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Everything posted by GeorgeMP

  1. My MUGEN game, Team Sonic Fighters, is at SAGE 2020! Check it out.


    1. Nep Heart

      Nep Heart

      Congrats, SAGE has always been one of my favorite gaming events.

    2. GeorgeMP



      Congrats, SAGE has always been one of my favorite gaming events.

      Thanks. Had to crunch hard to get there.

  2. It's probably part of the forum software upgrade that was announced on the Discord.
  3. Yes, but I'm looking for other people's feedback, not what you have to say.
  4. Again, don't mean to annoy, but I'd like to request feedback, specifically when it comes to balance issues, glitches, and the like. I would greatly appreciate that since I haven't been getting it lately.
  5. Don't mean to annoy, but I'd like to request feedback from more people.
  6. I think your idea is cool, but not only is it beyond my ability, it goes against my vision for the game(which is, as could be discerned, a Marvel vs. Capcom-styled tag-team fighter).
  7. After months and months of delays, it's finally here! It's Team Sonic Fighters Demo 2! Download here! Also, be sure to check this thread every now and then for new updates regarding this project, and to join the official Discord server here.
  8. Happy birthday, Darkflare.

    1. LightFlare_Da_Realest


      I'm late but meh...happy b day

  9. FUN FACT: This very site used to have the same Cloudflare thing as MA, but thet removed it around the time they started doing the whole "CLICK ON THE BICYCLES/AIRPLANES/TRAINS/CARS/DEMONS/WHATEVERS" thing.
  10. Sorry to keep you waiting: Here, I showcase Amy's special moves.
  11. Furthermore, which character(s) are you going to be making yourself, if any? I assume you're already making Katerina, but is there anyone else that you'll be making? Also you haven't properly answered Plasmoid's question about the gameplay style.
  12. Can you guys just calm down for a second and bear with him? He's probably biting off much more than he can chew with this, and needs all the help he can get to make this a reality. So I say you should consider being a little more open-minded and not just going "I NEED DA MONEYS IF YOU'RE NOT GONNA GIVE ME DA MONEYS FOR MY WORK THEN I'M NOT WORKING WITH YOU". Not everyone has that kind of cash.
  13. Here's another one: Here, I showcase Espio's special moves.
  14. All reports of my death are greatly exaggerated. Here, I showcase Amy's Normals, Throws, Special intro with Sonic, and other basic stuff.
  15. I've seen many projects around the community that were made by multiple people in a collaborative effort, and I'm planning on bringing on other developers to work on mine, after struggling to keep a good pace on development. However, the thing is, I'm a fuckin idiot I have no idea how to actually set everything up so that the developers can work together on stuff like sprites, code, and other things, and Google got me nowhere. Care to answer?
  16. Are these supposed to be like Touhou characters? Because that's what they seem like to me.
  17. Could you maybe post some screenshots or sprites or other proof of your work existing?
  18. Hate to bump, but, Maybe his characters are just intentionally bad, and that's his style, which explains why he didn't want to improve, because that would mean getting rid of his style. If that's true, then this may just be a misinterpreted case of Stylistic Suck. (Although I don't know if that's actually true or not)
  19. It's OK. Cry not, for there is a simple solution! Just take people's criticisms into account and improve your works. I'm not kidding, it really is that simple. And even a small step in that direction is all it takes for a BIG difference. But in all seriousness, almost the entire reason I was driven to suicide once was because I DIDN'T do that. But, of course, I realized my mistake and pushed onward. Just take the above advice, and you won't be ending up like me anytime soon.
  20. A surprise development update from yours truly: Here, I showcase Espio's normals, throws, and other basic stuff.
  21. Now for a much needed update on what's going on: After some internal debating, I have decided to delay the release of Demo 2 to June of this year. Additionally, I'm going to be spending the next week on vacation, and I probably won't have internet access, so don't expect any videos until I get back. Also worth noting is that I added a direct download link to Demo 1 to the first post for those who don't feel like going to my Discord server just to download my game. I do still encourage you to join it though.
  22. Here's a custom sprite animation I made for Espio:


    1. Gaulbetti


      It always makes me uncomfortable when men lift their legs that high...


      Great animation though, those smear frames are on point.

    2. _ez222


      needs more work...

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