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Posts posted by TheFclass97

  1. Short answer: yes.


    Bad answer: Figure out why the character's built in AI is being activated.


    Good answer:

    1) Thanks man ^_~

    2) Finding the AI activation shouldn't be a problem

    3) How would the link you gave me help since those downloads affect very specific characters?

  2. Ok, whenever I try to play mugen normally, some of the characters I have seem to control themselves while I control it. What happens is that I would be controlling the character normally and then randomly my character is being controlled by the AI (mostly noticeable to any of the mx 39 sf characters or Ash Williams from Evil Dead). Anyway around this?

  3. UPDATE!!!
    No longer will Hamachi be needed. Now you may use Evovle intstead for those who have trouble with hamachi and somewhat better connections.
    Download here: https://www.evolvehq.com/
    Now you will need to make a profile, but when you do, add me on Evolve to be accepted in our official Party/Server of NET Mugen!!!

    Name: TheFclass97

    Hope you enjoy and keep mugen online alive!!!
    (P.S: Make sure to get the patch above and the DLC)

  4. Huh. So, how does that work? Is that a shared screenpack that IKEMEN uses? Because I saw the character list scroll and contain different characters for both sides. It's interesting, but I'd like to know a bit more about this.


    Also, do you think the tag patch would work with this, or is IKEMEN's programming to different to allow that to work?

    Ok, so basically Ikemen is used as a mugen clone, but with the addition of netplay. Using hamachi (or other software like LANBridger and Evolve) allows the players to  link their ipv4 addressees to play the game. man y people say this is unsafe, but I don't agree (since I'm no computer hacker and its not technically the right ipv4, so you're good). 


    Now as for that screenpack, I made it. I stated that this is NOT A COPY & PASTE MUGEN/IKEMEN, I stated that I will be patching the characters you see there to make the game more balanced and less of a mess like you see on SaltyBets. I'm trying to create a "competitive" mugen of the sorts.


    The both sides represent both player 1 (left) & player 2 (right). Also, the tag patch is a W.I.P. I want to add that, but I'm in the mix of editing/packing some DLC characters and that "ranking" system I was talking about (might be a separete site). 


    If you have anymore questions, pm me or post it here. I hope you download it and have a great time with it.  :hi:


    (Btw, the tag patches actually affect the characters, not the ikemen itself).

  5. Well then... here we go :omg: A fully playable, fully functioning, fully free and SAFE, Mugen/Ikemen online full game download. Now before you have your backs turn, lets get some things stated:

    1-No, this ISN'T a copy & paste game. Respect and credit to all the creators of the characters, they are awesome.

    2-I will be working hard to recreate/create original content for this project.

    Well, now that we have that out of the way, lets get you some links and stuff of the to anticipate for this awesome work!

    -REBALANCING gameplay
    -Rebalance characters for superb gameplay (meaning fixed frames, hitboxes, and way much more)
    -Recreating some netcode
    -Awesome DLC packs
    -Chat (& a W.I.P. Stat and ranking system)(That will take a while...)
    -W.I.P. Move lists
    & more!

    No this ain't a :troll: THIS IS REAL.
    Now Like I said, I give credit where credit is due, Credits to all who have made these characters/stages, they are great!!
    Let's have a well balanced and awesome mugen experience! Here are the links:
    http://tinyurl.com/mc2v8pg - The Ikemen TE/ Mugen TE online
    http://tinyurl.com/kwt642n -  1st DLC (SandBag)

    https://secure.logmein.com/products/hamachi/download.aspx - Hamachi for the online modes (Don't worry, I'll find an alternative somehow and inscructions to use this and the game are in the readme in the DLC link).

    Hope to see you there!!!



    Btw, feel free to ask em any question or requests for future DLC here or as a PM.

  6. I guess many people perfer Daisy to be in it then Rosalina but for me I rather have all three Princesses (include Zelda) in this SSB at least have one of them be secret. Doe I know it might not happen.  =P

    But I actually like Rosalines concept for smash! Besides, Daisy doesn't actually got much to work with... I mean if Nintendo made her actually work well, then you will most likely see Waluigi in the mix since they mostly appear in all the sports/spin off titles (which Waluigi actually came from). With Rosalina, she has a lot to work with and she can expand her own characteristics in smash. Idk, just putting in my two cents in here... ^_^

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