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Everything posted by TotalDramaXtremist

  1. I need a bit help locating the source image that this icon was cropped from:

    Can someone help me find the art source that this icon was made from? I’m thinking of making a render out of this if I can find it.

    If anyone can help me out with this small request, you'll get a thanks. :)

  2. Why the name Neo_Fire_Sonic? Greatest accomplishment in MUGEN?
  3. 1. What led you to creating Blackened Fliz from the original by Juke Kisaragi? 2. Which of your edits was the most difficult to finish?
  4. It's Electro VS. Kirino Kousaka, next on M.U.G.E.N Theater 2K15!



  5. Does anyone have a link to the stage?
  6. When you mock your opponent's laugh........
  7. This LEGACY menu port has been brought to you today by Chupa Chups!


  8. Welcome back. I've seen the palettes you've created and they are top notch! Here's to yet another return in 2K15!
  9. If this is your last hurrah creating content for MUGEN, then I'd like to say thanks for the good you've done for the MUGEN community. :)
  10. 1. Why the username "RobotMonkeyHead?" 2. Which character was harder for you to edit: Spawn or Duke Nukem?
  11. New Midnight Bliss sprites added to first post.
  12. Hey guys, TDX here, and welcome to my sprite edits gallery! I'll be posting sprite edits I've made here, so keep a look out! Beatrice Ushiromiya sprite edits: Jam Kuradoberi Outfit Edit: Midnight Bliss for Teaf's Grizela: Midnight Bliss for Teaf's Rucheca:
  13. Thanks. The Bootleg palettes will more than likely become a mainstay in my palette sets. A few more quick additional palette sets to add from yesterday....... Palettes for Teaf's Grizela: Xtremist, Ryu SF3TS HP, White Black N' Red, White Black N' Red Alt, Turtle Power (Gritsmaster-Inspired), Biohazard, Dead Forest, Raging Red, Malachite Grunge, Orochi Chris KOF 2K2 Color C, Bootleg, Mint Condition Palettes for Phantom.Of.The.Server's Shin Akuma: Xtremist, EarthShade, Meadow Ogre, Vicious Citrus Blaze, Light Is Not Heroic, Purple Is Not Neutral, SFA3 X-ISM P, Pale Wrath, Blackblood, Darkling Mid-Transformation (ZombieBrock-Inspired), Bootleg (SvC: MoTM), Bootleg 2P (SvC: MoTM) Now Available at: http://totaldramaxtremist.weebly.com/mugen-palettes.html
  14. It's going along nicely. It should be up later today or tomorrow. :)
  15. Palettes for REJY2505 & NIGTH's Yuri Sakazaki: Xtremist, White Black N' Red (KOF: MI Color D), CvS2 3K, Crimson N' Electric Green, Infinite Glory Blue, Ryu SF3TS HP, StripedKyokugen, DarkStripedKyokugen, Ino Yamanaka (Naruto Shippuden), Lo Ridgemount (Stoked), Toronto Raptors, Faux Bootleg Now Available at: http://totaldramaxtremist.weebly.com/mugen-palettes.html Quick Note: I'm still working on my R. Mika Color Separation Patch that Froz has offered to help me with, so if you want to submit your own palettes for the patch, go to the thread here: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/tdxs-cs-thread-r-mika-infinitecollaboration-w-froz-167716.0.html
  16. Palettes for Memo's Terry Bogard (as requested on MFG): Xtremist, Infinite Glory Blue, Chaotic Neutral, Mario, Luigi, Trucker Envy, Bootleg (SvC: MoTM), Bootleg 2P (SvC: MoTM), KOF '98UM Color C+D, KOF 2000 Color C+D, KOF 2002 Color D, KOF XIII Color 6 Palettes for KojiroBadness' Makoto: (Note: Tanden palettes are included in this set.) Xtremist, Infinite Glory Blue, Cherry Lime, Citrus Blaze, White Platinum Shamrock, Dallas Stars, Detroit Pistons, Phoenix Queen, Vintage Green, Vintage Blue, Easter Egg, Sublime Wine Now Available at: http://totaldramaxtremist.weebly.com/mugen-palettes.html
  17. Giving a shoutout to Hellzone for this next palette pack! Palettes for Hellzone's Rentaro Satomi: Xtremist, Citrus Blaze, Frigid Blaze, White Platinum Shamrock, Sublime Wine, Raging Red, Ken SF3TS Start+MK, Ryu SF3TS HP, JellyJam, Turtle Power (Gritsmaster-Inspired), Luigi, RedBlue Disorder Now Available at: http://totaldramaxtremist.weebly.com/mugen-palettes.html
  18. Back to using Fuu in my avatar and sig. Thoughts?

    1. Алексей


      Looks pretty good to me.

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