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Status Replies posted by Gamer251

  1. ...Poundcake...

  2. I'm kicked off mugen database!?

  3. Why is it when I apply an AI Patch to Kaguya by G-sho, the AI is great, but you can't control her?

  4. i turn your chair into.. POO!!!!

  5. So many people with the same avatar today.

  6. Is this time pointless? Is there a future? Do I exist in a place like this? If I were to destroy myself with words, Then the words That i would say would be that im a"good for nothing" Do I exist in a place like this? Do I exist in a time like this? If this me were to be able to change, THAN ID ERRASE MYSELF AND LET IT ALL FADE TO WHITE. Song Bad Apple By GUMI Megapoid

  7. the chat atm is BATMANS ONLY

  8. I appear to have Burst into flames.

  9. HNNNG, I just need to play Lollipop Chainsaw!

  10. so my my 3 y/o comes up to me with 2 pieces of paper saying that she has "Pointments" as in doctor appointments ,GD shes cute

  11. so my my 3 y/o comes up to me with 2 pieces of paper saying that she has "Pointments" as in doctor appointments ,GD shes cute

  12. I finally joined 'said' fandom, I'm sure some people know what 'said' represents?

  13. How much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood

  14. This is Madness!

  15. I'm back!!! i was on punishment. i wish i had enough money to buy a house, so i could move out.

  16. Its... my birthday... yay...

    1. Gamer251


      Wish for an alien, future man, and an esper to come up! :3

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  17. "If you tell anyboy about our little secret...I'll kill your dog."

  18. Sayonara wa...mada chotto hayai de...

  19. Sayonara wa...mada chotto hayai de...

  20. Sayonara wa...mada chotto hayai de...

  21. Anyone wanna request a Touhou Fight? Like for example, Mokou vs. Kaguya! Tell me here and I'll create it.

  22. Anyone wanna request a Touhou Fight? Like for example, Mokou vs. Kaguya! Tell me here and I'll create it.

  23. Anyone wanna request a Touhou Fight? Like for example, Mokou vs. Kaguya! Tell me here and I'll create it.

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