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Status Updates posted by Cook4251

  1. Npw watch all the bandwagoners become Spurs fans, smdh... Heat fans are

    1. Doomguy


      The everlasting Band Wagons?

    2. Cook4251


      EVER freak LASTING... bandwagoners

  2. Heat fans are mad quiet tonight...

    1. C.R.O.M.verydannyboy


      they tighter than a jewish wife's ass right now lmao!!

    2. Cook4251


      Pretty much, hahaha. They got cramps *ba dum tsst*

  3. Aww, he's all tuckered out.

  4. So i found some ai patche for Ahuron's Ironfist Ryu, Han Baedal, and Goh-un. Next video i upload will provide links or inbox me if interested.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Cook4251


      Will inbox to you guys *Boom* Fael Chan.

    3. Cook4251


      Links sent guys.

    4. Trinitronity


      TAW, good thing you have mentioned Matrix of Leadership.

  5. Everyone's playing Mario Kart 8 and Ultra Street Fighter 4 while i'm over here looking out the window like, "It sure is dark outside tonight."

    1. Gaulbetti


      Well, that's good.

    2. Cook4251


      Haha, yep.

  6. That moment when you get to fight Shao Khan in MK3 and you thought it was gonna be a cakewalk but instead rage cause of his OP'ness!

    1. Doomguy


      Unless it's UMK3 and I happen to be playing as either Classic Sub-Zero, Stryker, or Sheeva.

  7. Palettes that should be made: D Generation X palette pack.

    1. Lord Batros

      Lord Batros

      they would just need to be black ,white & neon green, not hard at all

    2. TheAnswer


      X-pac for mugen when?

    3. Cook4251


      Although i never seen it around rarely i need to do some checking. But that's the simplest palette Brock. I just like throwing ideas out for palettes that should be done you know? :)

  8. List of characters that need a harder AI Patch in the future: Buckus' Asura, Chazzanova's Ash. Victory's Sean and Takuma. VegetaZ2(i know its good enough but i wish it were a bit more challenging and combo friendly), and Buckus' Axel. I know Ikaruga made some for his characters which i like.

    1. Doomguy


      And all of Omegapsycho's chars.

    2. Noside


      Rare Akuma.

    3. Cook4251


      Those two, i'm just gonna throw suggestions all week =]

  9. List of characters that need an ai patch(Possibly in the future if they do it, i hope and not a request): Bluestreak, SSJ GokuZ2, Vice(Jmorphman), Infinite's Deadpool, Hero's Orochi Iori. It may happen, but i can hope for the best :)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Doomguy


      Every Omegapsycho MK char needs an AI patch for higher difficulty.

    3. Cook4251


      @Winmugen I have a link to Hero's God Rugal's AI Patch and Infinite's Kain, if you want them.

    4. Cook4251



      You need to check my video's with an AI Patch for Infinite's Kain and Hero's God Rugal, i'll inbox you a link to my videos.

  10. Will we ever get a JSRF 3?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ganbare-Lucifer


      SEGA must stop making repetitive Sonic Games and bring us a Samba de Amigo sequel

    3. Trinitronity


      That's a bad idea.

      We need a new Alex Kidd game.

      Poor kid just doesn't get enough attention.

    4. Cook4251


      We just need the claasics in general haha.

  11. But those changes in USFIV... smdh, you gotta see them.

    1. Doomguy


      They removed Decapre?

    2. Sweetfire13
    3. Cook4251


      They balanced most of the characters out for example:

  12. Just looking at palettes and DBS has caught my eye and Ran and ZombieBrock. Someone should like Do a Cartoons of the 90s palette pack from Cartoon Network.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cook4251


      @DBS you know something like you grew up watching from the 90's like Johnny Bravo, 2 Stupid Dogs, Cow and Chicken, Dexter's Laboratory, Scooby Doo(I know that's hecka old haha) CatDog, Fairly Oddparents, Rugrats, The Grim Adventures Of Billy and Mandy.

      @Zombiebrock, i know you got a lot of pals set up to do, but you guys are my favorite pal makers. I just wanted to throw some ideas out there for y'all.

    3. DBScourge


      The char you want me to do them on

    4. Cook4251


      Shen XIII, Mr Karate XIII(Both by Ahuron), Jmorphman's Kim.

  13. Does anyone have a link to Tetsu Yatogi please?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zemilia


      I think he's still avaliable over at Randomselect. :P

    3. Kazagami
    4. Cook4251


      Much thanks Ryoucchi

  14. If i wanted to change the announcer sound in Brokenmugen(Want to change to Killer Instinct but can't find it), What all do i need to do?

    1. Darkflare


      Lifebars use their own snd file. Just replace the sounds in FF and you're good.

    2. Cook4251


      Much thanks =]

    3. Cook4251


      i'll inbox you DF.

  15. Good lord, i traded Vegeta for this?

    1. SeSsHoMaGoKu23


      Nothing but gumdrops and ice cream in here

    2. Aster


      I'm gonna deck you in the schnoz

    3. Doomguy


      You blasted bandicoot-

      this IS Crash Bandicoot, right? No? Damnit!

  16. Who are you, again? I'm Goku. I'm insane, from Earth.

    1. Darkflare


      He means Saiyan.

  17. If you think your day is bad, remember Vince McMahon lost $350 million today.

    1. Winmugen11


      He probably has more than enough millions left to make up for that loss. Nevertheless that is a great deal of money, so how was he able to lose that all in 1 day?

    2. Cook4251


      I'll inbox you a link

  18. Much thanks to D-B-S and others for fulfilling out my palette requests. Much thanks to y'all :)

  19. Oh and if you see Vegeta, tell him i said "like a bitch".

  20. Tristan Kick.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Doomguy



    3. Trinitronity


      *kicks Doomnukem into a nearby groundless hole*

    4. Cook4251


      Y'all a trip, LAWL!

  21. If i hear "Or Nah" one last time...

    1. Shinzaki


      Or Nae



    2. thekillnator
    3. Cook4251


      U mad or nah, hahaha

  22. So i was using Jmorph's ken(i know i'm late) but i used the Cartoon Ken Palette then used his Shinryuken as a finisher and i found it funny that how he came back down he was burnt out, LOL. Does this normally happen with Ken all the time?

    1. Zemilia


      In source, only happened in Pocket Fighter (Every time you use his Shinryuken). Everything else, no.

    2. Cook4251


      Oh i was just checking, cause i taught it was like a glitch when i used it again Sean, hahaha.

    3. Cook4251
  23. How do you send a screenshot again? I screen shot images with Bandicam now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Flowering Knight

      Flowering Knight

      Mugen takes screenshots with F12, ya know...

    3. Cook4251


      i'm still fresh on that

    4. Kanbei


      just upload them to a host image site like NeoGeoKitsune said or photobucket.

  24. Are you a Yoshi? Yes Goku, i'm a green f*****g dinosaur.

    1. SeSsHoMaGoKu23


      Can, Can I ride you? Haha

    2. Cook4251



  25. And the brain damage. And the brain damage.

    1. Doomguy


      Oh hi Master Roshi, when did you get here?

    2. Cook4251
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