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Status Replies posted by A person

  1. As Neo_fire_sonic annouced in the SSB WiiU/3DS topic Nintendo has open a Fighter Ballot for videogame characters that you want be playable in smash: https://cp.nintendo.co.jp/us/ So put your votes in before the deadline everyone. :-)

  2. YESSSSSSSSH!!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Second worst holiday ever...

  4. There was a statement posted on YU-TOHARU's website that appears to involve Kirino and his DBFC lifebar add-on. Will post in a comment.

  5. What the heck did Jokerinthebutt do to earn "Reputation Hell"?

  6. Is it just me, or is everything related to FIGHTING CLIMAX being removed?

  7. I don't understand how my computer handles Power Stone and Dream Mix very well, but can't handle SpongeBob: Creature from the Krusty Krab and Battle Stadium D.O.N like crap. I tried various versions of Dolphin and others, and they just don't run well. Also, the SFX for Dream Mix doesn't play outside of songs, and Pac-Man Fever's music won't loop.

  8. I'm considering making a roleplaying thread...

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