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Status Updates posted by Reigizuo_78

  1. Well i leave tomorrow for Tennessee and my flight will be at 7:55........Ahhhhhhh dats earrrrrrrrrrrrrly (._. )

    1. Prodigal Trailblazer

      Prodigal Trailblazer

      i wake up at 4 am daily... get on my level.

  2. Tho i LOOOOOOOOVE the idea....isnt it kinda.......out of place for Akatsuki 2 be in UNIB? http://www.fightersgeneration.com/screens/undernight-akatsuki.htm

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Reigizuo_78


      his sprites are SOO well versed in the game

    3. Galvatron


      Thats Awesome!! =D

    4. ArtistofLegacy


      It's a promotion for something related to Akatsuki Blitzkampf. The company who made it actually made the HD sprites for UNI and I guess French Bread went with it.

  3. Too much PokeMMO for one night lol

  4. I wish Noah would have swatted those 2 mosquitoes..........

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      I don't think mosquitoes got invited to the arc.

    2. Kanbei


      @fael No the mosquitoes where stoaways.

  5. i swear, some guys can make the best Peach Brawl texture hacks ^_^ (too bad most of them are pervy -_-)

  6. Some of these Project M texture hacks are so lol

  7. i am back! (for a little while) :/

    1. SuperCatMeow


      Welcome back! (for a little while)

    2. Reigizuo_78
  8. U GOING 2 JAIL NOW NIGGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Grrrr....i wish VP: Lenneth didnt have this STUPID Period System....i cant REEEALLY enjoy my battles on a leash <.>

  10. Anyone have tales of phantasia narikiri dungeon x w/ menu patch....? i tried patchin mine but the game could not be started -_-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reigizuo_78


      ahhh yeeea....i have the patch BUT applyin it SUCKS lol

      thats y im tryna find one already patched....no luck....

    3. ArtistofLegacy


      It's pretty hard to find the game as is. Might as well try to patch it yourself.

    4. Reigizuo_78


      btw it DOES translate artes and skills

  11. Despite me never hearding ANY talk of this game, DBZ T Tag Team is REALLY GOOD! O_O

  12. So the Mugen 1.1 exclusive chars start........now? (///.--)

  13. What the Heck happened 2 Card Sagas Wars???????? >:L

    1. Ryon



    2. Reigizuo_78


      meaning there is still hope ?

  14. Whats that site dat lets u view older sites again? i forget

    1. ArtistofLegacy


      Wayback Machine.

    2. Reigizuo_78


      OHHH ok thanks

  15. That momemt you realize the only creators that are fans of those new fighting game chars (that are willing 2 make them) start off with their favorite chars (the weird ones no one else likes)

  16. Am i the only one who realized that Dive and Kick are just symbolized as the ONLY type of ppl who can play fighting games??? (Asians and Blacks)

  17. Fun fact of the day: "Arc System Works originally wanted Ryotaro Dojima as one of the playable characters of Persona 4 Arena during the pre-planning stages when they were deciding on the cast. Takumi Iguchiya joked that instead of a Persona, he would summon Nanako Dojima to his aid. However, Atlus rejected that concept." I hatee you, Atlus -_-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ganbare-Lucifer


      ...this pisses me off like Microsoft and Disney...

    3. Reigizuo_78
    4. NeoGeoKitsune


      Atlus makes many mistakes when EU/UK regions are involved, Persona 4: Arena hasn't even been released yet. -_-

  18. Stuck in this "catch 22" situation.........ughhhhhh

  19. 2 questions: 1) Why wont Bandicam record my Mugen 1.0 but will my Win. and 2) wats the best specs or specs everyone else uses?

    1. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      hmmmm...dunno why it doesn't record. Cause for me it does.

    2. Ryon


      it doesnt record because of your video settings in your mugen.cfg.

    3. Reigizuo_78


      so....wat setting works?

  20. Sup guys.....guess its back 2 slooooooooooooooooooooooow dial-up again -_-

    1. Laharl


      ppl still use dialup 0_o?

    2. Reigizuo_78


      at&t is wat i consider dial up

  21. At the gas station.............with mah moms hp labtop.....LOL

    1. Reigizuo_78


      yes the net is out yet again

    2. Mister Fael

      Mister Fael

      Gee man that sucks...i would rather not ask what happened though.

    3. Reigizuo_78
  22. Pandora Tears /Spirt of Fire (Bullet)

  23. Wanna pullup old mugen sites? use this :D http://archive.org/web/web.php

    1. Kazagami


      Wut we know dat already. Not always work tho.

    2. Reigizuo_78


      some mite not tho

  24. Is PRAYING that someone puts dat CVS K' by CVS the Abstract to good use *coughjmorphmanpreferablycough*

    1. ShiroTori


      I believe Basara-Kun is planning to make a POTS/JMM style K' with them.

    2. Reigizuo_78


      i saw his thread but its like a year old

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