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Status Replies posted by Ultraboard101

  1. I hate Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded so much. The keyhole levels ruin everything.

    1. Ultraboard101


      eh the keyhole levels are fun IMO, when it becomes turn based and also when it becomes a shooter, its refreshing

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. No one really knows if death is the greatest blessing a man can have, But they fear it is the greatest curse, as if they knew well.

    1. Ultraboard101


      ah so true. The reality of if is we dont know what happens after death, so why fear it as much as it is

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. That moment when you're eating mixed cereals and ask yourself: "da fuq I just bite?"

  4. That moment when you're eating mixed cereals and ask yourself: "da fuq I just bite?"

  5. Suprised that one of these sites are still alive...

    1. Ultraboard101


      well all i really know is ucoz guild and FFA, but this place will always be my home : )

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  6. Raging Ken remake coming soon! Color Seperation is a pain in the ass. But Ken will be so much more better this time around!!!!!!111 (exclaimation marks for excitement)

  7. Raging Ken remake coming soon! Color Seperation is a pain in the ass. But Ken will be so much more better this time around!!!!!!111 (exclaimation marks for excitement)

  8. Raging Ken remake coming soon! Color Seperation is a pain in the ass. But Ken will be so much more better this time around!!!!!!111 (exclaimation marks for excitement)

  9. Raging Ken remake coming soon! Color Seperation is a pain in the ass. But Ken will be so much more better this time around!!!!!!111 (exclaimation marks for excitement)

  10. just wanted to give everyone a special number to call if u have women troubles..... 1-800-Choke Dat Hoe =)

    1. Ultraboard101


      boss ill add it to speed dial right the fuck now

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. Releasing Kaede sometime today, and uploading the 95% progress video ^^

  12. Yes! My PSP problem was solved! Now I can resume playing!

    1. Ultraboard101


      I know the feeling! mine was broken to the point where it needed to be sodered! BACK FROM THE GRAVE FTW!!!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. I am off on my quest to find Tenma_Sama.Wish me luck and my sanity...

  14. Going to release Gator sometime today, going to the gym atm =x

    1. Ultraboard101


      nice bro deff gonna check his beefy ass out :P

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. i'm really enjoying MGS: peace Walker, it's a very unique take on an MGS game =)

  16. been up since about 3 yesterday, and still dont know what time ill actually get to go to bed today, got alot to do already

    1. Ultraboard101


      isnt it fun being nocturnal?

  17. Thanks everyone for being so welcoming!

    1. Ultraboard101


      thats what mugen is dog, for the people, by the people : )

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

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