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Status Updates posted by Reigizuo_78

  1. Yooo MFFA Family! How's Everyone? And i just wanted to say.......YOU ARE SOOO CLOSE BROTHER! DONT GIVE UP JUST YET!!! 

  2. I guess its COMPLETELY impossible to make a siggy with pics now..................

  3. WHAT HAPPEN TO MFFA while i was gone????? o_O

  4. MY GOD CEO2016 was an amazing time! Cant wait for next year!

  5. Maaaaaannn i want to play more Tekken 7 :(

  6. Guess whose got an awesome new gaming laptop???


  7. Sensing alot of Karin bias on our site loooooooool

    1. Trinitronity


      Nothing wrong to like an intersting moveset...too bad more than half of it was stripped away in SFV, though, because the original moveset was, for me at least, the only appeal about Karin, because I actually hate snobs.

  8. (Dumb Question) Do the 1.0 SPs work on 1.1???


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ryon


      in most cases you don't need to convert anything.

    3. Dissidia


      They work. That's your answer.

    4. Reigizuo_78


      Thanks guys!

  9. Anybody have KOF 2002 UM on Steam??? Id like some fights :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Reigizuo_78


      we shud play sometime

    3. CozySquirtle


      im on steam right now if you wanna play

      my steam username is: kysquirtlefanzerofficial

    4. Reigizuo_78


      my user is: Reigi_Ozora18

      my laptop isnt in the best condition right now but we can still try lol

  10. Well, ima be leaving for CEO '15 Tonight! This is gonna be fun!!

  11. Can someone help me load rom on my Fightcade? plz and thank u :)

    1. MultiHackerines98666


      oh, is easy just insert folder roms and done. c:

    2. Reigizuo_78


      problem is that they dont load...am i doing something wrong?

    3. MultiHackerines98666


      no, it's ok, well open ggpofba.exe and click in load game and cilck un scan rom and done.

  12. That moment when u go to spent the night a TO's House only to find out it houses at least 20 people, abt 8 in which are world's best known smashers, and u enter like: O_O

  13. Who here has GGXrd and wants to challenge me?

  14. If there's not an Ai Patch thread, there shud DEFINITELY be one

  15. So far, moving to San Diego has been pretty nice! I even rode to LA for a Smash 4 Tourney and met and played against CT ZeRo and CT Tyrant lol Rich Brown SlayerZ and others were there as well. it turned out that the randoms i carpooled with knew them personally lol

  16. ANYONE have the SSB 3ds demo codes?????

    1. Sweetfire13
    2. Reigizuo_78


      im guessing no spares? lol

    3. Prodigal Trailblazer

      Prodigal Trailblazer

      no i only have codes for a RX-78.

  17. Brawl Mar--i meant Lucina Confimed


  19. So am i gonna be the ONLY one at Best Buy at 12:00 patiently waiting for 4:00?

    1. Reigizuo_78


      My laptop STILL wont lg me in 2 MFFA!

  20. So am i gonna be the ONLY one at Best Buy at 12:00 patiently waiting for 4:00?

  21. Cant Login from my Laptop??? I deleted the history and stuff and now it just says "No sign in naame entered" HELP

  22. maaaaan i cant find a Download for Ougon Musou Kyoku or cross ANYWHERE!

  23. Sup GUYS!!! i Miss u all!! ive been in job corps WAAAY in the mountains w/ NO service OR WIFI soo i mite be offline awhile until i tell u otherwise....and wats this all abt Yuyu dying????

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Unexpected Visitor

      The Unexpected Visitor

      "what the fuck is a yuyu", act like that and dismiss.

    3. ArtistofLegacy


      Long story short, it was some hoax or something.

      But damn I haven't heard from you in forever man. You ever get a new PS3 yet?

    4. SeSsHoMaGoKu23


      Job Corps huh? ... wonder how you maintained your sanity thus far? and without wifi too? but wifi sucks so you haven't missed much, and there's nothing abt YuYu dying but the convo... that is all

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