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ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

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Everything posted by ろくお 石田 (旗 の 心)

  1. 1- do you frustrated with a game? 2-many people say that I have creepy expressions (in chat, of course) is true or a collective paranoia? 3-What's your phobia/what is your fear?? 4-what you think about the questions about "Pie´s? 5-which is the feeling called love? (I wonder seriously)
  2. its appearance is similar to Scott Pilgrim, I will try now , thanks Kiske Otoko and congratulations for your character : ). Sorry I need to improve my English a bit too.
  3. Since beginning 2015 I have seen many projects with the theme "Dragon Ball", it is the Year of Dragon Ball in MUGEN.
  4. Im sorry Ryou, like I said in the previous message, when I have a bad day, I get angry, just a bit (besides other problems), I did not offend him or her feel bad about something like this. : )
  5. Nico- 2003 Nico Memes-2010 Here the character if some would ask about the character on the right.
  6. Ok, Ryoucchi. have a cns called "common1-123_win.cns" for winmugen/mugen 1.0 i guess.
  7. I meant that is the latest update of huhemi, that was two months ago ryou.
  8. Preview: Click in the potraits to download the character´s HiHuMi Old Version: Jun: HiHuMi Alpha/WIP: Kuroshumo WIP Hihumi Topic Kuroshumo Onedrive
  9. did not know it, You should know that I do not have much knowledge in mangas / comics, anime. But Thanks anyway for the information DarkRuler.
  10. You Main Mugen? what are you afraid of? The character most disturbing you've ever seen? the next horror movie character for Mortal Kombat games? and the last question, If you gradually replaced every part of the Death Star piece-by-piece until it was eventually made of entirely new material……would the resulting ship still be considered the Death Star?
  11. Okihaito, another M-reimu but this time with the Sprites fo TH 13.5
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