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Everything posted by Ultraboard101

  1. Thanks zombie and arc, sorry i haven't been around as much, regardless hope you enjoy : )
  2. DOWNLOAD LINK - http://mugencoder.com/author.php?id=10 Marluxia - Made By Ultraboard101 ------------ Character Version - 1.0 ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Who is Marluxia - Marluxia is number 11 of Oraganization 13. He is master of Castle Oblivion, however, he is a traiter to the Oraganization, and has his own plans for sora and the keyblade. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Why was he made? - I think Marluxia has a pretty sweet scythe, and he had alot to work with, with his power revolving around flowers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Command List - Physical Combo - ( A A A ) _____________ Description - Ground Combo Best at Close Range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Physical Combo 2 - ( B B B) _____________ Description - Ground Combo Best at Close Range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Energy Slash - ( C ) _____________ Description - Energy shoots out of Marluxias Scythe. Best at Close to Slighty mid Range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scythe Throw - ( CROUCH + C ) _____________ Description - Marluxia throws his scythe with deadly aim. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Launcher - ( CROUCH + A OR B ) _____________ Description - Launches Enemy into air. Best at Close Range to get enemy into air. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Air Combo - ( (IN AIR) A A A ) _____________ Description - Air Combo Best at Close Range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Air Combo 2 - ( (IN AIR) B B B) _____________ Description - Air Combo Best at Close Range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Air Energy - ( IN AIR) C ) _____________ Description - A angled energy projectile that shoots down back down to the ground. Best at Close to Mid Range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______ *SUPERS* ______ Decisive Blow - ( DOWN FOWARD + A ) [REQUIRES 1000 POWER] _____________ Description - Marluxia fades to flowers, and rises above in the air to do a slash that hits the enemy from any range. Best at Any Range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Petal Barrage - ( DOWN BACK + A ) [REQUIRES 1000 POWER] _____________ A storm of flowers is called at Marluxias command. Best at Close range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wind Vortex - ( DOWN FOWARD + B ) [REQUIRES 2000 POWER] _____________ Description - Marluxia Spins his scythe over his head, creating a small tornado, which sucks his opponents closer to him, allowing him to finish off with a brutal finisher. Best at Mid to Long Range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Buzz Saw - ( DOWN BACK + B ) [REQUIRES 2000 POWER] _____________ Description - Marluxia goes underground, and has his scythe spinning furiously on the surface, launching at enemys. Best at Long range _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stalker Beams - ( DOWN FOWARD + C ) [REQUIRES 3000 POWER] _____________ Description - Marluxia Floats over his enemy, calling beams from under the ground to make his victims fall. *THE BEAMS ARE CODED TO SPAWN RANDOMLY, WITH IN A CLOSE DISTANCE TO PLAYER 2* Best at ANY Range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rose Minions - ( DOWN BACK + C ) [REQUIRES 3000 POWER] Description - Marluxia does a heavy combo, which sets him up to create 4 rose heads that barrage the enemy with beams. Best at ANY Range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SPECIAL THANKS* RPGZexion - Made some sprites for me. Laharl - Provided sound clips. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character's Completed For Full Game - Screen Pack Kh1 Sora Kh1 Riku Xemnas Xion Axel Zexion Lexaeus Larxene Vexen Marluxia
  3. Expect an amazing release of this character from a different author....all i can say (not to bash on yours or anything, but my buddy's got it down to a science, that he wrote a book for.
  4. h Haha thanks zin. Yeah i didn't know what to do either. Its actually done really badly. The reaction command tells you to mash triangle, but triangle is for riku you actually have to hit X it is i believe to block them. Anyway, thanks, alot of work went into this one : )
  5. Xemnas Released - alot of hard work went into this guy, check him out

  6. YouTube Video - http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaIS9NZoQRo Xemnas - Made By Ultraboard101 ------------ Character Version - 1.0 ------------ DOWNLOAD LINK - http://mugencoder.com/author.php?id=10 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Who is Xemnas - Xemnas is the leader of Orgnaization XIII, as well as the main boss of Kingdom Hearts 2. He is a nobody, which means he is a empty shell of a human, left over from the transformation into a heartless. He's weponds consist of 2 etheral blades (lightsabers), that can be swung, or used as projectiles. Xemnas's power so to say is nothing-ness, which he has all control over, as well as control over all nobodys. _____________________ **SPOLIER WARNING** _____________________ He is also the Nobody of Ansem the wise, With Ansem (Xeanort's Heartless) being his heartless counterpart. ____________________ **END OF SPOILERS** ____________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Why was he made? - Xemnas is the offical badass of Orgnaization XIII, and has some pretty crazy attacks, he is also one of my favorites. Not sure if this matters, but i think his voice actor does a great job and gives him a very unique voice. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Command List - Physical Combo - ( A A A ) _____________ Description - Ground Combo Best at Close Range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Physical Combo 2 - ( B B B) _____________ Description - Ground Combo Best at Close Range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning Burst - ( C ) _____________ Description - A Burst Of Lighting from Xemnas's Hands. Best at Close to Slighty mid Range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 Way Beam - ( CROUCH + C ) _____________ Description - Xemnas's summons 5 etheral beams from his hands. Best at Long range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Launcher - ( CROUCH + A OR B ) _____________ Description - Launches Enemy into air with Etheral Blades. Best at Close Range to get enemy into air. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Air Combo - ( (IN AIR) A A A ) _____________ Description - Air Combo Best at Close Range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Air Combo 2 - ( (IN AIR) B B B) _____________ Description - Air Combo Best at Close Range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Beam Impact - ( IN AIR) C ) _____________ Description - Xemnas shoots 1 beam from both of his hands to the ground. **THIS ATTACK CAN BE USED DIRECTLY AFTER AIR COMBOS FOR A BIGGER COMBO** Best at Close to Mid Range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ADVANCED COMBO's ---------------- Ground to Lighting Burst - [A A A] [C] Ground to Lighting Burst 2 - [b B B] [C] Ground to Beams - [A A A] [CROUCH + C] Ground to Beams 2 - [b B B] [CROUCH + C] Ground to air - [ A A A ] [CROUCH + A OR B] [JUMP] [A A A] Ground to air 2 - [ B B B [CROUCH + A OR B] [JUMP] [b B B] Ground to air plus beam - [ A A A [CROUCH + A OR B] [JUMP] [A A A] [C] Ground to air plus beam2 - [ B B B [CROUCH + A OR B] [JUMP] [b B B] [C] ______ *SUPERS* ______ All Vanity - ( DOWN FOWARD + A ) [REQUIRES 1000 POWER] _____________ Description - This super is Xemnas's Limit From Kingdom Hearts Days, Where he gains energy around himself, and goes up into the air and fires 2 lazers at the ground from his hands. Best at Close to Mid Range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Energy Spike - ( DOWN BACK + A ) [REQUIRES 1000 POWER] _____________ This super may be unfimilar to most, it is an attack he does in Kingdom Hearts 1: Final Mix. Xemnas's Summons a sphere of blue electical energy that follows his enemy. It does very low damage, but allows you to combo your enemys while they are getting hit for extra damage. Best at Mid to Long Range _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Power Of The Superior - ( DOWN FOWARD + B ) [REQUIRES 2000 POWER] _____________ Description - Xemnas unleashes a devistating combo of swings, followed by a kick that sends your enemy across screen, and he follows up with slash effects. Best at Mid to Close Range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nothingness - ( DOWN BACK + B ) [REQUIRES 2000 POWER] _____________ Description - Xemnas goes into his final form to fire his signature black and white nothingness. (for lack of a better word) Best at Long range _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shatterd Hope - ( DOWN FOWARD + C ) [REQUIRES 3000 POWER] _____________ Description - My Personal Favorite, Xemnas shifts into final form, and goes offscreen, and creates a energy field around his enemy to unlease a array of thousands of beams that devistate all of his enemys defences. Best at ANY Range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hunger Of The Void - ( DOWN BACK + C ) [REQUIRES 3000 POWER] Description - Xemnas will shift to final form, and lift is enemy with purple lightning, As he does this, he encases them in a shell from the void, stealing his enemys life to do moderate damage to them, but healing himself in the process. Best at ANY Range. _____________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *SPECIAL THANKS* RPGZexion - RPGZexion is my spriter. He is really talanted at what he does, and is a abid fan of Kingdom Hearts. He has drawn alot of sprites for this character, and im very thankful for that. Ryon - Helped me with some of the errors i was having with some of the supers, as well as a beta tester. Alexei/Kenshinx0 - General Help with character and some code/triggers i was unfimilar with prior. He also drew the base for the small select port that RPGZexion edited, as well as an abid beta tester. Laharl - Provided sound clips. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- Character's Completed For Full Game - Screen Pack Kh1 Sora Kh1 Riku Xemnas Xion Axel Zexion Lexaeus Larxene
  7. Niceeee this one should be a throwback to when i was a lil kid!!!
  8. You guys forgot Tactics, Cloud was a guest appearance in tactics : P
  9. dude this char looks cool as hell can't wait to see a release
  10. Gonna be a great addition to the rest! If anyone does this series right, its defiantly vic.
  11. Dis File Be FUCked UPP
  12. LOL geeze the spew of ideas that i just heard......idkk lol
  13. Glad to let you be able to say that lol
  14. Did you download it or just so to say "judge a book by its cover?"
  15. sure, lol but how would that work...? The only thing i can think of with a vag is like making them fuck and then have a huge full screen explosion
  16. Not sure dont really care tho, if you guys dont know me and ryon are reallllly good buddys, he knew about this and thought it would be cool to post so thats the only green light i needed
  17. well what the hell does that even mean..? Anyway Ryon doesn't care that its posted like this i know that for a fact lol.
  18. Not sure how to answer that question. Mainly yes but partly no, lol.
  19. [Preview] [Download] http://web.archive.org/web/20130217050305/http://mugencoder.com/authors/details/101 [Comment] Character Version - 1.0 ----------------------- ****THIS IS A JOKE CHARACTER, ALL OF MY OTHER WORKS ARE SERIOUS*** ----------------------- Why was this character made - Good Question. All i can really say is i was in skype talking with my buddys, and some how (i forget what was said exactally) i got the idea to make a character from hand drawn sprites. I think someone made a penis joke, and i though it would be pretty funny to make one (lol). I Also figured it would be easy to draw, and it was. Anyone who takes this character seriously, needs to get their retard levels checked out. With that being said, I (un) proudly present - My Penis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMAND LIST ------------ Physical Combo - ( A - A - A ) Piss Shot - ( B - B - B ) Raging Cock - ( C ) *SUPER* 3 Way Cum - (DOWN + FOWARD + A) - REQUIRES 1 BAR OF POWER
  20. Just a man with a gun and a heart of hate the size of the world it came from

  21. CHARACTER UPDATED TO VERSION 1.1 FIXES INCLUDE - -Better CLSN's -Added a code to make the air combos easier to do from the lauchers -Edited speeds of some animations Thanks for your time.
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