creating moves that are too over-the-top to be believable? As stated in the past, it can look good all it wants, if the gameplay sucks no one wants it. If you add stuff that doesn't fit with the character, then don't bother calling the character by his name. And you're comparing yours to the KingCharz version? That's an insult to the KingCharz version, and it isn't even that great.
  21. That release you keep saying will be a replacement isn't happening. CVS The Abstract made the one sprite, CVSArtist made the second frame (And rather poorly I may add) and that was all that ever came of it. The current overhaul of your sprites on my version will have more staying power than that of a version that isn't happening.
  22. And yet, people will still choose mine over yours. Really? An attack based on a Dorkly bit, and not canon to ANY of his actual incarnations? Why do you hate traditional?
  23. Telling me I'm replaceable is good feedback? In what universe?
  24. My anger is fully justifiable. I work my ass off all those months just to make him actually playable, and you shit on him by saying he's bland, uncreative, and too safe. I'd like to see you do better when your latest works include Son Son with a Donkey Kong head, a badly designed Fox McCloud, and a Mario that's basically a head swap of Warner's old Luigi. Neither of them had good gameplay. So it's going to replace mine because it simply looks better? That's what you're saying? Goddamn you're foolish. It can look better all it wants, it's still going to lose in gameplay. All I really kept from the original reworking by KBN was the super powering of the arrows. Most everything else was something added or retooled, and they worked with the type of Link I was shooting for, and the fact that my Link has been downloaded at least 1500 times (My new host tracks the download count) says it's a bland pile of needing to be replaced? Obviously you're the right guy to talk to when your stuff can't play for shit. Again, coding has been my thing, not spriting or animating. If the character interests artists, they provide help because they know how to do this stuff beyond a copy/paste like you showed me. The retouch looks way better than what you did in the beginning, and this other version that will "replace" mine will look good, but could play like ass. When working with a character that has been around for a long time, you will see that they will always have everything basically be the same. Not always does the "being creative" thing work. Imagine giving Ryu from Street Fighter a sword. Creative? Yes. Fitting? Hell the fuck no. Moves will always be the same, gameplay formats will be different, but the overall character will always be the same. Take that as you will, or won't as your recent history has shown. If you aren't going to be helpful, like you aren't by slamming an actual move from an actual fighting game appearance, then quit talking and go back to releasing garbage that no-one wants to retouch.
  25. Okay, now you're just proving my point of how you're an ungrateful asshole. The only other Links available on the download market are ranging between crap and meh. I worked my butt off to make the best possible Link available using your sprites, and gaining a few edits from aperson98, and you have the nerve to say that it's a terrible character because of ONE move? PoshPsylocke didn't mind if I used his versions of the cast of Sailor Moon, and he never complained if I changed something to work better than what he did. I gave you a freaking chance when I wanted to pick up Link, but you didn't want to provide ANYTHING I was requesting when I needed sprites or animations. You sprited him, you could have done a few expansions based on an author's request, and you basically told me to either do it myself or fuck off. I now have a guy redoing your sprites to make your original versions look more accurate to his usual design and have a better appearance overall, and it's because of an aesthetic complaint. You seem to be the only one complaining about his gameplay. You know what? Fuck it. If this is what I'm to expect from spriters that create shit releases, I'm not even going to bother with making any more characters. I may not be the best coder, but at least people bothered to try my stuff and actually enjoy it. Delete the best possible version of Link available if you want, but you're doing yourself a disservice by thinking the next one to come around will be better.
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