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Status Replies posted by Staubhold

  1. Frohes neues Jahr!

    1. Staubhold


      It´s german.

      Danke schön! Hoffe du bist gut ins neue Jahr gerutscht.


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  2. Dunno, but I can´t open some spoilers... Why?

  3. Gratulation Staubhold, dass Gott immer decken Sie und Ihre Familie mit viel Segen, alles Gute zum Geburtstag ... :)


    Parabéns Staubhold, que Deus sempre cubra você e sua família com muitas bençãos, feliz aniversário... :)

  4. yeah yeah, Happy blah-blah-blah. now go get :confuse:



    1. Staubhold


      Danke für den Geburtstagswunsch. :=D:

  5. happy birthday lemon-senpai:Ohmy: i hope you pass good and take care :D

  6. Have you played any fighting games (other then Mugen and Smash Bros)? Just asking.

    1. Staubhold


      Yes.... Street Fighter, KOF, Tekken (later even on competitive tournament level)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. This is fucked up beyond belief.



    1. Staubhold


      Video is private...

  8. This will be my new logo for my website soon!


    1. Staubhold


      Really like his new logo... IMO much better then the one from Kung Fury, there is way too much going on in the Kung Fury one.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  9. This will be my new logo for my website soon!


  10. For some reason, MFFA is having little problems again for me. I cannot load my profile and things are not loading fast on me. Anyone else has the same problem or is it just me?

  11. NOTE: All my MUGEN characters and stages from Onedrive will be removed because these creations have already been uploaded to my created website.

    1. Staubhold


      Thank you... Yeah, that´s the one I know. :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  12. NOTE: All my MUGEN characters and stages from Onedrive will be removed because these creations have already been uploaded to my created website.

  13. Picked up copies of Super C, Castlevania III Dracula's Curse, Ghosts n Goblins, and Legend of Zelda Majora's mask.





  14. I have never said this to you guys, but I have a really hard OCD. Everyday I just imagine how I kill the people I hate and I imagine them on my body and on objects. I just can't stop doing those crazy things everyday. Anyone have a solution for this problem? Shall I visit the psychologist or do something else?

    1. Staubhold


      Yes, visit a psychologist. It will help...

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  15. Tried countless times to Just Impact away from Yoshimitsu's Death Slash unblockable, using both regular impact and Setsuka's infamous A+B.

    Never succeded.

    1. Staubhold


      Ah, you´re talking about Soul Calibur... first I thought Tekken, but Tekken has no "just impacts".

  16. Tried to watch Peanuts: The Movie. Too shallow. Dropped it 40 minutes later.

    Schulz would write the same story in around 20 minutes, with far more observative and intriguing comments, but I think that requiring the viewer to think for a second is too big a flaw for a blockbuster.

    Sorry if I’m sounding too arrogant, but for me, the movie felt like a drag -_-

    1. Staubhold


      Same Rimu... Couldn´t watch it till the end.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. Ich ging nach Indien und sah die führer auf einem eiscremekarton. Ich denke, einige leute nicht über dem zweiten weltkrieg in seiner gesamtheit gelernt haben.

    1. Staubhold


      Was hast du benutzt? Google Translate?

      Ich bin mir nicht sicher was du damit aussagen wolltest. Schreib es auf englisch, dann übersetze ich es für dich richtig....

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. I might quit mugen in one week if nothing good shows up in the news, plus, i'm getting sick and tired of being in this community. I feel like mugen is holding me back.

  19. Anyone remember SMBZ? It had tons of funny scenes and references, It could have ended up great if it weren't canceled, one of the best sprite series ever. My favorite episode was 7. And anyone know where I can find that 1st sound clip?, I think it's from the Stooges.

    1. Staubhold


      That mumbling?

      It´s from Looney Tunes. Yosemite Sam does that...


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  20. A video demo of Wario's 2 new hypers and the new hyper bg:

    1. Staubhold


      That hyper bg looks so nice. Transition too. Good job!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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