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Everything posted by Amaterachu1

  1. Link to Leonardo's stuff in golden Axe 1 is broken I have Death Adder here https://www.andersonkenya1.net/files/file/2763-death-adder/ And alt mediafire link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/bonyp8fu9extcnq/DAdder-1.zip/file
  2. Hey there everyone! How are you doing?

  3. Almost everyone added! Thanks everybody! For me to consider a video game character as a sega character they just need to be published by Sega rather than just appearing on a Sega console. I'm not really sure about the specifics there though honestly. In this sense El Viento seems to be Namco related (which is why Annette is in Namco on AK1). I just cropped the logo for Rent A Hero lol if anyone has a better image that would be nice.
  4. Wwwwow that's a bunch to come back to. I'll try and update in the afternoon if I remember
  5. If anyone wants to please feel free to make a Puyo Puyo Collection Thread. I'm not active enough to really feel comfortable with making it my own
  6. Yeah, AK1 is a master at this or something. He just has years of stuff backed up or something, he'll be finding the most random stuff. You can probably talk to him for the rest. Anyways, do you have an author for those stages? I believe this is the Volfogg you're looking for. https://www.andersonkenya1.net/files/file/24437-big-volfogg/ https://www.mediafire.com/file/ml7qopdxgr2xloq/Big_Volfogg.zip/file
  7. Football Len. There's a Baksetball Len inside apprently. Let me know if there's some trouble. Password is "mugen" https://ux.getuploader.com/mugennico/download/138/FLen_d.zip
  8. Are you at all related to "Shocking Toaster" or is that some other toaster?

  9. Hmmm I thought we were at 3 now?
  10. Oomph. Okay I still got her on AK1 so new link now
  11. Sorry bro, I never saw this post. Here's the mediafire link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/qtvicx98dd6ptad/MARVEL_VS_CAPCOM_ALL_GENERATIONS_BY_MAZEMERALD-RAMON_GARCIA.rar/file
  12. Yooooooooo happy birthday and thanksgiving if you're in America

  13. Okay okay everything added I think. I'm too sleepy to know
  14. Dang Puyo section stacked. Also, I haven't been here in a while! Sorry! I hope everyone is having a wonderful day here.
  15. I'm not sure what doesn't do it for me but I acknowledge that a lot of people enjoy MF Doom and I do enjoy the beats on his songs. I also recall someone who would listen to him with his brother before said brother had passed away. Rest in peace, Daniel.
  16. Mononofu by Moku!!! (from Etrian Odyssey) https://onedrive.live.com/?id=C72E9F7073C84A19!243&cid=C72E9F7073C84A19
  17. Yeah, I didn't want to link them in the main post since it's just a reupload and not author based + you have to register in order to download. Otherwise I have uploaded all Nexus Games/Shin Mako Sega based characters on AK1.net. I already have an AK1 Sega cateogory link at the bottom.
  18. Decided to link Sega vs Capcom and Sega Fighters as well as add a few Sega Mugen related links
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