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ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

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Posts posted by ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)


    I'm with you on this.


    Also i don't like it when a char just stand there and kill it's opponent without moving, even before the announcer said "FIGHT!".... :bath:

    OK, backwards I guess but, Dislikes: 1. badly coded anything - character / stage / whatever... (bad coding that causes crashing or hang ups or lags in gameplay) 2. Overpowered (I like a match to last more than 5 moves or 5 seconds) 3. AI, Only needed to possibly keep a character from going into a 'penalty' state if computer controlled or activating a short range attack when an opponent is out of range. Any well developed character should be balanced enough not to require much of an AI. I like to see a variety of different moves when computer controlled, not a repetition of the same overpowered and overdamaging moves. 4. Infinites, infinites, infinites... (able to do a move over and over again causing damage without rest). 5. Comboholics. Too many combos leads to #4 again doesn't it? Likes: 1. Originality - something different 2. Balanced. Able to be played as as well as played against which leads into #3... 3. Has none of the dislikes...

    I Agree.

  2. Assuming first name(?)

    D I

    Just say the results, I originally did not the destinations that are defined in the image.


    Genesis: A Digi-Ekusoshisuto/Exorcist

    G L

    Fastflash : A Robot Gakusei/Student


    D N

    Tony Redgrave: A Digi-Ningyo/Mermaid

    B D

    Prodigal Trailblazer: A Berserk Mon/Monster

  3. The game is simple, you have to tell me the first and last letters of your name (gamer name not allowed) and show you the result, I have the picture and tell you the result, attempts to each will depend on how long is your name (this is the limit for each member) Enjoy it.

    And whoever wants to be first?


    those who have already done can now choose random letters to see what your anime alternative identity.

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