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Status Updates posted by Cook4251

  1. Thanos memes everywhere up in this bitch.

    1. Gaulbetti


      Is the "I don't feel so good" thing from Infinity War?

    2. Flare-Gamer-64


      @Pluscross Yes it is. It's a major spoiler.

  2. Zarbon really screwed the pooch on this one. I'm cumming Zarbon! Quick, grab my balls!

    1. RicePigeon


      What DBZ h-fic did I just read? :SkeletorShocked:

    2. Cook4251
  3. Threep!

    Take a lone rouge warrior! Give him some guidance to the path of Light! You now have @LightFlare_Da_Realest

  4. Need a little help on the button config for Gui Santos' MKP Season 2.9

    (Need help with the button config for controller pad for a 360). Help would be appreciated.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cook4251


      I know that my friend. It's just that i'm having issues with which button functions as what. My top bumpers always end up as the hk and lk, and my Y and B button end up as run and block. 

    3. Superkingkong65


      Then do the opposite.

      Assuming you have a layout similar to this:

      Up - Joypad Up

      Down - Joypad Down

      Left - Joypad Left

      Right - Joypad Right

      A - 1

      B - 2

      C - 3

      X - 4

      Y - 5

      Z - 6

      Start - Start


      And assuming HK is C, LK is Z, run is B, and block is Y, flip them so it'll look something like this:

      Up - Joypad Up

      Down - Joypad Down

      Left - Joypad Left

      Right - Joypad Right

      A - 1

      B - 3

      C - 2

      X - 4

      Y - 6

      Z - 5

      Start - Start

    4. Cook4251


      That helped. Thanks. :)

  5. Outer me: Dude Join The Roleplay Edition Strikes Back storyline as Iori Yagami.

    Inner me: Nah bro, just enjoy the storyline and possibly ask one of the peeps on how to add images and stuff.

    1. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      Glad to see you're still following along...

    2. Dumanios
  6. I forget how much i liked reading The Roleplay Paradise. Darkflare, Lightflare. Dumanios, Duckmann, A person, and others really know how to bring drama, suspense, emotions, comedy into one series. I need to catch up on Lightflare and the others on Kalos City. :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cook4251


      Ah. I don't want to be of any trouble, but there are many of TRPP threads and i was wondering if you had a link to the first thread you guys did.

    3. Darkflare
    4. Cook4251


      That's the one. Much appreciated! :)

  7. My reaction when i saw BOTW Link and Inklings in the new Smash trailer:



  8. How to purchase disc locked characters:
    #1: Through season pass.

    #2:Wait for the complete edition until everyone shells out hard earned cash.

  9. Question: I tried applying some new palettes to Kohaku's Kirino, but all that show up are the default ones. Is there an error with it or something?

    1. A person

      A person

      IIRC, her palettes are built into the character itself. You'll have to change out the colors themselves if you want to use new palettes.

    2. Cook4251


      Through fighter factory, right? ^^

  10. Polnareef. He's in the chrome of the steering wheel. (Actual Dub Inflection)

    1. The Auditor

      The Auditor

      Was this supposed to be foreshadowing Polnareff in a wheel chair from Vento Aureo?

    2. Cook4251
  11. Hey Kiddies, i have a question. Which did better, Mania or Forces? Hint... ONE GOT AN AWARD!

  12. Happy holidays to everyone at MFFA.

  13. I practically forgot how to add lifebars :(

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- I Found Some Sources That Can Help You Out, Yo! ^_^



  14. Woke up to half a tree downed on my powerline, called cable, got it fixed, then cleaned the house. Productive Wednesday.

  15. FCC WINS...


    Maybe? JUST maybe?

    1. White Ranger

      White Ranger

      @Cook4251 I've pretty much stopped worrying at this point, something tells me it's gonna come back and bite them in the end.

    2. Cook4251


      I know that's true, i'm kinda unbothered.

  16. I am 29 years old now. 

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- Happy B-Day Cook4251!!


    2. SSBKing65✯
  17. I'm baaaaack! And with good news. Sometime by Next Thursday, i have a new laptop put on a layaway. It's an HP flyer red laptop, i found for $279 at Wal-mart. Is it a good laptop. Please let me know. :)

  18. If anyone has PS4, and wants to add me, my PSN is LostUchihaChild.

    1. ~❤Flanya Scarlet❤

      ~❤Flanya Scarlet❤

      ^^ Cool Add mine if you like Anime2015Freak my PSN


    No Yamate! Yugi!


    1. Алексей


      It's WEEVIL. What's the worst that could happen?

    2. Cook4251


      If you lose the game.... you lose your life.

  20. My reaction to the Kolin reveal trailer 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedDragonCats17


      Street Fighter V now has a new character, and her name is Kolin.

    3. Cook4251


      Kolin Is just a Sub Zero/Decapre fusion imo, but she looks great(Also her face...)

    4. NEON 7

      NEON 7

      I'm well aware of that, but I was referring to the video.

  21. Princess Trunks...!

    Please no....

    You lied to me.


    1. Алексей


      What's your power level? Mine's pretty big.

    2. Cook4251


      I'm a foot and a half taller than you,but whatever.

  22. Blazblue: Clusterfuck Fiction. (Not gonna spoil anything, just see for yourself.)

    1. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Guy who looks like beautiful woman with sword fights 14 year old girl in skirt over gems, feels and love. Enter 1980s  screaming rock guitar.

      Am I close?

    2. Uncle Dante

      Uncle Dante

      Which one's more needlessly complicated: BlazBlue or Kingdom Hearts?

    3. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Kingdom Hearts, because it always haves the need to release more games to make the story even more complicated *points a gun at Unchained X*

  23. Aftwe a lomg hiatus, i have returned with a new laptop. Its a chromebook 15 by Acer.

    1. Gaulbetti


      Chromebook?Uh-oh... I hope you don't plan to play Mugen smoothly...


      Or at all.

    2. Cook4251


      I don't its just for movies now.

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