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Dojo Grandmaster
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Status Replies posted by TheFclass97

  1. Bitches and Whores!

  2. NEW VIDEO!!! Something different... a combo video by yours truly. ^_~ http://youtu.be/tyC4YuL5Q9Q

  3. NEW VIDEO!!! Something different... a combo video by yours truly. ^_~ http://youtu.be/tyC4YuL5Q9Q

  4. the moment when you Search for something to download. http://tinyurl.com/mzf872u

  5. I think the order of Capcom made SF2s is World Warrior, Champion Edition, New Challengers, Super Turbo. I think I forgot one...

    1. TheFclass97


      Where does grand master challenge X

      fit in all of this?

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  6. I'm already hyped for tommorow, because tommorow, the Angry Video Game Nerd will review something very VERY big from LJN.

  7. Nigga nigga bitch nigga nigga, nigga fried chicken nigga watermelon nigga, bitch nigga. nigga. white women, titties ass. #SwiggitySwag

  8. ALSO FANTASTIC NEWS! I GOT MY CHANNEL BACK!!! https://www.youtube.com/user/TheFclass97

  9. Due to bullcrap messing with my old yt channel, I decided to make a new and improved channel! It's gonna be tough since I had the channel for 6 years, but to me it's just a new begining... help support... http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHtF8c64MJyZ4d0OcDDD6wA/feed

  10. Due to bullcrap messing with my old yt channel, I decided to make a new and improved channel! It's gonna be tough since I had the channel for 6 years, but to me it's just a new begining... help support... http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHtF8c64MJyZ4d0OcDDD6wA/feed

  11. EVE battle's lifebar never made things sound so old.

    1. TheFclass97


      EVE is still my favorite screen pack. Can't mess with a classic...

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. So, I'm working right now on Halloween hereat the hosptial. I've already seen some fucked up shit, and it's still early. They just brought in this one guy who's head was bashed in and he's on coke. Blood every fucking where.

  13. A Balloon Fight stage in Smash 4 is a horrible idea. It's going right next to Mario Bros. 75M, and Brinstar N64.

  14. Last minute sign ups ladies and gentleman! Everything starts at 11:00 am ET http://challonge.com/NMTETourney

  15. Tomorrow is the big day! Haven't signed up yet? Then damn it, do it! http://challonge.com/NMTETourney

  16. I don't know about you, but I sorta want to see what Fighting is Magic looks like gameplay wise...

    1. TheFclass97


      Totally false. the game has much less broken mechanics than you can see, especially on the Tribute Edition build which fixes many issues. Try it for yourself (not to bad), got a link incase needed.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  17. mugen Online tourney has been annoucned with a date! http://challonge.com/NMTETourney Sign up. Download links are on the site!

  18. I AM THE TABLE! - James "The Table" Hetfield

  19. Without graphic cart on my old computer I can't do anything and I can't work on the laptop because for me is too hard without real mouse...

  20. Damn son, no online challengers?

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