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The S09

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Everything posted by The S09

  1. Hello everyone. It's been a while

  2. I'm a bit worried about the COPPA law on youtube

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The S09

      The S09

      Yep. Pretty much I might close up shop coming december, should it come through

    3. Astolfo2001


      Then you may might check out one of these sites or just look up "Youtube Alternatives" on a search engine: https://twitgoo.com/best-youtube-alternatives/

    4. Astolfo2001
  3. Fuck Bai-hu From Breaker's Revenge. Seriously, that guy gave me a hard time beating him.

  4. New S09 MUGEN video soon

  5. Scarecrow returns for a rematch.... And he brought friends with him.
  6. New Mugen Video


  7. I'm now 29 years old

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Happy Birthday, Yo!


    2. Cook4251


      B-bakana! JK happy birthday!

  8. Alright, time to get a new mugen video started. And it involves unoshe tag teams.

  9. How's Your Valentines Day going?

    1. Noside


      I'll say just one thing: I'm gonna fuck that pussy hard! :haha_dunk_by_pineapple_soup-d8ryyed:

  10.  What resolution you guys using in MUGEN?

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