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Everything posted by GeorgeMP

  1. Alright, fuck it, face reveal:


    1. Dissidia
    2. Matiu


      Nice afro-like hair.

    3. GTAguy


      *Whistle* Funky.

  2. Team Sonic Fighters Demo 3 is finally here! Although it is somewhat old news if you've been following SAGE... Wow, has it really been a whole year since the last demo? Time sure does fly... Download it here! Also, be sure to check this thread every now and then for new updates regarding this project, and to join the official Discord server here.
  3. A bit of an update on the status: I have a sprite artist and a programmer. However, we are still looking for playtesters. To get started, simply join the TSF Discord and go to #dev-recruiting. From there, just type out your playtester application, or message me right here on this forum. It's also worth noting that we're still accepting applications for programmers and sprite artists(see above messages for details). As for development, it is still progressing smoothly. For Demo 3, expect major gameplay changes.
  4. Here's the image I tried to replace my avatar with. I tried other images and most of them worked fine so I'm not sure what's wrong with this one.
  5. Uploading profile pics doesn't work. I wanted to change mine, but whenever I try, it just stops and says "There was a problem uploaling this file.".
  6. Apparently Roger Craig Smith isn't going to be voicing Sonic anymore.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GTAguy


      What a shame... Hope we get a Ryan-esqaul voice. Roger was great, but Ryan was my Sonic.

    3. YochiIsC00lest333


      @GTAguyRyan was my Sonic, too. Jason has a voice closer to Ryan, but Ryan is the best Sonic VA.

    4. GeorgeMP


      Famous last lines:


  7. It appears that your post was for a release. In this case, you must specify which MUGEN version your release was made for. Use "[1.1]" for MUGEN 1.1 releases, "[1.0]" for MUGEN 1.0 releases, and "[Win]" for WinMUGEN releases. Try reposting it with one of those tags.
  8. Apparently on mobile Reddit, you can't put flairs on your posts. Try the desktop version.
  9. Not necessarily, but if you want to start posting there, go right on ahead.
  10. spacer.png

    SUPER early sneak peek at my next standalone MUGEN character.

    Coming not very soon to a MUGEN near you.

  11. There comes a point where one must acknowledge their limitations. A point where one must admit defeat and ask for help. For me, this is that point, which is why I've decided to recruit developers. Disclaimer so people don't complain(can't understand why I have to put this here but oh well): YOU WILL NOT BE GETTING ANY MONEY FROM THIS. Just deal with it. And with that out of the way, let's dive right in: First off, I'll need you to join my Discord server(at least, for now, I'll see if I can figure out a way to handle it all outside of the server later). Also, I NEED TO KNOW THAT YOU'RE ACTUALLY COMPETENT. So it would help if you would show your background, as well as some of the things you've made or done(for example, if you're looking to join the team as a sprite artist, post your sprites). And now, here's what I'm looking for: Programmers: Should be self-explanatory. Sprite artists who can make good Sonic Advance/Battle styled sprites: These sprites are quite a bit smaller than most fighting game sprites, so they should be pretty easy to make. Playtesters: Again, self-explanatory. If you think you're up to the task, you can join by saying in either a post in this thread or a PM sent to me, that you would like to join my team, what role you would like to have out of the 3 specified above, as well as your existing work and (optionally)your background. That's all, thanks in advance.
  12. In regards to the combo system, I already have basic light>medium>heavy combos, but if you're talking about the whole LP>LK>MP>MK>HP>HK thing, I can confirm that that's coming for Demo 3. For the victory screen typo, that's also fixed. As for the sprite upscaling, that was done to try to match some of Capcom's older fighting games(specifically X-Men vs Street Fighter, Marvel Super Heroes vs Street Fighter, and Marvel vs Capcom 1), since those were my main inspirations, and I felt that using the Sonic Battle/Advance sprites at their original size made it too hard to effectively play footsies, since you really need to be able to easily judge the range on each character's moves to do that. As for the parallax floor issues, I'll make sure to work that out soon.
  13. Well, if you REALLY want me to, I can remove the link and replace it with something else. Should I?
  14. I just recommended that people go to MA for the downloads, not the site as a whole. That, and I wanted to make sure to include all the MUGEN communities I could in the "Other MUGEN Communities" portal, and felt that MA couldn't really be left out.
  15. Do you wish r/mugen had competent moderation? Do you hate Dizzy's guts and want nothing to do with him? Do you just want a better MUGEN subreddit? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then r/TrueMUGEN is for you! r/TrueMUGEN seeks to be the alternative MUGEN subreddit, and your one-stop shop for all things MUGEN, with the goal being to provide a good community with competent moderation. I'd much appreciate if you guys would spread the word, as it's looking a little empty right now.
  16. Happy birthday, Uno!

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