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Status Updates posted by Shinzaki

  1. I don't hate Bayonetta, but Sm4sh's ruined for me now. Like it usually is.

  2. What's better than Saber Alter? Saber Alter in Christmas-themed clothes and is a Rider-class servant, of course!

  3. Now I feel like I should be pissed because my Steam gave that message about my password being changed AGAIN

    1. Shinzaki


      Maybe I had a virus on my computer that I didn't clean (I already scanned my PC and removed threats)

  4. Forum theme got fucked again. Nice.

    1. Ryon


      contact alexei, he is the one who made the Devient Theme.

    2. Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      Mʀ. Sтᴇαl-Yoᴜя-Wαεfυ

      But will the forum take care of those kids if it's the forum's?

  5. Well isn't this a blast. I do believe my Steam account got hacked because my password changed and I have no recollection of doing such a thing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dissidia
    3. Shinzaki


      Which is weird because I always had Steam Guard on.

    4. Galvatron


      You be surprised how Hackers now a days can surpassed even those type of online security. :-P

  6. I ran out of ideas.

  7. Could I have a day where I don't feel like I'm surrounded by idiots?

    1. SSBKing65✯


      That's how I feel every day at school, a few students in my class make absolute jackamules of themselves in class, there's all kinds of people in this world, and you just gotta be prepared and solve the problem in the most efficient way possible. I can deal with these kind of people, I think you should just move it to the Edits section.

    2. Doomguy


      Surrounded by assholes.

  8. "Lelouch, WAAAAAAIT! WHAT IS THAT!?"

  9. "The fuck is a UVARD?!"

    1. Cook4251


      "Oh shit, they threw a UVARD at those guys."

  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKc-E9EUqN

    To think that I was afraid of the King of Heroes.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Galvatron


      Its working now. Cool! :-)

      Is this on PC or a PS-vita game?

    3. Shinzaki


      Mobile/Tablet, I only used Bluestacks to play/record it on PC

    4. Galvatron


      Awesome! thanks!

  11. getttttttttttt dunked on!

  12. Today is a good day.....for me.

    1. Dissidia


      *inserts Ice Cube's Today was a Good Day tape*

  13. There is a lot of fan catering going on lately and I'm not amused by it.

  14. I should probably start giving up on a few things.

    1. you'restillnotlistening


      no...giving up is not your option, continue on!

  15. >Listens to Phonon's theme for the first time

    1. Sir Ghostler

      Sir Ghostler

      Yeah, Phonon's theme is pretty great. Definitely one of the best tracks in the game/[st] expansion, along with the new Seth vs. Hyde theme (I like it more than Phonon's :P). You should listen to that one too if you haven't already.

  16. Let me take a minute to think of something.
    Alright I thought of it. We summon dragons.

    1. Artoria Alter

      Artoria Alter

      Your dragons can be done in by some guy with a katana, you should think of plan B

  17. Tfw Skype freezes for more than 10 minutes

    1. Shinzaki


      And then it crashed.

  18. Good afternoon, peasants. It's time to prepare for spook.

    1. RicePigeon


      Kai you're not you when you're hungry. Go grab a snickers...

  19. Time to get spooky.

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