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Posts posted by PlasmoidThunder

  1. 49 minutes ago, LGM2006 said:

    And when you said that the anti-cheap code would need to be "tossed", does that mean that I would have to do some minor tweaks to it as well?

    As in, removed. Easiest, least destructive way of doing it is to change the two VarSets at the top of what you posted to type = Null like the one below it. This disables the anti-cheap stuff, though it'll still be there in case you want to re-enable it in the future.

  2. Don't knock out the state itself or the character will get stuck going into an invalid state; instead remove this:

    [State 5900: ?????]
    type = ChangeState
    trigger1 = var(55) = 9001
    value = 9901

    This will resolve the ChangeState loop at least, but all the other anti-cheap code would ideally need to be tossed so she always functions normally.

  3. The how is very straightforward, you just hold down for about a second and then hit up + button. If you're getting an aerial, it's likely you're either not holding down for long enough, you're hitting the button too early, or you aren't letting go of down when you press up. I don't know how HDBZ handles its charge inputs, but some games are strict and disallow using diagonals for the final direction, so that may also be a factor.

  4. 18 hours ago, snowy997 said:

    Just to clarify, why is that Chikorita NSFW?

    One of its moves has it evolve into Bayleef and hump the opponent, complete with squelchy noises.

  5. 1.1 definitely supports just three orders, though I'm not sure if there's a limit per order.


    The usual culprit of orders being ignored is malformed character entries, be it an undefined stage or the stage filename containing spaces.

  6. Merged your threads. If you have a lot of requests, please just make one thread, not several.


    Patchouli: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=32D9C2E29E5D4EA7&id=32D9C2E29E5D4EA7!118

    Eirin: https://www.axfc.net/u/379959&key=mugen

    Meiling: https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=05A060336D774801&id=5A060336D774801!105

    Tenshi: https://ux.getuploader.com/32333435/download/65

    Flandre: https://mega.nz/file/7VUx2LwR#eGEkpV3w3AHOta7x4yWh543wBc7rBIZ2iOUZllWmrGg


    Let me know if the OneDrive links don't work for you and I'll rehost them. It's been very fickle as of late.


  7. Ass Ketchup is already in the collection. It's the one by GTAguy. I'll look into the dead links later.



    • Added the following by Arxhie_V3noct:
      • Raichu
      • Hypno
      • Cinderace
    • Added the following by X-Kai:
      • Mega Mewtwo Y
      • Gardevoir
      • Greninja
    • Added Jirachi by gen
    • Added Giratina-P by compression box
    • Added Pheromosa_EX by Vorse_Raider
    • Fixed link to pizyon by benkei



    • Added Pokémon Type Wild EX by snowy997
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