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Status Updates posted by Amaterachu1

  1. Hey there everyone! How are you doing?

  2. Are you at all related to "Shocking Toaster" or is that some other toaster?

  3. Yooooooooo happy birthday and thanksgiving if you're in America

  4. AK1 Net is down ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

    1. Amaterachu1


      But it's all good it'll be up soon I believe.

  5. Awwwwww snap, boy it's my main homie RoySquadrocks' birthday! Can't wait for Yggdra but first, we celebrate with the ultimate food and a bunch of people yelling at you to say that they love you! Happy birthday!

    1. RoySquadRocks
    2. Nep Heart

      Nep Heart

      🎂 Have a construction cake for your extra year.

    3. RoySquadRocks


      Thank you so much, Nep!

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