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Everything posted by Gamer251

  1. Elly by Waribashi: http://www.mediafire.com/?y2ccvcx6bpvbwv3 Found this baby on the MUGEN Wikia :3
  2. wait, what Sariel are you talking about? Sariel using Sakuya? You mean Parsee? And pics to the WIPs you said, night?
  3. Futo ain't being continued, noob. As much as I would like plate-throwing madness on MUGEN another great 2hu 13 character. Let's just pray that Isu is making Yukkuri ladeeh Sekibanki.
  4. Oh and it looks like Kita made an Orin in Cat form: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm10214383 After that, I think he quit MUGEN and moved on to Touhou GTA.
  5. SHIT SEKIBANKI o/ YUSH! And Guilty Gear, eh? Sorry.
  6. And could anyone give me the link to this beauty right here? http://s187.photobucket.com/user/Xenomic/media/Sprites/Touhou/MUGEN/ShikeikiYamaxanadu.gif.html?sort=6&o=92
  7. Wait, there's a Soku-styled Rumia? WHERE!?
  8. Dat Emoness... *is still looking Chinese and still resents chinese people for their fetus-eating habits.*
  9. Yep. But it's only 12 upwards, so it's okay. Be shocked when a 9-year old creator comes here.
  10. Defeated Flandre, Yukari, Koishi, and Nue. YAY ME!

    1. Ganbare-Lucifer


      Obey Bowser... DESTROY YOUR FRIENDS!!!

    2. Forehead


      Obey Malleo! Destroy Sawnick!

    3. yeah ok

      yeah ok

      Meh, I don't play Touhou that much anymore, Sin and Punishment is even better, Mamorukun Curse isn't as good as Touhou but i play it more

  11. http://www.youtube.com/user/rpgmmd My video~ Posting MMD videos and MUGEN vids and gameplays. Still uploading my latest vid, and I hate my net.
  12. WHAY!? Who're her characters?
  14. It was working, but y'know, I don't want it that much. Too laggy.
  15. Nope. I have long deleted I.K.E.M.E.N. from my PC, so, no :3
  16. Well, Starrz is right And I'm reaching my 400th post mark! o/ Anyway, all of nns' characters are already here. Daiyousei updated as of June 2013. The rest, well, let's just say they're offline as of the moment. Hasn't been updated since 2012,
  17. Tenshi Hsts? By nns, right?
  18. Ah, Lukesky. Wb~ I'm gonna post the changelog here :D Changelog: Now, see the difference from v1.0 to v6.0
  19. ... Okay, okay. Calm your tits (and possibly, period) dude. I checked Part 6. It's fine. Basically, all parts are. Maybe MEGA just had problems, y'know? It sometimes happens~ And I'm now uploading the preview video for the game. And soon, the game itself. If anyone wants any old version of the game (Let's say v1.0), PM me.
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