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Status Updates posted by Astolfo2001

  1. I had to delete most of the MUGEN folder I had on my laptop's internal drive to make room for a text 2 image AI program.

  2. Just replaced all of the Imgur images on my site with images I uploaded to postimages.org.

  3. Just switched to Waterfox as my main browser for Windows

  4. Just uploaded all of my releases to https://anonymfile.com/ and changed the MUGEN page on my site to reflect that.


  5. Recently got my laptop back from the movers.

  6. https://odysee.com/@TheWhiteDevil27:b/EVAUNIT01MUGENSURVIVALMODE:1?r=7EiCrdL3zZZp1Hd2VyiYN8htBBA6ncfA

    The long awaited V1.3 update to my EVA Unit 01 has finally been released!

    1. Astolfo2001


      Man, I sure really outdid myself with that character.....

  7. ohx0uDz.png

    My Stitch will use DarkWolf13's MVC2 Template. This will be his hyper portrait. 

  8. I give up parsec for right now.

  9. A new Melty Blood game and JoJo Part 6 finally getting animated?! Huh, it's only the second year of the 2020s and the decade sure seems to be already going through sorta a redemption arc....

    1. Astolfo2001


      What's next? Namco Bandai announcing a Gundam SEED Destiny: Rengou VS. ZAFT II Plus remaster for the Switch and PC?

    2. Astolfo2001


      But Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code will always be a masterpiece though and barely anything can surpass it, Gundam SEED Destiny (GBA), MVC2, UMVC3, and Million Arthur: Arcana Blood as the best fighting games of all time.

  10. Just changed my avatar

    It's a picture of Laura Bodewig from the anime Infinite Stratos.

    By the way, my Steam Username is StrikeFreedomCat if you're wondering. So, could somebody here please be a Steam friend?


  11. I currently have a room up in Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code if you have a Steam account, the game, and want to fight me.

  12. I'm not dead. I just took a hiatus from MUGEN-ing. That's all.

    And by the way, I have a new laptop. It's a ASUS TUF Gaming F15 laptop I got from Best Buy like this one on Amazon (but mine didn't come with a mouse): https://www.amazon.com/ASUS-TUF-F15-Gaming-Quad-core/dp/B08LL6TSHH?th=1

  13. Fun Fact: Spider-Man (2002) is the best selling DVD of all time.

    Another Fun Fact: Frozen (the 2013 Disney movie) is the best selling Blu-Ray of all time.


  14. Just installed my new WIFI 6/Bluetooth 5.1 wireless card to my PC.

  15. I can not believe Steve from Minecraft is now in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The Super Smash Bros. franchise has really jumped the shark at this point and Sakurai sure is running out of ideas.

    1. Astolfo2001


      That makes me glad that it stopped paying attention to Smash a while ago.....

    2. PlasmoidThunder


      You imply Sakurai is behind every inclusion, which he isn't. He even said during the presentation that Nintendo approached him with the idea.


      But sure, adding in representation from the best selling video game of all time is jumping the shark 😛

    3. Astolfo2001


      I don't care. I hate Minecraft and its cancerous fanbase and this announcement has made Smash worse for me.

      Also, really? Minecraft is the best selling video game of all time? I honestly thought that title went to either GTA V or Wii Sports. Huh....That's something I did not know about until now.....

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