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Everything posted by Cook4251

  1. Is this it? http://jfct555.webuda.com/chars.html
  2. So i got my mugen videos to work in 60 fraps, but i felt some delay and need gamespeed to change in it. Does anyone know any good recommended gamespeed to run in please? and here's the link to my recent vid:

    1. Ryon


      I use fraps at 30 fps, and my videos come out GREAT! I've never had to change any of the default video settings to get a good record speed either, having good ram helps.

    2. NotAGoodName


      If you want good recordings without lagging, you're gonna need some hardware. Period. Relatively modern quad core and good DDR3 are practically a must.

    3. Cook4251
  3. Happy Halloween to all here at MFFA ^.^

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TimeWeaver


      Rip in peace little kids teeth

    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Happy Halloween!!!

    4. Metalkong1


      Trick or treat! Happy Hallo-weens! ^^

  4. Does anyone know where i can find Moon Bay stage by Flamekyo?
  5. #Naruto698 .... Sonnn, got me in my feels man

    1. Egnaro


      Oh naruto chan I finally realized how much of a fag I have been. You can now sucka my cock

  6. All i can say is...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fNNjzXjbDI
  7. This might sound dumb, but how do you do Captain Falcon's level 3? i don't get the reverse 360 + d?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      How the hell full circle even work?

    3. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      but what about clark, he's a grappler and he's amazing

    4. Galvatron


      Hell! Abel from SF4 is a awesome Grappler. Most of his moves don't require you to do 360*.

  8. When Megaman was confirmed in smash everybody got hyped. Mewtwo was just confirmed and everyone's like... "yay..." ‪#‎ButThatsNoneOfMyBusiness‬

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Darkflare


      I would like Neo to close his account, but for other reasons.

      Also, Mewtwo is not Snake.

    3. DarkWolf13


      I just hope Mewtwo isn't a Wii U exclusive since I don't own a Wii U.

    4. Trinitronity


      But FE Roy would be a good addition indeed...if he finally stops being a fucking Marth clone! >:[

  9. Because the name's Recoome, and it rhymes with doom, and youuuuuuuu're gonna be hurting... ALL... TOO... SOOOOOOOOOOOOOON

    1. Winmugen11


      Because the name's Cook and it rhymes with Hook and you're gonna be looking all too shook!

    2. Galvatron
    3. Cook4251



  10. I guarantee there's a pregnant teenager somewhere who thinks 'Ebola' would be a lovely name for their child.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cook4251


      Sounds legit in this generation TAW.

    3. Gaulbetti


      ...And then the bullying will be a huge mess.

    4. Алексей


      Just as lovely as "Precious..."

  11. Please tell me all the sagas are coming to a close??? :( I've really enjoyed everyone's storyline so far.... :(
  12. Smash players be like: OMG WAH WAH WAH NERF LITTLE MAC! MAKE HIM UNPLAYABLE IN FOR GLORY MODE! WE WANT DIVERSITY! You want diversity? How about buy yourself a pack of fucking crayons.

    1. Darkflare


      A fighter that excels at ground based combat being exceedingly good in a flat stage with no items? I don't know what they expected.

    2. Алексей


      Yeah, he completely fails on other stages. Instead of fighting enemies, you fight stay alive lol. It's a fair tradeoff.

  13. Does anyone have a link to Hinata Wakaba by Li Kun & Fervicante? : O
  14. Trying out Ryon's Shiva got me like.

    1. JokerintheButt


      I know that feel BUD.

  15. Only few good shows on CN are: Adventure Time, Steven Universe, and Regular Show. R.I.P. Cartoon Network.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Neo_Fire_Sonic


      lol you do know CN is getting sonic boom in a few right, so then CN will get a super fukin awesome show.

    3. Cook4251


      Basically, hardly anything is good on there at all.

    4. Trinitronity


      @Neo: Yeah, I know that CN will get Sonic Boom soon. And if that happens, only THEN Cartoon Network dies for real.

      Sonic Boom is the insult towards CGI cartoons and the Sonic franchise, and everyone should boycott that miserable shitheap.

  16. 1. P.O.T.S- All of his characters that attracted me to mugen first before i started. His Geese, Ryu, and Cammy really caught my attention amongst the rest. 2. Jmorphman- His characters are what caught my attention. His Kyo, and Joe really caught me. Next to his Ryo as of now. I love all of his characters. 3. Vyn- I kinda like the focus style attack he did with his Rock, Terry and Rugal. 4. Dr Kohaku- all of his characters are just amazing. Especially the cvs styled ones he did. His Nanaya is my favorite one next to Kohaku and White Len. 5. Rajaaboy- No comment. Just Rajaaboy... Pure awesomeness. 6. Ikaruga- Like you said, his characters can be very challenging if you want competition against them. 7. Infinite- That dude has come a long way man, his characters are top notch. especially his Deadpool, Kain, and Billy. He's put in a ton of work on those characters. Hope to see him return with a new character again very soon. :) Basically, i like the pots/jmorphman styled characters in the mugen community.
  17. Now let me put this in a way you'll understand. I'm about to blow my load all over your insides. What the- No homo. *Blast*

    1. The S09

      The S09

      Freaky Alien Genotype

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