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Everything posted by Flare-Gamer-64

  1. Here she is. RWBY from Ruby. Enjoy. Download: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/ruby-rose-yang-update-184652.0.html P.S: Poor one out for poor @GarfieldfanMUGEN
  2. Please, for the love of god, if you haven't already, block ProsafiaGaming on Youtube. He will spoil the final boss of Smash Ultimate on December 7th with his thumbnails.




    Even if there's no story mode, there will be at least something at the end of classic mode. So by all means, block him asap. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SSBKing65✯


      I don't mind spoilers, personally. I hope Sakurai makes a Crazy Core.

    3. Astolfo2001


      Or it would be like the Nintendo/video game equivalent to Thanos

      *insert Avengers Infinity War joke here*

    4. Flare-Gamer-64


      @The Auditor Yes I know how to block people. I blocked him three days ago.

  3. Here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1JhG6u1wwOnLLb2Vx2YoU4j9yPXRG6PUf It uses the MvC EOH template. And is unfinished in many areas.
  4. It's only one sprite that's stored in the .sff. It's never used, ever.
  5. I'm preeeeeeeeeeeeetty sure you aren't allowed to show stuff like that on this website. At least not without a warning.
  6. PAC-MAN: 08/18/2018 (2) -------------- -Removed infinite from Standing Light Attacks while walking -Removed infinite from Crouching Light Attacks while crawling -Air attacks can now be gaurded by airborne opponents -Added blue CLSNs for the Squashed Animation -Reduced damage by 130% for the She's Got Moves helper -Increased damage to 5% per hit for the Arabian Twirl special -Increased damage to 20% for the Storm Puff special -Increased damage to 20% for the Cannon Helper -Increased damage to 35% for the Cannon Explosion Helper -Increased damage to 50% for the Cannonball's Final Blow -Increased damage to 25% for the Fireball helper -Increased damage to 5% for the other Fireball helpers -Increased damage to 3% per hit for the Flamethrower helper. It will now be a knockdown -Added the Cool Down state for the Flamethrower special -Increased damage to 25% for the Monkey Bullet special -Increased damage to 20% for the Flintlock Pistol special -Increased damage to 20% for the Scimitar Thrust special -Increased damage to 5% per hit for the Pike Ball helper -Increased damage to 3% per hit for the Super Pike Ball helper -Removed Infinite from comboing X, A, Y, B, C, Fireball, X, A, Y, B, C, Storm Puff -Updated the Mermaid Transformaion hyper and reduced damage by 6% per bubble projecile Errrr Roy you might want to update this patch log.
  7. Is this thread still active? If so could you do some palettes for y.y's Hol Horse? http://web.archive.org/web/20071011020727/http://mugenyy.hp.infoseek.co.jp/chars.html
  8. Another day another Lucario edit. http://www.mediafire.com/file/d9770y6ua7vms44/LogCOCleo.zip/file
  9. Sakurai has good taste in memes.



    Real talk though, I can't believe we got not one, not two, but THREE new villains in Smash Bros. Plus with the return of Wolf, we have got SEVEN bad guys this time. Also am I forgetting someone?


    Image result for kirby whip meme

  10. Happy Belated birthday Megaman X4




    And more importantly....


  11. 7 years later, this is extremely ironic. Sorry, I just cannot stop myself from thinking of Joel when I see Roa's sprites.
  12. Three years ago, a song was uploaded to Youtube. This very song went on to become one of the greatest memes in recent memory as well as possibly the best meme from 2016 overall. Of course, I'm talking We are Number One.



    Three whole years this song has existed. And it graced memers all around the world. Many edits of the song were made. Often replacing replacing every "one" with ether a clip from another source or after the one is said it would speed up the video. There were also edits where Robbie Rotten was taken out the video entirely, the video was in opposite mode and many, many others.





    However the story does not end there. As the meme was gaining relevancy the actor of Robbie Rotten (Stefan Karl) was dealing with cancer. People took notice of this and so many people donated money to help him. This is one of the few times where a meme has helped somebody in a good way.



    However, as of late Stefan's cancer has returned. And it is worse then ever. The state as gotten so bad that it can't be worked on. This is extremely saddening.




    We tried did our best, and that's what counts. This is just how life goes. Unfortunate, but we else can we do? Life is life. And we did all we could to help him. And all we can do now is wish him the best of luck.


  13. Chara_GE by GenereiaOut (hosted by me) https://drive.google.com/open?id=1l1M1kJCh2gGWZyiXT6yu8X8pD7bcsYCH
  14. That will probably go public when the Bully is released (if ever, it might be like the spy where he shows it off but it never comes out.) EDIT: It's becoming a full character. Just thought I'd update this so nobody annoys me about it.
  15. Depends really. M.I.C.A has a very neo feeling to it. The first one is mainly Red Black and Blue, the second version is Pink Black and Lightblue and the final version is more or less a remake of the first one with more Blue elements. M.E.S is based of the NES. In which there's a few Nintendo sprites and a very blocky theme to it. It comes with some stages pre-installed too. S.M.E.S is (as you would guess) is based off the SNES. It's got a more vibrante and bouncy vibe to it. Also can have over 1.300+ characters in it. Then there's bit Mugen which is based of the Atari systems. It's very simplstic and can't hold too many charaacters but that's the entire point. Anyone one of these would be a good choice, though personally I would recommend the first M.I.C.A.
  16. Looks Ring Man ga Taonesai got a brother. Nice. I'm going to test this Thing Ring now.
  17. Should we have both the Old and New versions of YKUN's Baldi here?
  18. Now I don't usually play YouTube ads in full but for this I shall make an exception.

    C O M E F O R T H. Y O U ' L L F I N D H O N O R I N D E A T H.

  19. So I had to go to the hospital today to get rid of a spot that has been bugging me for a while now. Suffice to say it was the most boring 6 hours of my life since I had nothing to do. And there was almost no WIFI. It works but only like 5 websites truly worked. And I was so fucking hungry and I couldn't have anything to eat ether. And the worst part is we didn't even fix the issue. We gotta go back mid August. Uggh. 

    1. CoolAnimeHustler


      ʕु-̫͡-ʔु”-- I Hope Everything Goes Well With You, Yo! Stay Positive And Keep Being Awesome! ^_^

    2. Oliver As Latias

      Oliver As Latias

      What is that "spot" you're talking about?

    3. Flare-Gamer-64


      @Oliver As Latias We thought it was like a zit but it got worse. Btw it's near my back. I'd rather not explain more then that thank you.

  20. >Edited EvE screenpack Well you lost my interest instantly.
  21. Breaking news! The first episode of JJBA: Golden Wind has been leaked in full WITH subs! Grab it while you can: https://mega.nz/#!XXxXQKhQ!YQqVRtOBfTMhc0xLlvpZU6araEAIjItmvJfyda6Rb1Q shoutouts to weeaboss for the DL. He's rightfully called a boss for his contribution.


    1. Noside


      Now wait just a fucking minute, this is cam record? no thanks I'll wait, I can't enjoy it like this.

    2. Mr. FuzzyNuts

      Mr. FuzzyNuts

      I'll just wait

  22. Here's our first teaser trailer for JJBA: Golden Wind.

    I really like the look they got going on here. I feel as if this teaser will become the opening. Or at least fragments of it will. Ether way, now we just gotta survive for 3 full months before the series airs. It won't be that painful right? RIGHT?

    1. Mr. FuzzyNuts

      Mr. FuzzyNuts

      Not a fan on how it looks but it could still be good.

    2. Noside


      I just can't wait to see Vento Aureo arc!

    3. Gray Fedora Productions

      Gray Fedora Productions

      I'm a bit mad that its not Gio Gio considering that Giorno Giovanna has no Jo's in his name, but hey, PART 5 IS HERE!! (God I can't wait to see how badly Metallica gets censored)

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